Christy, 19th June.
If you got married to your most best guy friend, would you be happy?
; not applicable. (HAHA, i don't have a best guy friend)
What did you do this afternoon?
; i took a nap.
When was the last time you smiled?
; ._. now? (yes, i'm smiling to myself, haha! :D)
Can you use chopsticks?
; yes, but not the proper way .):
Who was the last person you slept next to?
; clara.
What do you order from taco bell?
; -
Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
; hmmm, this person doesn't exist. (as of yet)
Do you remember what you were like a year ago?
; yes, a cute girl with rebonded hair (LOL, kidding, i'm not cute ): )
Do you have unlimited texting?
; yes, and because of that, many envy me, HAHAHA.
Ever cried because of happiness?
; yes.
Anything you're giving up on?
; uh, yes but i'm still holding on, somehow.
Whose pool did you last swim in?
; some swimming complex. ._.
Are you planning on throwing a party this summer?
; no plans as of yet.
Which girl's house was the last you spent the night at?
; soulmate's!
What makes you laugh?
; silly things that don't make sense. ;D
How was last week?
; just like any other, as busy as ever.
What could you go for right this second?
; -
What are your plans for the morning?
; sleep as much as i want, and do my tuition homework.
Do you ever turn off your cellphone?
; it's on 24/7!
Do you like certain romantic cliches?
; yes. (:
Where is your best friend(s) at this exact moment?
; hmmm, all at home apparenly?
Do you have a ceiling fan located in your room?
; nope, but i have a high ceiling! ^^
What is the worst thing that has happened to you lately?
; finding out that some people close to me wasn't who i really expect her to be.
What color is your car?
; *fast forwards to the future* uh, white. :D
What sounds are you currently hearing?
; one of my favourite songs currently!
Have you told anybody you loved them today?
; haha, yes, sheryl!
Do you miss anyone?
; 秘密, haha. (:
Are you growing apart from someone close?
; yes, that's how i'm feeling recently.
Where was your default pic taken?
; in malaysia, at the orphanage with the small chio girl. :D
Have you ever liked anyone on your top friends?
; nope!
How much are you on the phone daily?
; depends.
Are you in a good mood?
; yeah, feeling much better now.
Have you ever been in love?
; no and not really looking that forward actually, but when the time comes. (:
Do you love your life?
; i don't know, but i believe there's a purpose behind it when god gives me a challenge to overcome. [:
Who do you trust with EVERYTHING?
; mostly, myself. sometimes, with close friends.
What will you be doing in 3 hours?
; i see myself on my comfy bed sleeping. xD
What were you doing at midnight last night?
; on the computer.
What is your background on your phone?
; me with fellow baichis.
Where is your favorite place to shop?
; anywhere with cheap but good deals! :D
What is your favorite thing to wear?
; anything comfortable, i'm pretty laid-back actually. xD
Do you think you are a good driver?
; -
Could you go a day without eating?
; nope, i live to eat, and i eat to live, LOL!
Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?
; shahirah.
Were you happy when you woke up today?
; no, because i was awoken from my deprived sleep! ):
Are you ticklish?
; i used to be. D:
First thing you do when you wake up?
; check my phone for any messages/missed calls. if not, hit the snooze button.
What's on your bedroom floor right now?
; oh, it's a mess, too complicated to describe, haha!
Ever talked to someone that was drunk?
; hmmm, nope.
Do you trust people easily?
; on the surface, no. but within, yes.
Do any of your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
; it's still in good condition! (:
How many pillows on your bed?
; 2, but i only use 1 apparently.
Are you single?
; yes! :D
Do you have a crush on someone?
; nah!
Do you hate the last guy you texted?
- at times, LOL, when he gives m endless sums that i can't do! ):
When was the last time you took a nap?
- this aftennoon!
Do you only drink bottled water?
- ._.?
What are you listening to right now?
- bei ji xing de yan lei.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
- shahirah.
Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
- mummy!
What's on your mind most today?
- what's gonna happen tomorrow.
Something that happened today that made you angry?
- no, gladly! :D
Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
- sometimes, talk. sometimes, hide.
Do you wear makeup?
- no.
Are you missing someone?
- am i? O.O
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
- yes, everyone makes mistake. but then again, it depends on the situation.
What instant messaging service do you use?
- msn.
Would you date/hook up with your brothers best friend?
- i don't have a brother. ._.
Have you ever had a panic attack?
- haha, yes when i was young with no brains. LOL
What color is your hair?
- black with a bit of golden and white. HAHA.
Who was the last person you talked to in person?
- youngest sister.
Are you happy or sad right now?
- both, somehow. actually, i don't know.
Is your phone right beside you?
- no, it's only 1m away from me though.
Are you cold?
- no.
What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
- free from exams, and getting more new clothes, holidays, prom night, graduation! :B
First thing you did when you woke up?
- check my phone.
What does your best friend(s) call you?
- beibei-.-
Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing?
- snow, of course!
Who do you call the most?
- xiuwen, i guess.
What were you doing 10 hours ago?
- showering.
Have you ever fought for the opposite sex?
- no, i'm not that childish. -.-
Are you that good at math?
- no, not at all. =/
Do/did you listen to your parents?
- when they sound logical.
At what age did you learn to ride a bike?
- around 5?
What's your favorite holiday?
- the one at australia (!!!!)
Ever dyed your hair?
- nope, but i intend to, after JC life!
Love anyone right now ?
- yes, many. family, friends.
Do you cry a lot?
- i wished i could.
Are you good at keeping secrets?
- it's not up to me to decide.
What did you do today?
- one thing is that i took a nap, teehee. :D
Do you crack your knuckles?
- used to so now my fingers look short and fat-.-
What kind of tattoos do you want/ have?
Do you give special ringtones to certain people?
- yeah, ringtones that reminds me of them.
Have you talked mean about anyone today?
- no.
Can you remember your last dream?
- no.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
- i think so.
Suppose you see your boyfriend/girlfriend kissing another person, what would you do?
- i don't know, cause i don't have one. but if so, i'd most probably go nuts. T_T
What is bothering you right now?
- tuition homework, re-exams etc.
Can you type over 60 words per minute?
- haha, i don't think so, i'm a slow typer, LOL.
Would you be able to date someone who had a kid with someone else?
- -.-
What will you be doing 5 hours from now?
- i'll still be sleeping i guess.
What was the highlight for today?
- sleeping. HAHA.
Did you had fun today?
- haha, so-so.
If you were to die in a few hours time, what would you do?
- do things that make myself happy.
FIRST SCHOOL: marine parade PAP and proud of it! ^^
FIRST CELL PHONE: nokia phone, without colour!
FIRST FUNERAL: when I was 5 years old.
FIRST PET: turtle called .. dolly? ._. i can't remember the name, LOL.
FIRST BIG TRIP: i don't get you.
FIRST FIGHT: with sister, clara.
FIRST CELEBRITY CRUSH: LOL, no recollections of it though.
FIRST TIME OUT OF THE COUNTRY?: indonesia when i was 2/3.
LAST PERSON YOU HUGGED: soulmate, haha!
LAST CAR RIDE: this morning.
LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: longlongago.
LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED: beverly hills chihuahua, LOL!
LAST FOOD YOU ATE: chocolate flavoured sticks!
LAST SHIRT WORN: church camp tee.
LAST PHONE CALL: last night.
LAST TIME AT THE MALL: this afternoon.
LAST PERSON YOU SAW: youngest sister.
okay, 4 quizzes. i'm tired to continue any longer. haha, alright now i'm off to accompany my sister to watch goong, princess hours! i suppose i shall blog about life soon! but for now, it's watching and sleeping! :D toodles! ~
ps. i miss you lynn twin! come back soon okay. (: love you, dearest! :D