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byyourside .
i'm your soul.


Christy, 19th June.

the miles.

Angela; girlfriend! :D
Chun Luan; Egg! 8)
Hwee Min
Hwee Sze
Jing Wen
Joan; AIR-CON~ ^^
Jorim; superjunior!
Kim Meng
Li Lian
LiJin; oneandonlyhope[:
Liyana; guitar senior!
Lynn; TWIN! <3
Mei Yen
Qi Shan
Shu Ting
Si Yuh
Wan Xin
Yi Ling
Yin Shuen
Yu Ying[:

my days, not yours.

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009


thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

31 December 2008

Being the last day of 2008, as usual, I’ll always be thanking people for all their numerous efforts that they’ve made in my life, whether good times or bad times. But this time, I’ll only be thanking those I feel like thanking and that I can only think about for now. Pardon me if your name isn’t included.

So who’s #01 on this meaningful post? LOL.
Ps. Let’s go with alphabetical order, shall we! :DDD

Angela girlfriend; hey girlfriend. (: it’s been nice how I’m able to know you this year through sec one orientation camp. :D I wanna thank you for actually, numerous things. From all the small things of words of encouragement to the more meaningful things such as being there for me, and always attempting to cheer me up. Though I don’t really approach you for such things, but I’m really thankful within that God gave me a friend like you to give me such joy and laughter. Looking forward to knowing you better, girl! [:

ChunLuan egg; Quackie! :DDDD LOL. What a year we’ve been through. Despite the ups and down we’ve gone through, I’m glad that we’re much closer now. :D I would like to thank you for all your company and your *ahem* wonderful advice. HAHAHA. And nonetheless, for also being there! Somehow, you have that special position in me and you’re one person that I want to cherish and keep in contact with for life. ^^

Edwina banana; bananaaaaa!~ I remembered this year. And last year. And last last year. Wow, it looks like we’ve been through a lot of conflicts, haven’t we? But I’m happy that we’re still friends. (: I thank God that I didn’t lose a friend like you because you’re someone nice to be with. Sometimes, you might not be able to tahan my kind of attitude, but please pardon me okay! It wasn’t on purpose, seriously. And of course, thank you for being our very wonderful chairman of NPCC. I know it wasn’t easy, so please keep on jy-ng till we pass out k! ;D

Estee mortal; many things to say, yet so little time. But nonetheless, remember that i'm always here for you, whenever you need an angel. Thank you for many things, especially the time where you’re like super busy, yet you chose to be there for me because I needed somebody to listen. The small little things such as an sms or a phone call that makes me feel happier and of course, for the lunch outing at Yoshinoya! HAHAHA, at least you sacrificed some time for me and I really appreciate it, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you very much and make sure that you clear your debt that you owe me in 1 years time okay, LOL. Don’t you feel lucky that you have such an angel like me! Teeheeheeheeheehee. :D

Jorim superjunior; superjunior! It feels like I’ve only become closer to you through LiJin and Sheryl huh? But either way, I wanna thank you for all your laughter and crap that you’ve been saying while we’re all out together. Because all the small things matter and your actions can really make my mood feel better when I’m down. Thank you girl, for all these and sincerely, I’d like to spend more time with you if possible! :D with LiJin and Sheryl too~

LiJin oneandonlyhope; hmmm, from what I see, we’ve been going out more this year! HAHAHA. :D I’d like to thank you for keeping my days occupied and like being there through smses when I’m angry! LOL, I know it hasn’t been easy for you to like handle my temper. -.- and that you’re afraid that you might agitate me more. But no worries, I appreciate the fact that you’ve tried to cheer me up and that really makes me feel much better. Thank you once again girl! (:

Lynn twin; twin! :B ahhhhhh, what have we been doing together? ): it feels like we’ve chatted way lesser as compared to last year. And I don’t think it’s a good thing. LOL. Hey, but I really wanna thank you for the smses. Though you’re afraid that you’ll disturb me, but let me tell you one thing. You won’t, because you’re my twin, my dear! :D Remember that I’m always here for you, whether how aloof or distant I can be. As much, thank you for encouraging me. I really appreciate it. (:

Ridzuan; you're just this one guy who really cracks a lot of stupid jokes and make most of us feel like beating you all most of the time! HAHAHA, thanks for really hanging out with us girls and that you're able to click with us as one. Perhaps you might not hang out with us next year(because you turned much more mature-.-, but i'm more mature, still! :B) LOL, but thank you for the company and entertainment this year. SMILE, RIDZUAN. OKAY, that was random-.- LOL.

Roslin pebble; ning! Teeheehee. Wlao eh, I really don’t know what to thank you for lei. LOL, kidding. Girl, I wanna thank you for being a part of my life and just talking rubbish and bhb words that obviously aren’t true. xD talking you on msn and real life is like seriously scary, because everywhere, it would have ‘ROSLIN IS VERY NICE’ kind of thing, but I’m sure all of us knows it’s not true la huh, and that it’s yours truly who deserve that award! HAHAHA, thank you for attempting to cheer me up when I was feeling angry/sad though. It’s a small effort but a big impact within me. ^^

Sheryl mei; lol, I can’t believe that I’ve gotten close to you, because it’s like you had no link with me, even if it’s during guitar, it’s like we’re so distant. But somehow, we got closer, like how did we do that? LOL. I’m happy that I’ve gotten closer to you though and thank you very much for all the nonsense you’ve been giving me. :B making my life filled with colours! HAHAHA. Thanks for always not excluding me when there’re fun things to do together. I really appreciate that God gave me such a friend like you, to brighten up my life in a way this year. :D

XiuWen xywm; wen! (: as compared to last year, this year’s much peaceful for me. And I believe it had been much better for you too, living in bliss eh! F3! Girl, you know what. I have so much to thank you for actually, from the quarrelling, to all the effort you’ve been putting in to make me feel more into the group. I know it’s been very hard on you that sometimes, I’d think about the past and make you feel like some guilty ass. But still, thank you very much for tolerating all my attitude, temper etc, and please don’t ever give me up as a best friend of yours okay. (:

YuQi soulmate; qi! LOL, sounds like ‘air’ eh? :B oh my oh my, I remembered that we’ve been quarrelling more than usual this year. At least, 3 times within .. 2 terms? That’s like considered like a lot already. Aiyoyo, and that really makes me feel worried. But how am I glad that we’re still best of friends and that you’re still together with me. (: I really want to thank you for understanding the plight that I’m in and for listening to all my troubles whenever I needed someone to talk to. Thank you girl! {:

Seniors; Thank you for all the guidance you all have been giving me! I may not be the best junior you can ever wish for but still, I thank God for all of you, that you’ve been telling me what to do and what to improve on. You might not have a good impression of me, but still, thank you for everything that you all have done. :D

Juniors; juniors like shahirah, hazmira, mag etc! applies also, to juniors from guitar, council, whatever else I’m in. LOL. Thanks for all the accompanying and for all the troubles (HAHAHA, kidding) that you all have been giving me. Despite sometimes, I really feel like strangling you all, but no matter what, I still love you all. I might be the naggiest person you can ever know, but be happy okay! Because I’m your senior, hahahaahahahahhhaa. xD

Moving closer to my “brothers and sisters” of God. (:

Church people; Emilyn! En Ci! Fedora! Joanna! Clara-.-! thank you all for always keeping me entertained in church and esp. emilyn, for motivating me and clara to come back for student fellowship. :D and also for, crapping like non-stop and of course, for guiding us as one of the older ones. :B EnCi, thank you for letting me smack paper on your face and for filling my Sundays with joy, laughter and happiness! ^^

Fedora is a crazy girl who only knows to laugh like a cracknut and making us laugh through her nonsensical words. HAHAHA. Joanna, I feel that you’re like a very quiet girl, but never judge a book by its cover! Wlao eh, you very noisy at times siah. LOL. And that you’re easily scared, I realized! But no worries, Christy will protect you, well …… in your dreams! Teeheehee. xD

Clara! -.- thank you for being such a nice sister at times and also being a annoying sister at times. Though we’ll keep on bickering with each other and it often leads to screaming at each other but I still thank God for giving me a sister to love, to care. :D must study hard next year ah, no more playing hard already k! [:

the more older ones, such as Yi Ling, Xiu Qi, Hao Long, Jing Qiu, Desmond, Karen, Timothy, Jeremy etc. I didn’t know there were like you all here until I went for the camp this year. =X though I don’t really know some of you all well, but I’m glad we had fun during the camp itself. I really hope to know more of you during fellowship next year and that we would be able to share knowledge about God with each other during sharing times yeah! ^^

Class .. let’s just leave it to next year yeah since it’s a 2 year class. -.- but for now, I shall just briefly talk about 3C’08.

3C’08 is a class with 42 students, with 80% of the class screaming, laughing, shouting their heads off during class and not listening to the teachers most of the time. The 20% “studious” people tried to study and listen, but sadly, some of them got influenced (YES, I’M ONE OF THEM, LOLLLLL. :B) and became like some crazy geek. HAHAHA. So in the end, we only had 10% of our class, listening. And yes, true, I have to admit, many teachers disliked our class because we were known for being noisy in the 4th floor. And we’re the most playful among the pure classes. :B however, the class 3C’08 does have an impact in my life and that, it’s one special class that I’ve not regretted going to. so let’s buck up and study hard and smart for 2009 yeah, 4C’09! :DDDDD

Yeah righttttt, like as if we will. -.- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

i'm still thinking if i should go for the countdown tonight .

♥Wednesday, December 31, 2008

28 December 2008

and if you had expected me to post a long blog entry today,
i'll have to disappoint you.

, only to realize that everything that i had done was just nothing .

♥Sunday, December 28, 2008

27 December 2008

3rd - 5th December 2008; NPCC chalet.

*pauses for a moment* ... oh, roslin and i were late that day. ~_~ so when we got to the kbox in ehub, we could already hear people like *ahem* edwina, wendy etc singing ~ LOL. (: okay, call me a noob but it was my first time there then. :D

so our slot was from 2 - 7pm. boy did we made use of the time, sofa and food for our $14.50, especially yours truly! LOL. you could see us, the 6 of us, jumping on the sofa and singing because it was a super high song! ^-^

let pictures do the talking. [:

there was of course .. singing. :D
camwhoring. (:
and .. zi-highing?! LOL.

the only people there then. ~.~ myself and egg! :DDD
the 2 best mic-hoggers! xD HAHAHAHAHAHA.


after kbox, we went to eat dinner at the food court. and after, checked into the chalet where we played uno attack! :DDD then, went to the arcade and had plenty of fun. after, proceeded back to the chalet.

we ... watched tv, sleep. teehee. they rented the show that goes "alalalongalalalong, alalonglonglonglonglong." too bad if you don't get it. :P while i was already in lalaland dreaming. (: LOL!

the next day, we went to eat macs breakfast, LOL. then, to ehub's supermarket to buy the food for the bbq and it's also the place where we met up with poh zhuang, liyana, haziyah etc. basically, more people! :D then, proceeded back to the chalet.

sadly, it started raining, so for the time being, we played uno attack, card games? the moment the rain stopped, we rushed out to rent the bikes and cycled for about an hour. i was with egg! ~_~ but then ....... it started raining again. ):

so some of us got drenched and hurriedly went back to the chalet to get changed. and i went on to fetch my sec 2 squad for the chalet. (:

while waiting;

because we were so bored, so we started camwhoring. :DDDD

pohzhuang started doing silly actions ..
so i followed suit. :D
and then roslin joins in!
but chunluan'd rather smile instead of looking dumb! ): <
so we tried acting more stupid/spastic/dumb/idiotic (your pick) but still, we didn't succeed! =/
so we gave up and just smiled along with chunluan, LOLLLLLLL. :B

we kicked edwina and pz out for bbq matters, and then continued camwhoring! (:
acting cuteeeeee. V^^V
-.- told you chun luan only smiles, nothing else. ):

LOL, then after that, fetching them back. we started the bbq. and i'm proud to say that i'm the one who started it, with the help with those who held the umbrella, the firestarters etc. while i was starting up the fire. really, thanks. (:

after all the eating, and drinking, it was already quite late so we decided to leave, roslin chunluan myself. but before that, we proceeded to the arcade where we played the ball games, and in one of the basketball games, i'm honoured to say that chunluan and i have passed all 4 stages, and is standing tall at points of 332. TEEHEEHEE. :B

then, i got home to prepare for church camp! up next, .. churchcamp/workattachment/anything else. just watch and see! :DDDD

♥Saturday, December 27, 2008

27th - 28th November 2008; 1C'06 chalet.
it's time we had a chalet, .. after 2 years. LOL.

okay, let me recollect what i can remember. oh, basically, i remembered that roslin, edwina and i arrived late at the chalet as we had npcc training previously. by the time we got to aloha changi, the rest were already inside playing card games!

it was kinda cool as i saw like double storey chalet that excites me. HAHAHAHAHA. people that were there were .. myself, xiuwen, yuqi, edwina, roslin, nadirah, li lian, zai yong, jing yong, wei jin, pang wen, hao qian, ying lei and eugene ng. mark was sick, so he didn't come.

we started the bbq around 7. and it turns out to be quite a success. thanks to the guys who setted up the fire, those who prepared the food, cooked the food etc. but not those who ate the food without helping! LOL. you know who you all are, the guilty ones. HAHA. oh yes, nadirah and li lian left after the bbq.

then we played more card games, uno stacko. seriously, next time, the fastest way to pass time is to play more games. instead of just having cards, cards and more cards. i got quite bored of it to the extent that i wanted to sleep already! hahaahaahahaa.

so we stayed up the entire night, for as far as i know. talk, joke and laugh. and we ordered macs at 2. how i pity the delivery man who had to take the 'ulu' route all by himself early in the morning. but nonetheless, i enjoyed my milo. =D

evidence of eating macs;

retarded faces, HAHAHAHA.
they 2 were competing who could eat more fries?! ._. i can't remember.

well, we stayed up till around 5+ then we proceeded out to watch the sunrise. (:

what a pity! we missed the sunrise! ): so being disappointed, we made ourselves back to the chalet and we took naps, seperately. and then, ... the guys pangseh-ed us! -_- wonderful ehhhh. =.=

so around, 9+ we woke up and checked out and took bus 29 to interchange. but halfway through, it broke down! grr, what a good start to start a day with eh? =/ ate macs breakfast and chatted in century square where te comfy cushions were. (:

and after that, edwina, yuqi and i rushed back to school for a meeting with all of us looking dead. T_T HAHAHA. okay, 2 events done, a few more to go~_~

♥Saturday, December 27, 2008

24th November 2008; "D" leaders' seminar.

Sandcastle building:
we're expected to build this resort for the olmypics coming up in 2010 using sand.

RED(my group! :DDD)

the structure's like a guy running with a torch of life!
nope, it's microphone of life .. ! =DDD teeheehee.
my work scope; to build walls, walls and more walls. LOL.

medical centre, where all the casualties get their injury healed there.
where the resting area is, girls on left, guys on right. ._.

after lunch, we went out to check out the adults' sandcastle building. wow, it's like super good! ^^

ADULTS sandcastle:

after sandcastle-building, we had beach cleaning as CIP. as we walked to the OBS centre. once we got there, we settled down and had lectures by mr bernard and mr sim. both talks were very inspirational and i learnt a lot through those lectures.

we thought of a new activity that should be initiated to the school. and what my group did, was to do the first walkathon! :D my group consists of quite a number of people, ._. namely, lynntwin, nisya, esteemoral, iris, kamini, leon, shawn, mark and yeow hong. but i'm sure we had funnnnn!

after all the buffet, area cleaning, we packed up and left for school before it's!
home sweet home. :DDDD that's all~

okay, get ready for more posts coming up either today or tomorrow! (:

♥Saturday, December 27, 2008

21 December 2008

i'll be away. (:
from 22nd - 23rd december 2008, for trainers camp.
miss me okayyyyyy! :DDDDDDDDD

if not, i won't miss you! ~.~
teeheeheeeeee! :B

everything happens for a reason .

♥Sunday, December 21, 2008

20 December 2008

it's kinda sad how whenever i have the mood to blog, something just suddenly pops up and spoiled my entire mood to blog, causing me to not update and disappointing readers that do read my blog. =/ i gave lynn my word that i'll update tomorrow, for the 1 month that i've not been updating promptly here. hope nothing goes wrong tomorrow then.

i tried posting up quizzes. but sadly, it disappeared. so being lazy and super tired, i can't be bothered with doing it all over again. sorry if you've been anticipating for my post uh. =/ well, looks like i've no choice but i'll have to blog tomorrow then. teeheehee.

i'll try to update as much as possible tomorrow okay! :DDDD before i leave for trainers camp on monday.

you too must be patient. make your heart firm, because the coming of the lord is at hand -- James 5:8.

♥Saturday, December 20, 2008

17 December 2008


xywm and soulmate's leaving for cambodia tomorrow morning! i'll definitely miss them. ):
ps. why is everyone privating their blog or on hiatus nowadays? ): i feel super bored like coming online because there's no updates to see except for myself. -_-

wish me luck. =/

♥Wednesday, December 17, 2008

14 December 2008





♥Sunday, December 14, 2008

09 December 2008


Jie loves you! (: haha, must take care of yourself during camp okay!

girlfriend's coming back today! OH YAY, i missed her so much. =/

♥Tuesday, December 09, 2008

08 December 2008

well, i wouldn't want you all readers to come to my blog feeling disappointed, so i decided to post. not about life, but quizzes, LOL. i saw this from mortal's blog and since i was bored, i started doing it. teeheehee. :DDD

1) My friends; have always been with me despite the hard times.
2) I’m listening to; 倒带.
3) Maybe i should learn; how to let go of certain things/somebody.
4) I love; my family, wenqiningluan, twin, mortal, oneandonlyhope, friends etc.
5) My plan; to plan someone's big day! =D
6) I don’t understand; why people can be so complicated and hard to understand.
7) I lost; friends whom i've trusted in.
8) People say; i think, worry, talk, nag too much! ):
9) I'm missing; those who i haven't been seeing for a longlong time! (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ALL ARE.)
10) Love means; sophicated.
11) Somewhere, someone is; living in bliss.
12) I'm always searching for; the best path at the road junctions of my life.
13) Forever seems; unpredictable.
14) I do not want to; lose trust in another close friend.
15) My mobile phone; is very sensitive nowadays.
16) When i wake up in the morning; i wonder how's the day gonna work out.
17) I get annoyed when; things don't go the way i expected it to be.
18) Parties are; fun and boring at certain times.
*POOF!*, 19 went.
20) Today i; did something magnificent and went for tuition.
21) Tmr i will be; at the zoo interacting with the animals (!!!!) :DD
22) I really want; to get off my busy schedule and go on outings with you-all-know-who-you-are! ^^
23) I miss; the childhood times when i was a kid.
24) What is your phone brand?; sony ericsson.
25) What's the last 3 digits of your num.?; 876
26) What does the second message in your inbox say?; Haha, sure :) - Edwina.
27) Who was the last person you rang?; soulmate!
28) Who was your last missed call from?; xywm!
29) What does the oldest message in your inbox say?; long message by oneandonlyhope. [:
30) Who comes after J?; Kamini!
31 to 39 got kidnapped and was thrown to mars for labour work. LOL.
40) Go to your sent messages- see what the 10th message say.; Okay, is it possible if you can help me take down the minutes? Or whoever. - Sent to Edwina.
41) Who is your network provider?; Starhub!
42) How many messages are there in your inbox?; there's too much to even, count.
43) Who do you have on speed dial 3?; i'm lazy to set speeddials.
44) If you're using prepaid card, how much credits do they have?; -
45) Who is the first person who comes after C?; Daddy! xD
46) What do you have as your main ringtone?; If you are not the one.
47) Pass this quiz to 10 ppl!
1. xiuwen.
2. chunluan.
3. roslin.
4. edwina.
5. magdalene.
6. lynn.
7. angela.
8. sheryl.
9. idontknow.
10. anybody else!

okay, i know that i'm supposed to blog about life, logically. but it's just that i don't have the time and mood. :X maybe when this week is all over, then i shall just blog about life again? i seriously think i have no life nowadays. -.- oh wells, till then!~

-; sometimes, we don't really express ourselves openly. but that doesn't mean that we don't know or we don't care or we can't be bothered. we do, but we express it in a different way. friends have always been there for you, and this all just boils down to one thing - are you willing to share your burdens with them?

i'm just tired of waiting .

♥Monday, December 08, 2008

05 December 2008

i'll be off for church camp in about .. 7 hours + time? and i haven't even packed up my stuff! :B and also sleeping as well. i just came back from chalet like an hour ago, and despite my legs' aching very badly now and becoming very exhausted, it was fun though! :D but i'll be leaving again. =/

i can't help but feel that i'm so isolated from the family nowadays. thinking about it now, i really feel like a bad daughter. =/ but oh wells, the only thing i can do is to use my free time to accompany them then~ and oh yes! work attachment's reduced to 4 working days, as 8th dec is hari raya. (:

5th - 6th dec; church camp!
9th - 12th dec; work attachment! (ZOOOOO. :DDD)
14th dec; momopebble's big day. ^^V
16th - 17th dec; humanities and emaths re-test uh! =/
19th dec; sec 1 oc general meeting cum registration for sec 1'09.
22nd - 23rd dec; trainers camp.
25th dec; christmas! :DDDD HOHOHOHOHOHO.
and monday, saturdays, tuition. T_T

i want to go outttttttttttt! ): my holidays this year seems so screwed up, studying studying more studying becomes more activities, cca-related. ._. but still, no outings! =/ we have to so go out after the re-test! xiuwen yuqi roslin chunluan lynn angela estee lijin sheryl jorim, and more! o(^.^)o

i'm still, speechless .

♥Friday, December 05, 2008

有时候,这是信任的问题 .

♥Friday, December 05, 2008

03 December 2008

it's the 3rd of december, and angela's off to japan! =/
and she'll be back on the 9th.
girl, must take care and enjoy yourself okay!
bon voyage. (:

i wonder how is twin doing over at taiwan now.
speaking of which, lynn's coming back on the 7th.
woo, i can't wait! :DDDD

bahhhh, i miss you already, girlfriend! =/

♥Wednesday, December 03, 2008

this isn't a blog post. it's just my thoughts. if you don't have the time, don't read it.

sometimes, matters of the heart is difficult to inteprete, isn't it? it's amazing how one can get so attracted to the other and when it's reciprocated, it all seems like a fairy-tale ending. the princess meets the prince, the prince meets the princess and they live happily ever after.

3 days ago, on sunday, where i attended church. besides the pastor sharing about friendship during sermon, he also talked about how to choose the right partner/handling relationship etc. and he said, that us as teenagers, as we start to grow, we'll start to have special feelings on the other party.

however, many teenagers don't know what's real love. most like the other party because he/she is handsome/pretty/cute etc. and he said it as puppy love. it's sad how some people actually "chooses" their partner this way.

when choosing the right partner, firstly, you have to of course get attracted to the opposite gender. then, ask yourself! is his life similar to yours? maybe this problem wouldn't affect you both when both of you are in a relationship. but it will, in future.

example, if both of you are of different religions, when you have a child, who is he/she gonna follow? the father or the mother. and if you're unable to get to a conculsion, wouldn't you foresee yourself quarrelling with your partner thus worsening the relationship.

sometimes, love is all about compromise. if both sides won't compromise, wouldn't things get awkward? but of course, love wouldn't work out if both sides keep on compromising. it's about one taking it in, and the other giving in. it doesn't have to always be the male side who always have to give in. just imagine, if you keep on giving in to the other though there're certain times that you're right, ... how'd you feel?

love is about selflessly giving. in order to keep a relationship going, we'd have to give our care and concern to the other selflessly. don't wait for the other to start giving first, because if both of you have the same concept, this would not work out. it's the same thing as respect, if you want others to respect you, you'd have to respect others first. similarly, if you want others to give you care and concern you'd have to be the one giving first.

love is about taking the initiative. okay, let's say you like this girl/guy for quite a while already, but you don't have the courage to say it out. and then you wait and wait, you see them getting attached, dating and then married.

wouldn't you feel sad, and guilty that you didn't confess? now, it's not about your pride/face, it's about your happiness. the decision you make would affect yourself in future. if you pick up the courage and confess now, who knows? the other has always been waiting for you to make the move.

but even if your love is one-sided, and your hopes turned out to be a disappointment, it's okay! it's not like it's the end of the world, isn't it? you're just hurt. in life, this journey isn't smooth-sailing. we do fall, we do stand up. you may live in self-denial for a while, but not forever. if we keep on living in the past, who's gonna take over the 'you' in the future?

you have to pick your ownself up. even if you give up on love, give up on hopes, give up on your life, some may console/encourage you. but nobody's gonna pity you. so wake up to your senses, and move on because if you aren't meant for this person, it just simply means that there'll be a better one in future.

love is about inner beauty within. when you really like a person, it isn't about the appearance. it's his/her personality, behaviour, attitude that attracts you. never judge a book by its cover. it may be a pretty face on the outside, but who's gonna guarantee you that it's pretty heart within? choose someone who gets along with you most, because that part is going to matter when both of you are growing old together.

love is about respect. when you're in love, it's just like two hearts merged as one. however, you're still yourself, and your partner's still his/herself. as much as you have your circle of friends, they too have, theirs. you can't possibly stick to them like .. , thinking that this would make the relationship feel closer. perhaps, they might not mind initially, but in the long run, it's gonna backfire.

he/she may be your world, but sometimes, love is just like a kite. you're the one holding the string, the other party's the kite. he/she feels so far yet so near, so near yet so far. you have to learn how to let the string loosen, and you have to know when to tighten. if you're able to do so, i believe that this love is meant to last.

love is all about communication. it can be through any methods, calling/sms-ing/msn whatever. you might not be able to see each other everyday, but sometimes that can be really a good thing. because when you're not able to see the one you like, you'll start to miss him/her and that's when you start to treasure him/her more.

and that would make you wanna talk to him/her more, to at least indicate you still care for him/her. and by knowing how much you miss him/her, it just signifies how important that person is to you. don't make the other party feel that you need him/her more than he/she does, because that's when he/she would start to take you for granted.

and when one makes a mistake, if it's true love, you'd give him/her a second chance. sometimes, it's only when one starts to lose something, then they'd know how to cherish. certain people are like that.

love is about responsibility. it's not just about having fun together. when in a relationship, it must also be on a basis where each other's willing to take charge of each other's future, ensuring that it's the best, that you wouldn't want to see the other hurt, sad, angry .. etc. basically, just taking responsibility in his/her emotions, actions, words.

love is about being selfless. putting the other ahead of yourself, taking care of his/her needs, wants. however, you must also know that there's a certain extent. if what he/she wants is something that would ruin your 人格,then he/she is not worthy of your love. and when your feelings aren't returned, sometimes, the best thing that you can give is your blessing, your blessing for him/her to be happy always.

however, it's sad how certain people twisted that logic, and by just suddenly leaving without any reason, instead of inflicting minimal hurt to the other party, it inflicts the most hurt instead. isn't that ironic? leaving because it's for the other party's good, however at the end of the day, he/she made the other suffer instead?

and when all of that has happened, all they do is to run away from reality, run away from the other party. and feel sad themselves, but if there's really a reason why there's such a need to seperate, why not explain and come up with a solution? even if seperating is unavoidable, at least both knows the reason why and maybe the hurt might be further reduced.

sometimes, avoiding and running away from the problems hurts the other party more than letting them know the truth instead.

..... O.O
whether you believe it or not, i haven't been in love, neither have i liked somebody before. this is just what i feel upon seeing everybody around who i know has been/still is in a relationship. and based on experience observation, i feel that when all of the above can be fulfilled, i guess that's love.

it's either love or just, nothing .
and when it's not, learn how to pick yourself up and move on .

♥Wednesday, December 03, 2008

01 December 2008

why can't you just believe me, my words, my actions ..?

i'm speechless .
i'm sad .

♥Monday, December 01, 2008