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byyourside .
i'm your soul.


Christy, 19th June.

the miles.

Angela; girlfriend! :D
Chun Luan; Egg! 8)
Hwee Min
Hwee Sze
Jing Wen
Joan; AIR-CON~ ^^
Jorim; superjunior!
Kim Meng
Li Lian
LiJin; oneandonlyhope[:
Liyana; guitar senior!
Lynn; TWIN! <3
Mei Yen
Qi Shan
Shu Ting
Si Yuh
Wan Xin
Yi Ling
Yin Shuen
Yu Ying[:

my days, not yours.

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009


thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

30 November 2008

xywm tagged me to do this quiz! as unwillingly i am, but since i'm bored now and i'm super lazy to blog about life, i've decided to keep myself entertained with quizzes! :DDDDD

Three names you go by:
1. christy.
2. beibei. ):
3. baichi. )):

Three screen names you have had:
1. christy.
2. angeloffatex.
3. .... i can't remember. -.-

Three parts of your heritage:
1. singapore.
2. indonesia.
3. chinese.

Three things that scare you:
1. being alone.
2. being given the cold shoulder.
3. getting lost.

Three of your everyday essentials:
1. handphone.
2. music.
3. loved ones.

Three things you are wearing now:
1. church camp t-shirt.
2. fbt shorts.
3. ear piece. (told you so! ^^)

Three of your favourite songs:
1. 北极星的眼泪.
2. skyway avenue.
3. just so you know.

Two truths & a lie, in no particular order:
1. sometimes, i keep myself away from reality and live in illusions.
2. i love to sing to myself while listening to music.
3. i have a crush on momoren.

Three of your favourite hobbies:
1. listening to music.
2. sleeping :BB
3. anything challenging and fun :D

Three things you want to do really badly now:
1. go on outings with baichis, mortal, oneandonlyhope etc.
2. sleep for long hours.
3. breakdown. =/

Three careers you’re considering/you’ve considered:
1. teacher. (tian ah, that was so long ago-.-)
2. psychologist. :D
3. obs instructor (!!) O.O

Three places you want to go on vacation to:
1. Japan.
2. Italy.
3. France.

Three things you want to do before you die:
1. spend some time alone and reflect on past memories.
2. do the sillest and stupidest things with close friends. (:
3. find my other half ._.

Three things that make you stereotypically a boy:
1. i whistle.
2. i have muscles. (that makes me strong, LOL)
3. i am cool. xD

Three things that make you stereotypically a girl:
1. i worry too much.
2. i'm starting to like shopping! (teeheehee)
3. self-conscious.

Three people that you would like see take this quiz too:
1. twin.
2. egg.
3. du di.

If you got married to your most best guy friend, would you be happy?
; not applicable. (HAHA, i don't have a best guy friend)

What did you do this afternoon?
; i took a nap.

When was the last time you smiled?
; ._. now? (yes, i'm smiling to myself, haha! :D)

Can you use chopsticks?
; yes, but not the proper way .):

Who was the last person you slept next to?
; clara.

What do you order from taco bell?
; -

Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
; hmmm, this person doesn't exist. (as of yet)

Do you remember what you were like a year ago?
; yes, a cute girl with rebonded hair (LOL, kidding, i'm not cute ): )

Do you have unlimited texting?
; yes, and because of that, many envy me, HAHAHA.

Ever cried because of happiness?
; yes.

Anything you're giving up on?
; uh, yes but i'm still holding on, somehow.

Whose pool did you last swim in?
; some swimming complex. ._.

Are you planning on throwing a party this summer?
; no plans as of yet.

Which girl's house was the last you spent the night at?
; soulmate's!

What makes you laugh?
; silly things that don't make sense. ;D

How was last week?
; just like any other, as busy as ever.

What could you go for right this second?
; -

What are your plans for the morning?
; sleep as much as i want, and do my tuition homework.

Do you ever turn off your cellphone?
; it's on 24/7!

Do you like certain romantic cliches?
; yes. (:
Where is your best friend(s) at this exact moment?
; hmmm, all at home apparenly?

Do you have a ceiling fan located in your room?
; nope, but i have a high ceiling! ^^

What is the worst thing that has happened to you lately?
; finding out that some people close to me wasn't who i really expect her to be.

What color is your car?
; *fast forwards to the future* uh, white. :D

What sounds are you currently hearing?
; one of my favourite songs currently!

Have you told anybody you loved them today?
; haha, yes, sheryl!

Do you miss anyone?
; 秘密, haha. (:

Are you growing apart from someone close?
; yes, that's how i'm feeling recently.

Where was your default pic taken?
; in malaysia, at the orphanage with the small chio girl. :D

Have you ever liked anyone on your top friends?
; nope!

How much are you on the phone daily?
; depends.

Are you in a good mood?
; yeah, feeling much better now.

Have you ever been in love?
; no and not really looking that forward actually, but when the time comes. (:

Do you love your life?
; i don't know, but i believe there's a purpose behind it when god gives me a challenge to overcome. [:

Who do you trust with EVERYTHING?
; mostly, myself. sometimes, with close friends.

What will you be doing in 3 hours?
; i see myself on my comfy bed sleeping. xD

What were you doing at midnight last night?
; on the computer.

What is your background on your phone?
; me with fellow baichis.

Where is your favorite place to shop?
; anywhere with cheap but good deals! :D

What is your favorite thing to wear?
; anything comfortable, i'm pretty laid-back actually. xD

Do you think you are a good driver?
; -

Could you go a day without eating?
; nope, i live to eat, and i eat to live, LOL!

Who was the last person you talked to on the telephone?
; shahirah.

Were you happy when you woke up today?
; no, because i was awoken from my deprived sleep! ):

Are you ticklish?
; i used to be. D:

First thing you do when you wake up?
; check my phone for any messages/missed calls. if not, hit the snooze button.

What's on your bedroom floor right now?
; oh, it's a mess, too complicated to describe, haha!

Ever talked to someone that was drunk?
; hmmm, nope.

Do you trust people easily?
; on the surface, no. but within, yes.

Do any of your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
; it's still in good condition! (:

How many pillows on your bed?
; 2, but i only use 1 apparently.

Are you single?
; yes! :D

Do you have a crush on someone?
; nah!

Do you hate the last guy you texted?
- at times, LOL, when he gives m endless sums that i can't do! ):

When was the last time you took a nap?
- this aftennoon!

Do you only drink bottled water?
- ._.?

What are you listening to right now?
- bei ji xing de yan lei.

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
- shahirah.

Who was the last person you shared a bed with?
- mummy!

What's on your mind most today?
- what's gonna happen tomorrow.

Something that happened today that made you angry?
- no, gladly! :D

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
- sometimes, talk. sometimes, hide.

Do you wear makeup?
- no.

Are you missing someone?
- am i? O.O

Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
- yes, everyone makes mistake. but then again, it depends on the situation.

What instant messaging service do you use?
- msn.

Would you date/hook up with your brothers best friend?
- i don't have a brother. ._.

Have you ever had a panic attack?
- haha, yes when i was young with no brains. LOL

What color is your hair?
- black with a bit of golden and white. HAHA.

Who was the last person you talked to in person?
- youngest sister.

Are you happy or sad right now?
- both, somehow. actually, i don't know.

Is your phone right beside you?
- no, it's only 1m away from me though.

Are you cold?
- no.

What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
- free from exams, and getting more new clothes, holidays, prom night, graduation! :B

First thing you did when you woke up?
- check my phone.

What does your best friend(s) call you?
- beibei-.-

Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing?
- snow, of course!

Who do you call the most?
- xiuwen, i guess.

What were you doing 10 hours ago?
- showering.

Have you ever fought for the opposite sex?
- no, i'm not that childish. -.-

Are you that good at math?
- no, not at all. =/

Do/did you listen to your parents?
- when they sound logical.

At what age did you learn to ride a bike?
- around 5?

What's your favorite holiday?
- the one at australia (!!!!)

Ever dyed your hair?
- nope, but i intend to, after JC life!

Love anyone right now ?
- yes, many. family, friends.

Do you cry a lot?
- i wished i could.

Are you good at keeping secrets?
- it's not up to me to decide.

What did you do today?
- one thing is that i took a nap, teehee. :D

Do you crack your knuckles?
- used to so now my fingers look short and fat-.-

What kind of tattoos do you want/ have?

Do you give special ringtones to certain people?
- yeah, ringtones that reminds me of them.

Have you talked mean about anyone today?
- no.

Can you remember your last dream?
- no.

Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn't do?
- i think so.

Suppose you see your boyfriend/girlfriend kissing another person, what would you do?
- i don't know, cause i don't have one. but if so, i'd most probably go nuts. T_T

What is bothering you right now?
- tuition homework, re-exams etc.

Can you type over 60 words per minute?
- haha, i don't think so, i'm a slow typer, LOL.

Would you be able to date someone who had a kid with someone else?
- -.-

What will you be doing 5 hours from now?
- i'll still be sleeping i guess.

What was the highlight for today?
- sleeping. HAHA.

Did you had fun today?
- haha, so-so.

If you were to die in a few hours time, what would you do?
- do things that make myself happy.

FIRST SCHOOL: marine parade PAP and proud of it! ^^
FIRST CELL PHONE: nokia phone, without colour!
FIRST FUNERAL: when I was 5 years old.
FIRST PET: turtle called .. dolly? ._. i can't remember the name, LOL.
FIRST BIG TRIP: i don't get you.
FIRST FIGHT: with sister, clara.
FIRST CELEBRITY CRUSH: LOL, no recollections of it though.
FIRST TIME OUT OF THE COUNTRY?: indonesia when i was 2/3.

LAST PERSON YOU HUGGED: soulmate, haha!
LAST CAR RIDE: this morning.
LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: longlongago.
LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED: beverly hills chihuahua, LOL!
LAST FOOD YOU ATE: chocolate flavoured sticks!
LAST SHIRT WORN: church camp tee.
LAST PHONE CALL: last night.
LAST TIME AT THE MALL: this afternoon.
LAST PERSON YOU SAW: youngest sister.

okay, 4 quizzes. i'm tired to continue any longer. haha, alright now i'm off to accompany my sister to watch goong, princess hours! i suppose i shall blog about life soon! but for now, it's watching and sleeping! :D toodles! ~

ps. i miss you lynn twin! come back soon okay. (: love you, dearest! :D

♥Sunday, November 30, 2008

29 November 2008

isn't it an irony that many times in life, things don't really turn out the way we expect it to be. when we were young, life just seemed so carefree and simple. we didn't had to worry about anything in this world besides being unable to get what we wanted. friends were honest with each other and it was just about having fun and being happy together kind of thing.

don't you agree that in life, when we get closer to certain people, the harder it is for us to see and grasp clearly who the other really is within. we often get blinded by this fact and thus, our thinking becomes irrational. the only thing we see in them are their positive traits.

maybe it's good that sometimes, we should learn how to take a step back and understand what's really going on around us. this way, not only would we be able to realize the truth itself, we might also be able to prevent ourselves from getting hurt from certain words and actions.

and many of your friends can always tell you to cheer up when you're down, but at the end of the day, you'd still have to get over it all on your own.


some things, which has already been said, can never be unsaid .

♥Saturday, November 29, 2008

26 November 2008

i'm feeling really lazy to update my blog. so i shall just make random comments on whatever that has been happening recently. i'll definitely go for the church camp coming up on the 5th - 7th dec. a last minute decision to go for 'D' leaders seminar and boy, i didn't regret making that decision! :D sandcastle building, OBS campsite for seminar, wow! ^^

sec 1 oc meeting on tuesday then after i proceeded to lijin's house for lunch, thankyou to lijin's mama for the nice meal. (: after all of that, went to the popular at simei and met sheryl before we went to bk to stitch for lijin, do tuition homework for myself and making trouble for sheryl, LOL.

around 5, we mrt-ed to pasir ris and crazy sheryl found the bag she wanted but no $$. teeheehee. rushed for tuition and tuition was crazy. i was given like questions of co-ordinate geometry which i claimed to have no clue about that topic. and i got scoldings from raymond in front of everybody else, almost wanted to cry. =/

but i know he's doing this for my own good. and he's like giving me extra tuition to help me with my re-test that's coming up, both emaths and amaths. and after yesterday, i guarantee that my co-ordinate geometry 突飞猛进. LOL. I LIKE MATHS, it's been so long since i last had that feeling ~

i've been neglecting my combined humanities, and 16th dec isn't really that far away from now. =/ emaths on 17th, which i really thank raymond for his help, though he can really be blunt and harsh at times. chemistry and physics, gosh. i really need help now. but do i have the energy, time and courage to face all these tests? ):

bah, there's npcc training tomorrow. so when i'm in the mood to blog, then i'll reedit to elaborate. till then.

ps. i nearly forgot that there was a chalet tmr till roslin reminded me, LOL. ._.

♥Wednesday, November 26, 2008

22 November 2008


Day One; Departure.
Airport; SISTERS. (:

maggie, hazmira, shahirah. [:
banana, pebble, egg. LOL. :B


sec 3s! ^^


Day Two; Mount Kinabalu.

we trekked ..
and trekked ..after a longlong time, we finally reached the waterfall! :DDD
FIRST AIDER YOZXC. ;D *points to blue bag*
Day Three; White water rafting.
edwina, roslin, chunluan, christy.
body rafting;edwina!
unglam woman. LOL.

Day Four; Market, Shopping, City Tour, Orphanage, Home.


'longhouse'! ^^



interacting with the kids.

XianDa's new gf! wootwoot. LOL.


Malaysia Airport;

With Mr Zul.
With Miss Si.
Finally, after 4 hours +, i'm done. (: There're still some missing photos, but let's just make do with this yeah! :DDDDDDD i'll update again soon enough. (: just wait and see! teeheehee~

♥Saturday, November 22, 2008

21 November 2008

i know you all have been waiting for ....

i wasn't planning to update till the photos come. but since i promised girlfriend that i'll blog today, regardless with or without the pictures, so here it goes. oh yes, before starting;

i suggest you all getting some drinks and tidbits for your own, cause this might take a long long long time, based on those people who know me, i do nag and get out of point sometimes. T_T so yeah, i'll be wasting about 5-15 minutes of your time. (:

this shall be part I, while pictures will be from part ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ etc. (:

Day #01! :D 15th November 2008.
woo~ i reached the airport at around 6.40pm like that with my family. proceeded to the meet-up place and saw many sec 2s and sec 4s around. BUT WHERE WERE MY FRIENDS?!?!?! ): LOL, called them and realized that egg was still down at the supermarket with her parents while banana and pebble MIA. WHA, GG LA. @.@

meanwhile, i took photos with my family and my sec 2 squad. (: before we checked in our luggages which took (@*$&@#*@!*!&($^(@#&(!@# of our time. -.- camwhored as one big family before going in.

*SKIP SKIP SKIP* we were waiting for the plane at gate D47. as the plane was *AHEM* budget=x (air asia), we could sit anyhow we like! based on my understanding, all typical singaporeans would be super 'kiasu' and CHIONG AHHHH the moment the plane's ready. =.= so because i was a singaporean as well, ..... (: (you should know what action i'd take)

managed to get a wonderful seat at the back, and it was window seat! :DDD i sat with edwina while roslin and chunluan sat behind us. the whole trip was bumpy and scary, and some of us were nervous that it would crash. *TOUCHWOOD!* and as usual, i had motion sickness. =/

but we landed at kota kinabalu, safely. HENG AHH. [: for the first time, i got to get down using the ladder/staircase/whatever you call it. :DDD and after going through all the immigration, we got ourselves into the bus and got to the hotel to check in. i think it was around 1am already when we got there? so we were extremely exhausted.

room #210 with roslin and chun luan while edwina was just a room away from us! 2 beds, 1 mattress! i was together with the mattress for the first night and oh yes, i bet we were the most weirdest customers around with all the mess we made in the room each day! :B

Day #02! 16th November 2008
OKAY, WE WOKE UP LATE THAT DAY. -.- despite the morning call at 6am. princess egg and princess pebble could still sleep so soundly while poor servant christy had to wake them up. initially i was pretty soft towards princess egg, but upon knowing that we were late{6.53am}, (ps, we were supposed to have our breakfast at 7am), i practically just shaked her up. HAHAHAHAHAHA. :DDDD

CHIONGGG AHH. and got ourselves down by about 7.10am? rushed breakfast which was really good. ^^ and took a bus trip that took 2 and a half hours up the mountain. dozed off on the way but awakened quite a few times as i wasn't used to sleeping in buses. =/ the tour guide was called wilhem? and he leaded us for the trekking trip. i thought it would be fun ...

to shortened the trekking trip (i'd most probably take tenhundredthousand years to finish it), CHRISTY LIM SHIN PEI TREKKED A TOTAL OF 7.3km UP AND DOWN WITHIN 6 HOURS. :DDDDDD
and plus, we were at least, 3.3km above the sea level. x.x and the mountain was 4, 592 m high, highest in SEA. :D

but of course our trekking trip wasn't made easy, we had company. (: remember during sec 3 camp where many people kena leeches and i was one of the "heng heng" ones who didn't get it? alright, this time, they got us-.- we didn't see it coming.

and it's really disgusting. if you wanna know how it looks like, you can always google the pictures. :D SUPER STICKYYYY AND IT SUCKS YOUR BLOOD LIKE SOME VAMPIRE! ): oh, but i was really special, REALLY SPECIAL.

while most of them got leeches on their legs, i had a total of 7 leeches on me. T_T and out of 7 of them, i had 3 leech bites. those that didn't bite me was the 2 on my shoe, 1 on my left leg(GONNA SUCK ALR, LUCKY SIAH) and 1 on my finger-_- WAIT, but the ones that really GOT ME, was 1 on my right leg (!) , 1 on my back (!!!), 1 on my .... NECK (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) WTH SIAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ):

so next time, if you all are going on trekking or somewhere with mud, please bring salt as it would kill the leeches immediately and ease your pain! oh yes, quite a few times, we almost slipped down the mountain! X.X

as everything was delayed, (from about 3hours-6hours?!) we had our super-late-lunch at 5.30pm and i didn't managed to go for the hotsprings partly because i was lazy and i was afraid the leech bite might hurt-.-'

by the time we got onto the bus, which was around 6pm, the sky was as dark as Singapore's 8pm! O.O and seriously, i'm impressed with the bus uncle who managed to get down the hill without street lights! O: despite all the mist and the fog. if i was the driver, i'd most probably bump into some tree and just die. T_T LOLLLLLLL, *TOUCHWOOD!*

upon reaching the hotel, we had our dinner, 9pm! -.- after, we proceeded to 7-11 for some small snacks and rested back at our rooms. we didn't really managed to join edwina they all as we were like 30minutes late by the time we were done, LOL. so we slept. (: roslin slept with the mattress that day.

Day #03! 17th November 2008.
we weren't late this time! ^^ thanks to my alarm clock and edwina's morning call which caused to stare at the ceiling for the next 30 minutes as i wasn't able to sleep anymore-.- so at 7.30am, poor servant christy called princess egg and princess pebble up again. =/ (sian, always kena bullied, LOL.)

breakfast was wonderful and we took our time to pack up as we only had to assemble at 9am. we then bused to the kiulu river where we had our white water rafting. it took us around 1 and a half hour to get there? (:

got our helmets, life vests. safety talk *SKIP SKIP* then the next thing i know it, i was sitting on the same raft as roslin, chunluan, edwina and miss poh. we had 2 instructors, jack mainly in charge.

i thought sitting in the middle would be super disadvantageous but instead, i was super lucky as when other rafts splashed us with water, the front and back would protect me, LOL. :DDD all i had to do was to keep on rafting, rafting, rafting. :XXX

we stopped at a certain point of our 7km journey and did body rafting, meaning to raft down a certain part of the river which had rapids that send us ZOOMINGGGGGG down the water. :D but in the process, my back got hurt as 2 rocks knocked into it. ):

and then we continued, and we saw many guys falling out the raft. i can't help but laugh. =x but overall, i really had lots of fun. but the fun was so so short, as compared to the 6hours EXTREME HIKING. ._. the lunch provided was not bad, no flies at least! (^.^)v

after changing and getting back to the hotel, we went shopping! :DDD as edwina and roslin got too engrossed into looking at clothes, chunluan and i decided to go to another shop to buy soveniors for family and friends. (: then everything went haywire when we lost edwina and roslin. and they lost us.

in the end, they actually used a very very embarrassing way to find us-.-' through the PA system, O.O

speaker: attention all shoppers, can i have your attention please.
*chun luan and christy walks on like nothing has happened*
speaker: can chun chun, *pauses*, chun luan and bei bei(._.), please come down to the information counter now. thank you.
*chun luan and christy shocked tio, stares at each other and laughs all the way down the escalator*

i guarantee i would never have the face to step into that shopping mall again la! T_T wlao eh, the "best" part is that our teachers were there also. -.- DAMN PAISEH CANNNNNNNNN! ._.

this time, we finally managed to play. but sadly, my body wasn't willing to co-operate so in the end, half the time, i was lying on the bed, half-asleep. =.= oh yes, i must say this scene, roslin super paiseh la. we were watching this tv show at that point of time.

*phone rings from the television*
roslin: edwina, your phone's ringing, go pick it up.
*edwina and i thought of it as a joke from roslin, as usual*
edwina: roslin, from tv lei. you still joking about it.
*roslin shocked and giving that "OMG, I'M WRONG FACE". upon realising she was wrong, she paisehed*
*edwina and i laughed our heads after that. xD

played abit of uno, and crapped alot with the sec 2 girls. this time, we slept super early, around 11+pm? :D chun luan slept with the mattress on the last night. teeheehee. :D

Day #04! 18th November 2008.
last superb breakfast! ): checked out of the hotel and firstly, we went to the market where i bought many crackers for my parents! :D after that, we went for lunch which totally made me gain back all the calories i lost for rafting and hiking-.- the food that was given to us was never-ending. O.O

then, we proceeded to this museum where we learnt the history of Sabah, haha. talking about it, something funny happened again. because there was this exhibit which had 2 windows and many was crowding it. so i found this secret window at the side which noone noticed. i was thinking of scaring my junior. but in the end ...

*christy stares at junior and smiles like wax statue*
*junior looks away, edwina stared in and got shocked upon looking at me*
*christy laughs for scaring somebody and felt guilty for scaring the wrong person*

it turned out that somebody told edwina that the girl inside was scary. and they were meaning the one on her knees inside. but as edwina stared in, she thought the girl was me and that "girl" had a striking resemblance with christy, so she got shocked. LOL. after camwhoring many times, we bused to the largest shopping mall in sabah? ._., 1Borneo.

i bought chocolate waffle with the rest and seriously, their waffle, the working attitude and the behaviour really super good! :D i was very impressed. and i had fun at the machines, playing photoshoot! LOLLL. ^^

after that, we bused down to the orphanage for cip. i felt really very shy at first as the children weren't really opening up and i'm not the kind who would specially get close to another person unless there's fate, LOL.

we had songs and cheers, and dancing. and it felt really awkward as the only way to communicate with them is through malay. okay, now i regret not learning indonesian language from my mummy. T_T but as time passes, i saw this small little cute girl who seemed shy (unless other children who are bubbly and outgoing) standing at a corner.

so being miss nice(HAHAHAHA), i approached her and tried to make her feel more attached to us. and i managed to do it, somehow! :DD wow, i love her alot can, she gives me ^5 countless times and lets me carry her. :DDD

then before we left, suddenly, another girl run across to me and gave me a ^5 and a hug, i was surprised! HAHA. :D and YAY, edwina thinks i can handle kids well! well, but hazmira and kaiting can handle kids way better. now, i'm thinking why i didn't choose childcare centre as my work attachment plan-.- but it's okay, animals are cute too! ^^

I COULDN'T BEAR TO LEAVEEEEEEEE! ): i hoped i could stay there and be a volunteer to take care of all the children there, esp the little girl! :D CUTE SIAHHHHHHH. (: or maybe i could have adbucted her home! =x oh yes, 1 girl in her teens was in love with xianda such that she did not want to let go of her hand, LOLLLLLLLLLL!

proceeded to the airport and had our dinner at kfc, for free! [: and oh, the plane back to singapore was more crowded than before so as usual, we chionged like mad people and we'd most probably ruin the school's reputation as we were wearing crest tee. ._.

the plane trip back to singapore, seemed like forever. T_T maybe it's because i had motion sickness and this time, i couldn't hold back anymore so i threw up in the end. x.x and surprisingly, we arrived at singapore way earlier than expected. thanks to edwina, roslin chunluan mainly and the rest for your utmost concern! ^^

met up with family and went home. (:

okay, that's the end of .. part I! go ahead and look forward to the pictures yeah! :D whees, outings from next week! I NEED MONEY $$$$$ LOL. :B

why do you do this to me?

♥Friday, November 21, 2008

18 November 2008

oh, you'll have my reassurance that i'll blog soon.
because i need all the pictures to tell you in detail about my "exciting" trip! ^^

YOZXC, IT'S 19112008, 2256hours, but i'm not home now! O:
shall update when i'm home, maybe tomorrow?
haha, i'll think about it. (:

sometimes, it hurts to want everything and nothing at the same time .

♥Tuesday, November 18, 2008

15 November 2008

i promised myself that i'll post before i go off, here it goes. in about an hour time, i'll be leaving for the airport, to take a plane to malaysia. ._. my luggage's ready, my bagpack's ready, my family's ready, but my heart's not ready. because i'll definitely miss many people here in singapore.

i'll miss;
(in random order)
mummy, daddy, grandma!, claralimshinwei, chelsealimshinyen.

chienxiuwenxywm, leongyuqisoulmate, angelayeoli-lingirlfriend, esteekhoxiaojuanmortal, lynntanshanshantwin, henglijinoneandonlyhope, sherylteoyifangmei, jorimsuperjunior, deannetanrouhui and manymanymany more.

my pillow, my blanket, my bed, my piglet, my guitar, my bathroom, my bedroom, my computer, my television, my ipod-touch, homecooked food, fresh water, refreshing oxygen.

sheep, clouds, sky, cow, rain, house, curtains, fan, window, bathtub, sun, photos, music, drama series, moon, pig, chicken, grass, soil, horse, keychain, hairband, pen, pencil, railing, bus, ruler, mrt, scissor, glue, bedsheet, soft toys, rabbit, turtle, rainbow ..... !

okay, i think i better stop if not i'll go on and on and on. ._. but looking on the brighter side, i have chialinroslinpebble, quekchunluanegg and edwinachowmeiseebanana, magdalenemaggiemee, shahirahbimbo, hazmira and my lovely sec 2 squad! ♥

so do not bother calling me from 15th nov onwards till 18th november because there's no way you can get to me. smses of misses are welcome though, so that i'll know who missed me as well! LOL, kidding. :B TEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE! (:

alright, take care all and enjoy your holidays, people! ^^ love you all. :DDDDDD

as unfulfilled promises turn to shackles .

♥Saturday, November 15, 2008

12 November 2008

HELLOOOOOOOOO! :DDDDD after changing skin and song, i finally feel so much refreshed and energetic to blog! woohoo, this week's the last one and i think time really flies because tomorrow's the last day of school already! ^^

monday, i remembered that amaths was pretty beneficial, though i couldn't really do like half the questions. but at least, i felt that i really absorbed the information in hard. and we learnt moments during physics that day! xD hee, and knowing that it was actually mr L's birthday on sunday, some of us went to get the cake during recess since there was another physics lesson before school ended that day.

social studies was fun, yay. sometimes, facing a positive and eager attitude towards a subject really helps one to be energetic instead of dozing off in class. (: and during physics lesson, pira got $10 from mr L for being able to do some trick-.- oh yes, before i continue, let me emphasise on the $10. REMEMBER, THE S$10. LOL.

though we had a surprise for mr L, but he wasn't co-operative! so it kinda delayed the time. T_T but it turned out pretty fine later on. he was so touched that he started saying words that we'd never expect from him and he actually laughed!~

and we managed to surprise him with the cake and what's more, his beloved present from sec 3C. (: guess what it was.
S$10 (!!!) HAHAHA, what goes around comes around eh? (: after, we had a group photo but i don't know where's the photo now! ): shall post it up when i find out whose phone was it yeah! :DDDD

npcc training was .. fun/tiring/exciting/whatever. we managed to play games, using abit of water, flour and mud. ._. i had my share of fun being a station master by pouring flour onto my fellow cadets. :DDD but the walking around of having to take a mop really makes me feel tired. but it's all worth it. (:

at the field, that's where my zi-highing all began. the grass was filled with muddy water so when i stepped on it, my whole shoes was with mud. GG. T_T besides doing pumping, crutches on the muddy water, we did hornet attack and commando crawl as well! xD and of course, cheers. i ask my love, LOL.

but i left early though cause i had to rush for tuition. in the midst of changing, i heard some things that i didn't wish to hear. and i really felt sad. =/ but i'll not give up. i'm sure my sec 2 squad will do so much better, i have faith! :D JIAYOUUU~

and because of the muddy water, it caused me cuts and rashes! ): ): ): ): ): BOOHOOOOOOOOO. but the fact that i managed to get mortal flour on her face makes me feel so evil HAPPY, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. come and get me if you can ohhhhhh! :B

tuition was beneficial, as usual. i learnt product law that day. and guess what? my teacher said that after a few sessions, my indices improved terriblyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! now, am i supposed to take that as a compliment or an insult? -.-'

tuesday, i only remembered mrs V giving us comprehension and i was in no mood to do anything at all. maybe it's because i was tired. =/ social studies became less entertaining because my brain refuses to wake itself up.

okay, actually i only think that i was super blur and tired on that day. even when i went for guitar, i only practiced a few times of the song but i keep missing certain notes and that really worries me. ):

today! hahaha, literature was getting boring. T_T the time during chemistry flew very quickly because mrs R Lim took over the lesson and went through our SPA file. (: after that, i went for the overseas trip briefing at 10 and skipped lessons all the way till 1230. cool man. :DD

after that, i met up with lijin to get to the interchange to meet jorim and sheryl. we then took the mrt all the way to orchard and bought food/drinks only to find out later that they want to bake cookies. -.-

soooooo. in the end, we went all the way to my house. but then again, we changed plans. instead of baking, it became watching 27 dresses and eating tidbits/drinking F&N orange. heehee. (: before they left my house, we camwhored! the rain's so so big that my umbrella flew upwards (!!!!!!!!)

anyways, i'll be going overseas on saturday night! so i've decided, i shall blog the next 2 days on either friday/saturday afternoon yeah! oh my, i'll definitely miss many many many friends and family! =/

and so maybe you'll see me being lonely at a point of time .

♥Wednesday, November 12, 2008