Christy, 19th June.
tada, the lim family. :D
i feel so screwed now, because so far, i only finished chemistry. T_T
week 9's here, which means.. there's only 7 days to CA3.
the worst part, is i haven't even started studying! =/
all the best for exams, people. (:
wow, it's been 13 days since i last updated detailedly. ._. okay, i shall give a brief summary about these 2 weeks and i will only elaborate on the days that i feel is more meaningful yep. (:
monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday; 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th august 2008
stayed back after school on monday to rehearse for national day. i felt honoured and proud to be selected to be the commander on friday, national day celebration. but instead of the whole parade, the school changed it to only flag party, flag barrier and npcc drill team squad.
tuesday, i went for guitar. i played hide and seek with my guitar till sheryl came telling me that she accidentally took my guitar. so much for being worried! ): after that, we had sectionals. guitar 2 played close to you, it's like so different from 1st guitar. it's all the base and stuff, i find it difficult to learn! =/
wednesday was yet again another national day rehearsal. the drill com team specially requested for one, and the feeling's kind great cause it seems that everyone felt honoured to participate in it. the new block's kinda cramped but still, we made full use of the venue and time, isn't it? (:
thursday, i think i stayed back to do homework or something. ._. lol. i can't remember anything on that day already! :X
friday; 8th august 2008
came to school at early at 6+ in the morning to prepare for the parade. had a final rehearsal before the actual parade started. i was pretty much nervous at first cause i could imagine the whole school looking at me literally from the screen. but after a few commands, got pretty much used to it. (:
the flag party was great, they were able to coordinate well. flag barriers, i thought the part where they folded the flag looks great. during fancy drill, i also felt that the team did well! :D many thanks to ridzuan for shouting like mad despite the loud music, chun luan for rushing and those 5 who shouted. really appreciated.
in short, i love national day celebration, parade 2008! ^^
after, miss si's persuasion made us wore our full uniform to the hall. when it was one of us getting the prize or award, we all screamed like nuts. this made some of the more rebellious boys from the lower sec asking us to keep quiet. but we can't be really bothered with them actually. i mean, it's a joy to see your senior/friends to get an award, isn't it? so we use our screams to support them! ^^
i still can't believe that the person who designed the school logo was a sec 1 guy from npcc, i'm shocked. O: changed after the entire thing, and the most annoying thing is that we didn't even get our refreshments because the rest took ours already! ): wlao. then we took council photo at the basketball court. slacked in the npcc room till noon before we went home.
hurriedly showered and got everybody back by around 2pm at tm. ate long johns before we watched money no enough 2 again. i know it's a waste of money watching again. but it's with my friends, so nevermind la! :D heh.
almost all of them cried, like how i did the first time i watched this show. except for ridzuan, yuqi and myself. then, we hanged out at the open plaza, played and camwhored. :D chin came over and joined us, how sweet oh, xiuwen. D:
chun luan, ridzuan and yuqi left early so it was only the 4 of us left; xiuwen, chin, roslin and myself. i was lucky i had company, roslin. i couldn't imagine lighting up in between them if roslin wasn't around. LOL.
xiuwen, roslin, yours truly. (:
spastic moments . 8)
sailor ridzuan, lol!
even yuqi got fascinated by ridzuan's behaviour. LOL.
saturday; 9th august 2008
dearest lijin and sheryl came over to my house that day. they spent about 5 minutes or so fantasizing on my house-_- lol. managed to hear more gossips and stories before sheryl got so engrossed with the computer and lijin with shinchan on tv. i used food to entertain myself, hahaha! (:
left around evening and took the mrt down to marina! (: i guarantee i've never seen marina so crowded before! O.O took away kfc and hurriedly attempted to find a place where we could watch the fireworks clearly. searched like 4 places and that's like squeezing through hundreds and thousands of people. -.-
finally, we got ourselves near the esplanade, where the parade was behind it. managed to get a clear view of the fireworks. but i felt that it would be better if we managed to get behind the esplanade then it would be super clear.
after the fireworks, we sat on this big big boulder or something. ._. and while lijin and sheryl were warning people to be careful of the mat, i tried my best to cover my face and eat my kfc, LOL. some people still tripped over it though, tsk.
walked all the way down to raffles cause i think that marina would be ..... on the way there, we took photos of the scenery. beautiful, i love singapore. :D and despite rushing, i didn't manage to see angela! ): how disappointing. mrted home and reached home before 10pm. (: look at the amount of people! O:
singapore flyer! ♥ i wanna sit on it someday. :D
fullerton hotel. (:
i thought buildings are beautiful. :D
we love singapore! ♥
sunday; 10 august 2008
church in the morning, ate lunch at tm with family during noon, met roslin at tampines mall before making our way to chun luan's house to do xiuwen's present! ^^ we had a few struggles with getting certain people down. especially chin, damn annoying. LOL.
monday; 11 august 2008
met up with chun luan, yuqi at the library around 10am to finish up xiuwen's present. :D roslin was at tuition and i guess we spent our time there meaningfully. i had a sudden temptation to eating carrot cake but the closure of hawker centures totally dampen my mood to even eat anything! ):
finally meet up with that birthday girl and went to kfc for lunch. chun luan went home because she couldn't make it! ): yuqi brought meatball along, LOL. i didn't really eat anything cause i didn't felt like eating anything.
so the 5 of us(xiuwen, yuqi, roslin, ivan and i) left for the mrt and our surprise guests came out, pw, ng and most importantly, chin. that ass got me to stuff his present for xiuwen into my bag, zz! damn ma fan sia. hope chin's appearance did managed to surprise xiuwen, heeheehee. then we got ourselves all the way to jurong.
ice skated at fuji ice palace, borrowed and wore our skates and attempted ice skating on the ice skating rink. my responsibility initially was to only take care of roslin. while chin took charge of xiuwen, ivan took charge of yuqi and the 2 guys depended on themselves. -.- it's so sweet how they depended on each other. ^^ but somehow, i felt kinda weird at the same time.
ate at food court, and didn't really took much photos except for some, but xiuwen doesn't want me to upload any! ): mrt-ed back and i guess xiuwen was really happy, especially for momoren's present! HAHAHA. glad that my effort of being tortured for a month or so paid off. the present from us was chin, the fare for the ice skating and scrapbook! [:
i felt like a hero that day, lol .
tuesday, wednesday, thursday; 12th, 13th, 14th august 2008
wonderful, i couldn't remember doing anything except for detention. -.- left specially on the 12th and got myself to meet my mum to go to tm to get a new phone. new phone with old number! ^^ sony ericsson, w760i. ♥
friday; 15th august 2008
had extra npcc training on friday. taught my dearest sec 2s how to pitch a tent properly so that they will do us proud during atc at pulau ubin on the 29-31 august. they competed against the sec 3s and i think they did well. (:
had a fun time during debrief because i didn't have to scold them. :X now i'm thinking if that's the difference between campcraft and drills, LOL. sec 3 debrief was nice too. (: not much scoldings, woo. ^^
overall, i felt that this training was the best, hahahahahahaahha. except for the fact that i got sunburnt after that. -.-
saturday; 16th august 2008
woke up early at 7am and got to school late and skipped off half an hour of amaths lesson. :X i didn't really get the trigo thingy, still. i'm pretty much confused, okay. this is worrying, i think i won't be able to score well for common test this time. =/
physics lesson was fine and i'm happy that i didn't doze off despite the fact that i was super tired. abit of theory text from mr. L and then workbook. i think this works well for me, i'm the most weak at learning through audio and the worse part is all the teachers uses the audio method to teach-.- great.
ate lunch with yuqi and xiuwen at bubble tea. i feel that i should cut down on eating maggie mee and bubble tea. the person at the shop could recognise me and thus know what my order will be. i guess, soon all i have to do is to just give the money and prepare to get the order. LOL.
bused 28 homeeeee. and the best part of the day was when it started raining the moment i got off the bus-.- despite having the umbrella, the strong wind caused me to shift away the umbrella, in the end, i was drenched from head to toe, luckily my handphone was fine. (:
tried drying off the shirt but in the end i gave up and changed out of it. slept for about 2 hours plus or so before watching the beijing olympics 2008 when xiuwen called me and told me to go to the hair salon to pei her. hahahaha.
met her at bedok interchange and brought her to cut where i usually cut my hair. i think she looks nice with her new haircut, heh! :D the hair salon person also recognises me, LOL. accompanied her and watched her eat her dinner at the hawker centre before going home to have mine. (:
wow, it's super late already and i'm still online. okay, shall update you on the pile of homework i have in my hands now and you'll know why i can't blog tmr if i can't finish it on time.
it's like a whole truckload of homework and for people like me, i think i'll take forever to finish up all these. the worst part of everything is that it's all due on monday. M.O.N.D.A.Y, 18th august 2008. and i've already used up one day of the weekends, means i'm left with sunday? oh no! ): and wait, how about my common test revision?!
wow, i feel so screwed now. -.-
have a wonderful weekend, people. (: