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byyourside .
i'm your soul.


Christy, 19th June.

the miles.

Angela; girlfriend! :D
Chun Luan; Egg! 8)
Hwee Min
Hwee Sze
Jing Wen
Joan; AIR-CON~ ^^
Jorim; superjunior!
Kim Meng
Li Lian
LiJin; oneandonlyhope[:
Liyana; guitar senior!
Lynn; TWIN! <3
Mei Yen
Qi Shan
Shu Ting
Si Yuh
Wan Xin
Yi Ling
Yin Shuen
Yu Ying[:

my days, not yours.

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009


thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

30 July 2008

270708; surprise birthday celebration!

Before setting off;

Upon reaching;

that's how my sunday was spent. pictures shall explain my day. from having a picnic, to cycling, to going home together. ^^ okay, here's something for these 3 idiots here.

to xiuwen, roslin and yuqi; thank you so so much for the cupcakes, it's something that i'll most probably never expect. and filling me up with eggs, hotdogs, ham and bread non-stop! and though it may just be cycling, i still enjoyed fetching you guys around. (: the cupcakes = chao gan dong sia! 8)

nothing really much happened on monday and tuesday mainly, just that we see wu han students coming to our class and being such smart kiddos, one who is able to solve a difficult mathematics sum within seconds and one who is able to explain the definition of atomic relative mass in chinese! D:

and npcc's supposed to take charge of flag - raising and commanding again. the fact that i've been shouting out of tune totally sucks, because i have a sore throat that's hindering me. -.- oh great.

oh yes, i feel a sense of accomplishment for these 3 days as i managed to clear off debts of belated presents and also homework. :D now, what i'm left with is social studies and literature which most probably i will write crap for. and oh yes, there's geography test tmr, i have this strong feeling that i'll fail, yet again. \:

anyways, today's one year friendship anniversary with mortal! ^^ thank you so much for waiting patiently and also for getting tricked for this "surprise". woohoo, who knows. another year might just fly across again. o.o haha! (:

oh yeah, that reminds me, one hamburger and one nugget, LOL! :D

sometimes, i wish i could tell you how i really feel .

♥Wednesday, July 30, 2008

26 July 2008

i realised my blog is getting boring nowadays. it's like flooded with so much words and i feel it's the same thing over and over again. even i'm getting sick of updating myself. maybe i should just consider to stop blogging or what, like how others do.

but since i'm here, i shall update about term 3 week 5 then!

monday; 210708

i can't really remember what i did on that day during lessons, but it was as annoying as usual with the whole row of guys suaning me all the time, ginseng particularly. -.- oh yeah, talking about that, ginseng was nice enough to get me the chocolate i want because he made me angry last week. that was quite unexpected from him, lol.

mr L. was really angry with us during physics lesson. i've never seen him so angry before, and it's kinda scary actually. ._. becauseof the fact we didn't manage to finish our physics workbook, okay. that adds on to my hours of detention i still owe the school. -.-

okay, apart from that, i forgot. haha! anyways, after school was lunch followed by speech day rehearsal. went through one time of parade, and then ahead with guitar. i was kinda disappointed with my performance during guitar though, mistakes and more mistakes. =/

that day was tiring.

tuesday; 220708

chemistry practical was as usual, titration. at least this time, my solution wasn't that alkaline ^^ but still, it was alkaline-.- and woohoo, first time that i did slightly better than my partner. :X hydrochloric acid has been pouring onto my hand every week and it itches like. *(@&$*@(#@^#(#&!^#@*@

because we had no time for lunch outside, therefore yuqi and i had to chiong to some shop to get food and drinks. had guitar ensemble practice. luckily, conductor didn't scold us for screwing the practice the day before this.

wednesday; 230708

mr. L didn't come on that day, now almost the whole class thinks that mr L. has a motive for not coming. he wanted to see if we could cope on our own despite the test being on thursday. it was hard for me because i already have difficulty understanding him, yet alone physics.

i couldn't really remember what happened during lunch, but i remembered staying back with roslinpebble, chunluanegg, ridzuan, naveeda to do homework together! ^^ i was so happy i managed to finish quite a pile of homework.

after xiuwen came from her interact, we started slacking. -.- and we collaborated together to bully roslin. by the way, though ridzuan and i look like the masterminds, but isn't it the more you look innocent, the more you're the guilty one? 8)

ridz and i pulled out her shoes, took out her socks. and made her run around the class to get it back. ridz and ros were doing a (fill in the blank:D) dance when all of a sudden, mr tang came in. -.- what a joke they were man.

i suppose we went home after that. heheheh. (:

thursday; 240708
it was racial harmony day! ^^ after doing duty in the morning, iris and i proceeded to the dentist. to be honest, i'm rather excited to the visit the dentist because i find it cool. i get to skip lessons and take care of my teeth at the same time. iris was kinda scared because of her encounter with dentists in primary school. but this dentist was super nice, ^^ i enjoyed chatting with her. :D

i was super glad that the four of us managed to wear ethnic clothings. roslin in pink, yuqi in orange with red, xiuwen in purple and i in maroon red. :DDDD except that we atually changed out of it during physical education. but soon, we changed back after recess. (:

it was sad that we were unable to wear ethnic clothings as a whole class. but mr L. says that we're gonna be like this year's 4A and 5A? (: i think it's so cool to wear it as a whole class la. 8)

after school, we headed out to bubble tea shop in our ethnic clothings(we are proud of it:D) and got back to school for some maths trail organised by temasek junior college. initially, i thought it was a waste of time, but it turned out to be quite fun after all, especially SUDOKU. xD

friday; 250708
chemistry was horrible, mdm S. piled us with a lot of worksheets to do again. ): poor miss C. was down with some infection and she was feeling real sick. but she still came to teach us, how nice. :D

had npcc unit training. secondary 2s today was pretty much fine, just that i was quite disappointed with the attendance. i wondered to myself if what i did that day was correct. scoldings and naggings. i'm super worried but i guess people do make mistakes right. so as long we learn from it, that would do.

i love my secondary 2s man, joking wth them during debriefing seems so much fun. :D but i don't really know how they really think of me. =/ either way, but i still miss my secondary 1s! ): especially people like eddie and all those small small girls and boys. HAHAHA.

saturday; 260708
woke up as early as 5+am in the morning. prepared myself and thanks to edwina's dad for the hitch, got to school at about 6+am. changed into my full uniform and felt honoured being the guard of honor contigent for this year's speech day, 2008.

trained for quite a while as we had all the time in the world. the parade started only at around 0845am and standing in the parade ground without fidgeting for minutes which seem like hours was torturous. still, everything went well and i'm glad we got macdonalds to eat. ^^

immediately after that, got changed and proceeded on with guitar. performed at the hall which i felt was really disappointing because the mics at our side was not switched on! ): that's why being unable to enlarge the volume of our guitars! =/

after all that, i managed to meet angela at the spiral staircase and i was glad that i was able to chat with her while waiting with her for her mum to fetch her home. we must chat more and go out soon okay! ^^ thanks to lijin and deanne for being such good friends by offering to wait for me to go home together. managed to get whipped cream on felicia and angela's face. 8) HEHEH.

after i got home at around 2+pm, changed out of my guitar costume and got ready to go out to plaza singapura with lijin. but she couldn't make it last minute. so i went shopping on my own. i was very happy that i was able to get the things i wanted. now, all i have to do is try to figure out how to make it very nice. \: gee, now i'm troubled over that.

i couldn't believe that i could spent 2 hours + in a shop alone. T_T haha, after all the walking and looking, got myself home by sitting on bus 7 and entertained myself by doing homework. :D YAY.

looking forward to tomorrow, wonder what they've got in store for me. shall update you all guys soon with photos. ^^

You said if I fall you'd be there to catch me ;
I believed you till I hit the ground .

♥Saturday, July 26, 2008

20 July 2008

sometimes, sundays just get me so confused. it's supposed to be the day where i'll post. it's also this day that i don't wish to post. it's the day that i'm burdened with the most homework. and also the day that i'm procrastinating. what's with me nowadays. =/

anyways, here's the weekly entry, like i promised.

monday; 140708.
i only had recollection of the english week assembly in the morning where debates and respective drama play of literature text from sec 1 to sec 4 was acted out. good job to both change agents and drama club. i had a great laugh. :D

nothing much after that during lessons except for the fact that we skipped mdm S.'s class because of the learning journey and that makes me happy because i get lesser chances of being picked on. -.-

learning journey to the supreme court was nice! ^^ learnt about alot of famous cases in Singapore, scuba-diving murder case, black magic, and of course the maria hertogh riot case. the place was beautiful, just that it was a pity we couldn't take photos there because security is tight there.

proceded to the old supreme court and saw the cells, interview room and black maria. it appears cool to me but i'm never gonna try spending my time there ever. =.- and went through this special staircase that the accused took, and of course the court itself! :D

managed to see the chief justice's room, and more of the supreme court's history. wow, maybe i do have an interest in social studies after all! [: haha, i'm gonna try score distinction for that during final year examination. O:

had dinner with roslinpebble and xiuwenxywm at tampines mart before i got home around 8+pm or so.

tuesday; 150708.
presented our chinese project video finally during chinese lesson today. and it turned out to be rather not bad after all! :D at least some people laughed and it wasn't as bad we thought it would be, right xiuwen! xD miss lam thought that i should have played the role of xiuwen's because i looked more macho, while xiuwen looked more gentle, LOL.

chemistry practical was fine today! :D glad that i was able to do titration without getting mixed up because we only had a limited amount of time to complete it. a sense of accomplishment. and as usual, looked at the couple beside me and they looked blur. -.- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

had lunch at bubble tea shop with xiuwenxwym, yuqisoulmate, chunluanegg, roslinpebble. after that, we had GCE 'O' levels chinese listening comprehension. it was kinda interesting because they put it on symphony, 92.4 FM. so some of us had nice music to listen to before the exam started.

i can still remember my answers till today. D, B, C, C, C, C, and the most impressionable choices is the last 4, which is B-A-B-A. lol, isn't that BABA? ._. roslin and i were like saying baba non-stop after the exam, HAHA! bused home after that.

wednesday; 160708.
i only know that i was practically addicted onto DISC profiling report since morning. and while having the workshop in the afternoon, i realised that i am a high 'I' person, both natural and adapted style. just that i tend to look more crazy at home, haahahahahaaaha! xp

it wasn't till the day that i found out that most of the people around me are 'I' people too(like roslin, ridzuan, kamini etc). and i find something very cool. the usual people that i hang out with can make DISC already, with yuqi as 'D', roslin&i as 'I', xiuwen as 'S' and chunluan as 'C'. HOW COOL IS THAT, OH YEAH. ^^v

by the way, this is just to enlighten the people who have exactly no idea what i'm talking about,
D - Dominance.
I - Influence.
S - Steadiness.
C - Compliance.

and after, 3C had to go into a class and play some games. so we played this game where we had to use straws to build our tallest and strongest tower. my group won the strongest tower, YAY. :D and human web, we were the first to untie ourselves, HEEHEE.

that was a nice day. (:

thursday; 170708.
had speech day rehearsal performance for guitar, so got out guitars, scores, tuners and proceded to the hall. heard the concert band, choir and string performed. the songs were lovely, deanne, lijin and i were like listening to it so attentively.

but when we played, i guess it was too soft. \: plus the fact that i hadn't remembered much of the scores. but after a few tries, i was glad that i was able to remember most of it already. {: and i still can't imagine shouting yi-HA to the audience because i think i'll laugh instead. =/

conductor wasn't really happy with our performance so we were made to stay back for another 15-20 minutes. after that, packed up and got home. :D

friday; 180708.
friday was really hectic. couldn't understand how i got through it. first, went for npcc. where i was in full-uniform and rehearsed twice for the parade. after that, got permission to leave for guitar and had to rush up to the hall to get the guitar room from miss wan.

followed by getting npcc room key from kamini to get my stuff and change into the guitar outfit, had changing parade in the toilet. and finally when i got up to the hall, my whole back was drenched with sweat. my hair was horrible. everything was in a mess. -.-

and saw the rest of the performing arts in their costumes too, i thought everything did well. and i felt that guitar did better. the only thing i could hope now is for to be able to get the condenser mikes so that the music from our guitars can be heard from the back. (:

and once, that was over. looked for dearest angela and got a short note from her. thankyou sweetie, love you many many. :DDDDDDDDD changed back into npcc mufti. and had debrief with the sec 2s as usual. it was to my relief that they were super high and replied so loudly such that i couldn't bear to scold them any longer. \:

sec 3's debrief wasn't really pleasant though, received lots of scoldings from CIs. but it's okay, because we all make mistakes, fall down, pick ourselves up and get on with life right! :D and that also makes us a stronger team, yes. ^^ got home pretty late though at around 9pm.

saturday; 190708.
had guitar in the morning. many changes were made to niu zai hen mang. and i think it's a LITTLE BIT better. i am very happy that i managed to memorize the scores already, and i feel that i'm all prepared for speech day, both guitar and npcc. (:

got home around 2pm and left house again around 4+pm for ltc bbq. and yet again, it was a success under the management of the man, idaffi! ^^ helped out with the starting of the fire. and cooked chicken wings for the next 1-2 hours or so.

poor kamini burnt her foot though, must take care yeah! \: the chicken wings at first looked horrendous, but later on, thanks to some guidance from the main coms, the chicken wings looked good enough to be eaten, HEH! :D

i was kinda disappointed though cause i didn't get to join in the water bomb part. ): but at least, i managed to get closer to some of the campers which was a good thing! =p but good things come to an end, so we cleared the area around 9+pm. i left the school with kamini and nisya at 10pm and took bus 28 home.

okay, that was a tiring day. O:

sunday; 200708.
everything was just as usual. and nothing special happened. it's just having church, lunch at century square, shopped around cs and tm, before getting home.

school's tomorrow and i don't feel like going back to school! ): MONDAY BLUES, AHHHHHHH. shall post hopefully, next weekend then! till then, toodles. (:

sometimes, there's only one thing left to say .

♥Sunday, July 20, 2008

19 July 2008

i realised that my several few posts has been rather wordy so i shall put lots and lots of pictures to make it neutral! ._. LOL. so here are all the overdued photos. sorry for not fulfilling my promises earlier. had been really busy since the start of secondary 3.

ohyes, before you move on, just to let you know everything's in random order.

030708; After Broadrick Investiture.


David, YuQi, Christy.

050708; After finishing chinese project.

to bus stop.

Crazy people. -.-
chicken wings! O:
xywm and i! :D

070708; Outing with xiuwenxwym, roslinpebble, yuqisoulmate! [:

chia&leong! :D
._. where's xiuwen?
crowded mrt. ): #3
my favourite photo of the day! ^^v
140708; Learning Journey To The Supreme Court!

Before setting off. (:

Our journey starts now! :DD"Our prison cell"; s1.
interview room!
okay, so who do you think is the lawyer(s)? roslin or the other 3. 8)
who's that desperate woman? LOL.

The Witness; Jeanette, taking the oath.
it's so obvious that i'm NOT the guilty one. look how accused i am, LOL!
Pauline and gang. (:
Mr. L!
3C! :D :D :D :D :D
stupid face #1
stupid face #2
stupid face #3

my high period of the day! -.-"

Darren Pang!

YuQi and Eugene Ng.
Ginseng and rahman!
End of journey! More camwhore instead.

this is the reason why we stick so close to each other.

okay, that's about it for now. off to ltc bbq! :D shall update later or tomorrow regarding the whole week alright! [:

i'll keep on waiting .

♥Saturday, July 19, 2008