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byyourside .
i'm your soul.


Christy, 19th June.

the miles.

Angela; girlfriend! :D
Chun Luan; Egg! 8)
Hwee Min
Hwee Sze
Jing Wen
Joan; AIR-CON~ ^^
Jorim; superjunior!
Kim Meng
Li Lian
LiJin; oneandonlyhope[:
Liyana; guitar senior!
Lynn; TWIN! <3
Mei Yen
Qi Shan
Shu Ting
Si Yuh
Wan Xin
Yi Ling
Yin Shuen
Yu Ying[:

my days, not yours.

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009


thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

30 June 2008

since i have the time(abit) to blog today, i shall post a bit of my thoughts then! hehehehhehehheheheheheheheheheheheheh.

finally, after many many months later, i finally changed to a new blog song. i guess this will be sticking to me for quite a while. since i have not much time to find for any other new songs. by the way, i changed my profile too. oh yes, i need a new blogskin too. i'm starting to feel this skin is boring. \:

today, english teacher kept on pouring cold water on me. and she got me very very angry because she accused me! ): and i really hate misunderstandings, this sucks.

talking about school, i really feel very burnt out right now. with all that pile of homework i have in my hand, is enough to take my life. i'm serious. it's like all the committments, cca(s), studies, council, homework and even leadership roles are like an accumulated big rock, pressing hard down on me.

maybe i should take time out to give myself a break. oh wells.


keep silence does not mean that i'm ignorant of the surroundings around me . what shocks me is not by what happened, but is that drastic change in you overnight. where's that nice friend who i once knew?


♥Monday, June 30, 2008

29 June 2008

hohohohohohohohohhohhoohoohohohohohhohhohoo. today's sunday which means that tomorrow's school again! ~.~ seriously, i need to put aside some time for myself to be alone. but i can't seem to have any time available at all! \:

speaking of no time, i was reminded about one of esteemortal message which reads; "welcome to the sec 3 life where we have no life." i totally agreed on that sentence. now i feel that i have no life at all, it's like my life's revolving school, home, school, home, school, home.

i seem to have neglected so much things. from family to friends to even, myself. the only time where i can really interact with my family is during the weekends because i tend to be home only around 7-8pm per weekdays. and by the time then, my dad has left for work.

despite spending my school hours with my friends, i feel that i somehow neglected them. and i think i am very guilty of that. all these committments in school caused me and some friends to somehow drift apart and i'm kinda sad over it.

i feel that i really need some time for myself to sit down and self reflect, so that i can be a much better person tomorrow than who i am today, isn't it? but everything that's happening in my life's preventing me from doing so.

i guess all these problems just boils down to me, it's my fault. so i'm sorry to anybody that i've neglected. i'll try my best from now on to make some time out for each of you. but for now, i really need a breather.

miss lam talked to me yesterday, with regards to my 2 ccas and council. she told me how much stress i would face for next year(or even this year) because i'm also a higher mother tongue student as well. she advises me to quit one of my committments so that i'll be more relaxed and at least do much better for gce 'o' levels this year/next year.

it's obvious that i can't quit npcc cause it's like my first cca and it's a core cca. i tried quitting during sec 1 and miss si was persistent about her stand, let alone now. -.-

i can't bear to quit guitar, besides the promise that i've given to the graduated seniors, there's just this strong bond i have towards guitar members and my passion for guitar has just been increasing daily. guitar ensemble gives me a totally different feeling from npcc.

and also, i can't possibly quit council cause i've rejected mr sim twice and after he persuaded me like 2 years, then i agreed. i don't think it would be nice if i break the promise i gave, isn't it?

what should i do now? \:
quit guitar/council, or quit neither?

*looks at this about 30 minutes later* o.o okay, i guess i was feeling pretty blue just now. but today's fine with the usual routine. church, tm, home. and oh yes, xiuwen has just changed her phone, now all of them are sony ericsson except for mine! ):

but i'm gonna change soon tooooo!~ :D preferably to W380i or W760i. (: but i don't have the money. $_$ kinda broke these days, talking about that. i realised i owe people a lot of things! x.x sorry guys!

oh yes, i'm one of the people to be in the speech day npcc guard-of-honour contingent. :S how cool is that. 8) and plus plus plus, i'm involved for guitar too, i love songs for guitar's performance during speech day too on the 26th july. can't wait! ^^v

okay, off to another hectic week. shall post next weekend, hopefully! [:

i don't understand .

♥Sunday, June 29, 2008

28 June 2008

woah. i guess i really have lots to talk about. from the 14th all the way till 28th. that's like, 2 weeks!? ._. nevermind, i shall elaborate more on the 'big' events. hahaaa. (:

drill competition trainings on the 16th, 17th, 20th of june. though it was tough, but we managed to complete the fancy drills and standard drills on time because the attendance kept on improving. a drastic jump of 14 -19. ^^v

secondary 3 adventure and teambonding camp, 18th and 19th of june. :D
so yes, early in the morning, got myself to school and assembled in the fire engine area. after settling admin stuff and splitting into our groups, boarded the bus, through the checkpoint, blah blah.

while on the way to kota tinggi, alot of people were sleeping. including xywm, who struggled to sleep. soulmate was like opening her mouth while sleeping, damn funny. rahman was like taking out his handphone to take a picture. such unglam. =x

once we got there, we had to cross this long shaky bridge, where xwym really gripped onto my hand and nearly pushed me off the bridge because she was so unstable. ._. after getting our lunch and changing into our wet attire, we proceded with games. (:

first up was indiana jones, where 3C merged together as a whole class to play. i must admit, i had fun during the process while having my head in the water and my body hanging perpendicularly with the water! ._. i guess everyone there should know what i'm trying to say.

but 2 people from 3C managed to get over, which was a good thing! :D good job to all. (:

after was low rope activity, which really got me real low and bored. -_- then it was raft building. it was tough building, but when you sat on the raft, there's this sense of achievement when it didn't sink at least. :D jetty jump was superb, did a star shape. heh!

we didn't managed to do river cascading because it started raining really heavily. \: what a pity! ): but talking about it, i heard a lot of people got hurt because of that. oh wells, to those who got hurt, get well soon!

campfire night was just a class cheering competition. i felt i looked totally like a retard leading the whole class on, knowing that some guys weren't doing anything at all, not even opening their mouths. miss lam even commented why didn't they do the cheer. x/

a big thankyou to wei jin and beatrice for linking all the cheer together, ridzuan for backing me up by leading at the back, joycelyn and choir peeps for the sudden thought of m1 advertisement that made us look funny yet it somehow shows how bonded we were and of course to all those 3C-ians that opened their mouths to cheer. [:

after supper and debriefing, it was already 2350, i suppose. spent the next 10 minutes arranging my sleeping bag and then proceeded to finding aqilah and wishing her happy birthday! ^^v

anyways, thankyou to yuqisoulmate, xiuwenxywm, beatrice and iris for the birthday song, kamini, roslinemonot, naveeda and the rest who's in their tent for scaring me with the birthday wishes and manesha for practically making me wake up from my sleepy mood! couldn't really sleep cause it was concrete floor. and many distracting noises in the atmosphere.

waterfall expetition which was super boring, cause i suppose we had to at least travel more than just 8km to and forth the campsite. and after all the hard work, we played water for barely 5 minutes and we had to leave. what a waste.

i felt that my day wasn't spent fruitfully, boohoo. evening, changed into our camp tee(powerpoint slides! -.-) and took photos. drinking googles and our 120% smile is love! <3

but at least a birthday song from the whole class really perked my day up a little! ^^v travelled back to singapore and got home by like 11+pm? really, thank you to.
(in random order)

in person; roslin, naveeda, yuqi, lynn, kamini, xiuwen, edwina, chun luan, calise, si hui, lijin, pira, dion, ming-xuan, deanne, shahirah, magdalene, latiff, hazmira, aaron, shawn, beatrice, iris, manesha, cherie, pauline, whole class of 3C and several more. (i can't remember, stm. =x)

sms; angela, jorim, estee, sheryl, haziyah, jiayi.

friendster; pauline, haziyah, thomas, cybelle, michelle, shermeen, hweesze, angela, royce, somejunior from ltc =x, felicia, susanti, nicole.

msn; estee and pauline.

tags; angela, estee, joan, liyana, yuying, magdalene.

for all the birthday wishes. i really appreciate it. (:
sorry if i left your name out, just tag me on my tagboard and i'll update asap. :D thanks.

drill competition, 21st june 2008. there were 7 schools. all from area 8 except chung cheng high(main) the competition was intense, and i knew that i would sound weird because everyone's eyes were literally on me. standard drills was up first, and mistakes were made. did one mistake which was really obvious. couldn't stand the stress, and broke down.

but thanks to the encouragement, managed to get myself up again for fancy drill. we were brought back with minor setbacks, but everything seems so perfect. :D but it ended up that we got 1st for fancy drills and 3rd for overall. i got 2nd for commanding.

hurriedly went home and changed, before meeting lijin in the mrt train. trained all the way to jurong and window-shopped around imm, since we were broke. x.x trained back to tampines and bought starbucks. before i rushed to esplanade to attend my cousin's wedding.

the 8 course meal was superb, though i started falling asleep during the 6th dish, because i was really tired. i felt i looked better with a formal shirt,jeans and flats. :D as compared to dresses and high heels. the flats caused me blisters on every toe though. -.-

1st week of school. obviously, teachers were mad at me because i didn't do the holiday homework, okay, only some. commanding in front of the whole school seemed scary, but i overcame that fear. [: there was also new sitting arrangement. i'm officially sitting on the middle column, 2nd row from front, outer most left seat. sitting with jee seng, daowen and eugenechin.

after school, i had npcc meeting on monday, guitar on tuesday, sectionals was fun! ^^v amaths on thursday, npcc unit training on friday. sec 2 squad com is so difficult to handle, had to be strict and nice at different times. \: got more badges such as cssp, total defence and police youth ambassador award. :D and sec 3s leading the master parade for the first time!

sports day on wednesday was fun. :D participated in 100m and 4x100m. glad that we got 2nd for 4x100m and 3rd for 100m. i find this year's sports day quite boring though if you aren't participating in anything.

out with esteemortal after that. lunched at yoshinoya and we kinda walked to the airconditioned place meant for kiddies at open plaza at 4th floor. didn't managed to chat much cause i could see she was really tired. so persuaded her to go home. oh yes, sorry for being so stubborn yeah, i really didn't mean it.

spent rest of time slacking at home. \:

anyways, guitar was fun today! ^^v i'm officially involved in speech day which means after being guard of honour during the parade, got to rush and change into another costume and perform. though i think one of the songs that conductor choose is really weird, but the other songs sound nice enough to cover up that dumb song. lol.

afternoon was makeup lesson with miss lam. she kinda persuade me to quit one of my committments because i'll be really tensed up if i don't quit by the end of this year. so what should i do? can anybody tell me .

semester 2 is so short that it's suffercating me with activities, projects, homeworks, but once i have the free time, i'll blog. promise. (:

sometimes, some people aren't really who you think they were .

♥Saturday, June 28, 2008

23 June 2008

NPCC drill competition 2008.
Fancy drill section ; 1st. (:
try to spot me and those whom you know! ^^v


♥Monday, June 23, 2008

22 June 2008

Extroverted Sensing Feeling Perceiving, ESFP
The Performer

ESFPs are friendly, outgoing, fun loving and naturally drawn to people. They are quite enthusiastic and exuberant, and are usually well liked by others. They are good at meeting people and helping them enjoy themselves. They are sympathetic toward people and generous with their time and money. At their best, they are able to realistically meet human and situational needs in a fun and lively way.


ESFP children are friendly, warm, active, and enthusiastic. They are very giving and concerned about others. They like to make others happy, believing that "it is better to give than to receive." Being on the receiving end may make them feel self-conscious. They tend to be good at comforting others, regardless of whether others are in need.

ESFPs are aware of what is happening around them and notice much that escapes the eyes of others. They are tied into the present, particularly with people, they may sense what is happening with others before others know it. They may also notice what is going on in their environment and take delight in a spring flower, a bird's song, or a bright fabric, pointing these out in their enthusiastic way for others to enjoy. They are popular and gregarious, and are often busy in social activities with others.

As teenagers, they are likely to be instigators of activities with their friends. It is difficult to catch them sitting still. They tend to be bright and sunny in disposition and enjoy laughing at themselves and others. It is hard for them to be "down," mainly because of the excitement of each upcoming event.

As adults, ESFPs lead what might look like "a charmed existence,\' even when things are not going well for them. They live with the idea that "the glass is half full" and seem to land on their feet, even when they are not sure how. They usually find a niche for themselves in any situation because of their spontaneity and flexibility. Their social skills may attract the eye of a boss. For ESFPs bring a liveliness to a groups to which they belong. Life is meant to be enjoyed and is not taken too seriously.

ESFPs often are able to interact with all ages, backgrounds, and types of people. Most individuals who connect with ESFPs feel that they are treated as equals by them, regardless of age or convention. They enjoy sharing their love of life with others, not just their mates and children. People around them benefit from this.

In retirement, ESFPs continue their fun-filled, people-focused, actively-oriented life. They keep close friendships and continue to provide amusement to those who have been important to them in the past.

Learning and working

ESFP like action and excitement, and are able to link together people and resources. Because they accept and deal with people as they are, they are able to understand what is necessary in order to motivate them to get jobs done. They prefer a work setting that is lively, action oriented, and harmonious.

The atmosphere and overall attitude of the work setting means a great deal to them. They like adaptable people who are energetic, easygoing, and focused on the present realities. If something is not immediately useful or of intrinsic value, it may be quickly reflected by ESFPs. They notice what is going on with people and focus on these happenings intently. ESFPs are likely to adapt as the situation requires.

ESFPs like occupations that allow them to be with people. They want to be direct and practical service to others and seek work that is self-fulfilling and rewarding. Being a resource to others is an important part of their work.

Some occupations seem to be more attractive to ESFPs: childcare worker, clerical supervisor, coach, designer, factory supervisor, food service worker, receptionist, recreation worker, religious educator, respiratory therapist, and other occupations that allow them to be responsive to others.


The ESFP leadership style is one that promotes good will and team work. ESFPs are quickly adaptable and thus able to guide others in crisis situations, unless that crisis is one of disharmony among people. They are able to focus on immediate problems and using their ability to work with people. They are more relationship oriented but will work hard on the task part when the people part is going well.


ESFPs are quick to take leisure, give it a new twist, and create new enjoyment. They love being active, whether in craft projects, exercise classes, sporting events, or going out to dinners, parties, or movies with friends.

ESFP reading tastes run toward what is useful or historical accounts about what happened, which they can use to make predictions for the future. They are more likely to read short things, such as newspaper and magazine articles, than long books. Whatever the case, they like to discuss their readings with others.

ESFPs are fun to be with; they find enjoyment in most situations. Being out and about is more comfortable to them than sitting still with long periods of quiet. Their friends are very important to them, and they are likely to let them know how much they care through small mementos, special poems, or cards. They regularly reach out and touch someone.


Love means enjoyment of one another. ESFPs want to share values with the loved one. They way people are treated is usually one value they care about. They may move in and out of relationships quickly when the situation feels uncomfortable. They are not likely to take man interpersonal risks since they fear rejection themselves. They are warm and become more generous and outgoing in the face of approval. They can become quite hampered by disapproval.
Even when a relationship ends, ESFPs tend to be very respectful of the former partner. They do not want to call undue attention to the breakup and thus move on rather quickly, surrounding themselves with their valued friends.

ESFP Relationships

ESFPs are fun and delightful to be with. They live for the moment, and know how to make the most of each moment. They are genuinely, warmly interested in people, and love to make others happy. They're usually very kind-hearted and generous, and are always going out of their way to do something nice for someone.

Their affection is simple, straight-forward and honest. They dislike theory and complexities. They often resist forming relationships which require them to function on a high Intuitive or Thinking level. They prefer for things to be light and happy, although their warmth and affection runs deep.

Their potential downfall is the tendency to live entirely for the present moment, and therefore to sometimes be unaware of the direction that their relationship is heading, or to be easily distracted from long-term commitments.

ESFP Strengths

• Enthusiastic and fun-loving, they make everything enjoyable
• Clever, witty, direct, and popular, people are drawn towards them
• Earthy and sensual
• Down to earth and practical, able to take care of daily needs
• Artistic and creative, they're likely to have attractive homes
• Flexible and diverse, they "go with the flow" extremely well
• They can leave bad relationships, although it's not easy
• Try to make the most of every moment
• Generous and warm-hearted

ESFP Weaknesses

• Don't pay enough attention to their own needs
• May be frivolous and risky with money
• Tend to be materialistic
• Extreme dislike of criticism, likely to take things extremely personally
• Likely to ignore or escape conflict situations rather than face them
• Lifelong commitments may be a struggle for them - they take things one day at a time
• Tendency to neglect their health, or even abuse their bodies
• Always excited by something new, they may change partners frequently

ESFPs as Lovers

"To love means to open ourselves to the negative as well as the positive - to grief, sorrow, and disappointment as well as to joy, fulfillment, and an intensity of consciousness we did not know was possible before." -- Rollo May

ESFPs embrace their love relationships in a big way - similar to the way they approach their lives in general. They love to be in love, and will try to make the most of each moment. They take things on a day-by-day basis, and are uncomfortable thinking too much about the future, or making plans far in advance. For this reason, ESFPs are not natural long-term commitment people. They may feel tremendously committed on a day-by-day basis, but they do not naturally plan for their futures.

This commitment issue is a potential pitfall for the ESFP. Many people of this type overcome this potential weakness, and become involved in truly satisfying, lifelong relationships. Others do not address this weakness, and move from relationship to relationship without forming real commitments, convincing themselves that this is what they truly want.

Sexually, the ESFP is a very earthy and sensual individual who seeks and enjoys intimate contact with their partners. Living in the here-and-now, they thoroughly embrace and enjoy the experience with all five senses. They are generous and warm, and highly interested in making their partners happy.

ESFPs tend to be materialistic, and somewhat caught up in "what others think" of them. They should take care that this doesn't interfere with their personal relationships, since many of the others types will not be able to relate to their perspectives on these matters.

ESFPs do not handle conflict well at all. They take any sort of criticism very personally, and consider it to be a general indictment of their character. They may react with anger and harsh words which they would later like to take back. ESFPs would do themselves a favor if they would come to realize that criticism can be looked at constructively, rather than destructively. If they can hear criticism without feeling personally threatened, the ESFP will have come a very long way towards greatly improving the strength and health of their relationships.

ESFPs are extremely literal and concrete when communicating. They say things in a very direct, abrupt manner, and can sometimes even unintentionally seem quite harsh. They like things to be communicated to them in a similar, concrete fashion. They dislike theory and abstraction, and will frequently misunderstand the gist of a communication if it is not communicated in a factual, present-tense manner. Discussions regarding the future or the past are not the ESFP's strong suit, and in fact they're likely to misconstrue future-looking statements as something that needs immediate attention. When they discover that the discussion is not regarding an immediate concern, they become disinterested.

ESFPs are in general very warm and giving people, with simple needs and demands from their partners. They just want to be happy, and want to bring happiness to others. They are energetic and popular individuals who will liven up the social life of the couple, and keep many new experiences on the horizon.

Although two well-developed individuals of any type can enjoy a healthy relationship, ESFP's natural partner is the ISTJ, or the ISFJ. ESFP's dominant Extraverted Sensing function is best matched with a personality that is dominated by Introverted Sensing.

ESFPs as Parents

The ESFP's "go with the flow", fun-loving attitude will extend to the raising of their children. They are warm and affectionate parents, and are great for giving practical care to their children. They like to do things in a big way, and enjoy big families.

The ESFP will freely give love and affection to their children, but they frequently have a problem with defining a structured, orderly environment for them, and they may rely on their mates in this regard. Ultimately, the ESFP likely believes that too much structure is not a healthy thing for anyone, and so they're unlikely to enforce a highly structured or disciplined environment. If this trait is strongly present in the ESFP, and is not counteracted by their mate's perspective, it could be considered a potential pitfall for the ESFP parent. Children need some structure which can be depended upon as they grow up.

The ESFP is very practical and concrete in their daily needs, and are usually quite good at taking care of their children's daily needs. Although their approach to life is frequently "ad-lib", and their lives are almost always extremely full of exciting events, the ESFP is very good at juggling many things at once, which makes them especially good at handling the various issues which come up in a large family.

ESFPs tend to have difficulty with the authoritarian role, preferring to be their children's friend. However, they do expect to be given respect and to be obeyed when necessary, and will fall into the role of parental authoritarian at times. This can be frustrating for some children, especially those with strong Judging tendencies, as they will not know what to expect from their ESFP parent.

ESFPs are usually remembered fondly by their children for being fun-loving, upbeat, and affectionate, although somewhat scattered.

ESFPs as Friends

ESFPs are highly enthusiastic and effervescent. They are usually very popular, because people are naturally drawn towards them. They get such genuine delight and enjoyment from experiences which they encounter in life, and they love nothing better than to draw a crowd of people along with them for the sheer fun of it. ESFPs try to turn every day into a party, and they're usually successful at doing so.

ESFPs are highly valued for their ability to have a good time, and for their genuine warmth and interest towards people. They are extremely in tune with their five senses, and may be prone to overload them with too much alcohol, food, or drugs. They get along with all sorts of people, although they're not interested in spending time with people who they find boring, or who expect the ESFP to communicate with them on an Intuitive or Thinking level. Some people may disapprove of the ESFP's fun-oriented lifestyle. Others may be put off by their very straight-forward and blunt speaking style.

The ESFP is likely to especially enjoy spending time with other Extraverts who have the Feeling preference, although they may have a special place in their hearts for people of any preference.

._. only have time for this quiz! shall post the rest of 10 days another time this week! \: crap, school's starting tomorrow already. i'm so not ready for school at all. boohoo.

♥Sunday, June 22, 2008

13 June 2008

okay, 2 days has passed by in a breeze and i think i shall post to keep it as a rememberance before my poor memory forgets about it again. LOL.

thursday 120608!
drill com training in the early morning. as usual, just standard drills and started practicing on my commanding skills since my voice was much better after drinking honey lemon. (: i kinda miss ltc'08 nowadays, all the cheering and waking up damn early and even the 2 fire drills we had first time in history. ._.

i guess i really need to buck up but all these training is pressurizing me because i hold about 12-15% of the entire marks system for the competition and for the fact that samuel got the best commander award last year made it more tensed up for me to maintain the standard as well. but it's national, i'm unsure if i can make it.

honestly speaking, if you all think i'm one with a very high self esteem, you all are wrong. in fact, i have a low self esteem in myself. i seem to always have that negative motivation in me where i often feel that i can't do it everytime i try to overcome a certain thing. sometimes, i'm just not what you think.

the day was long, but it was all worthwhile as we managed to start on our fancy drill and i finally memorized the sequence of the commands. :D now all i have to do is to find out what do i have to do during fancy drill and improve on my commanding skills. 8 more days to competition. jiayous to all, we can do this .

and oh yes, i'm glad to say that npcc has been chosen to be guard of honour for this year's speech day. ^^v yeah, new hall, new pathway, we get to lead other ccas, first u plus rifles. [: imagine how cool would that be. OHYEAH. (:

friday 130608!
forced myself to sleep till around 1120 as i knew i had nothing to eat for breakfast and nothing to do in the morning. felt redundant to stay at home so smsed several people if wanna go out. lijin replied me and told me that she and calise are going orchard but by then, i was pretty reluctant to go out so i said nevermind.

but somehow. ._. she was like asking me to go, and her sms made sense, so i decided to go. got on the train and met later on at bugis. basically, we just ate macs and talked crap there. before taking mrt down to orchard.

and went to far east, where both calise and lijin wanted to shop, so i accompanied them. so we walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked and walked.

after like gadzillion years later, lijin finally got what she wanted, a shirt-.- she says that she won't go home without buying anything. so. =.- calise bought bangles, but regretted after like 5 minutes. lol, see how fickle-minded people are nowadays? so always consider consider consider before purchasing it.

then lijin's brother wanted crispy noodles from takashimaya, so as a nice sister, she went there. but she was being a bad friend by dragging us along, HAHA.


AND OH YAY, now i'm going to the airport to fetch my mummy and sisters. ^^v toodles. so i shall edit next time! =x there's drill com tmr, crap-.-

tonight! ^^v

♥Friday, June 13, 2008

11 June 2008

i'm plain lazy to blog but i shall drag myself to type everything out, before i forget, yet again and again. but this few days, my emotions had been like a roller coaster, it keeps going up and down. and i don't really like that feeling.

sunday 080608!
xiuwen xywm and yuqi soulmate came over to my house again to accompany me, thanks a lot. (: it's really very appreciated though i kinda got my temper lost and we ate macdonalds together, and both of them did their homeworks while i slept. ._. and having instant noodles in the middle of midnight with playing of bolsters and pillows while attempting to be asleep.

at least, that made me felt warmer and filled up inside by quite alot. and that i felt that somebody was there with me, in that big big house playing with me and accompanying me. thanks idiots. :D

monday and tuesday 090608 and 100608!
bused 28 with xywm and soulmate where i got off at some bus stops to meet cl and others to get to prcs for npcc lmsc. dunman was in squad 1, along with yusof ishak and bartley sec, HO sam was in charge of us. firstly, we got to learnt how to do the proper procedure of moi (method of instructions) and several volunteers did it.

during the lectures, we sat together as one and though we weren't able to know each and everyone of us, but we all knew, we only had a common goal, which is to become better leaders after this 2 day course. i got to know more people and got informed that ATC has been changed to SRC or something. ._.

lunch was simply awesome. despite the fact that the rice was hard, we did a cheer which was really loud for the other squads and i'm glad and honoured to say that, we were the loudest among the rest. (:

lectures till the end of the day, though it was boring, but still. we made it through. (: second day, 3 hour of lecture over one topic, team bonding. it really made me sleepy that i started dozing off, but i knew, that team bonding was something that every unit should never neglect. there's no success without a team, and nothing great can be achieved with only the word 'i'.

and we had DISC profiling. yes, i'm a person with very high 'S'(steadiness) along with high 'I'(influence) and 'C'(conscience-t). which means that i can be very noisy at times yet quiet at other times. it depends all on the situation. i found it quite true though, as gemini do have split personalities! ^^v hahaahaaa. :D

lunch was yet another blast, with us screaming the same old cheer and singing gopi a happy birthday. we had a great laugh over his shocked face. he's such a joker and slacker, totally.

teambonding games were held the entire afternoon and even though, i kinda got frustrated over a game, but we still made it at the end of the day. so what if we didn't say any cheers, that's because we all know that we're supporting each other quietly behind.

remember the word, team respresents ; together everyone achieves more. therefore, there's no point screaming at each other, blaming each other, losing tempers when a problem occurs.

so what if you're stressed, that totally gives you no reason for shouting at another; as you'll make the rest more burdened instead. think about it, you wouldn't like somebody screaming and shouting at you almost all the time right? and if you ever want the rest to do certain things, you yourself have to lead by example.

after all that, we got together for a one last group debrief by HO sam and we camwhored, alot. we were the most zilian squad but whatever, we're glad to admit ourselves as that. because we were all as, one.

i got to admit, squad one was a great and enthusiastic bunch of people. from shaun who really leaded us to several people who made us have a great laugh. :D and lots who were pretty quiet but really had that leadership potential in them that was shown when needed. (:

you all were great, i would like to say, i love squad one. ^^v and through this course, i've learnt alot of things. from knowing what kind of a person am i, what's a team all about, effective communication, learning how to be more patient, how to manage conflict management and making much more good friends. i must say, this course made me matured alittle more.

photos aren't uploaded yet, so another time maybe? sorry! x/

guitar camp 090608night till 100608 morning!
arrived around 6 where it was time to have dinner. thankyou to uncle lim(spotlight=x) for serving each and everyone of us and to regina, who forced me to drink diluted water.

and i totally love my group, cambalo. (: during night activities, we cooperated and had one mindset; to get through every game successfully. but of course, we failed. it was alright though, who doesn't make mistakes? what's important is that we pick ourselves up and move on from there and be stronger, isn't it? (:

a concept of 'one for all, all for one'. but one of my groupmates weren't enthusiastic and i got pretty annoyed by that. the cheer that we were shouting was really damn loud and enthu. a pity some weren't able to see the effort we made. oh yes, and i think our performance and the cake was great.

wash up was pretty fast and we got to sleep. the floor was so hard such that my whole body ached and my eyes really hurt. morning physical training was pretty much fine, i mean. i can't expect this to be like npcc right. yeah, so we moved on with breakfast.

and i wasn't really happy with the committee. so i decided to approach yuqi about it. but beatrice and in the end, even mr soong had to interfere in it sort of got me pretty frustrated. i admit i was using the wrong tone then so we all lost our tempers and some of us even cried. but i'm glad it's all over, and we've solved that conflict. (:

wednesday 110608!
went out with lijin around noon and travelled all the way to the west at woodlands just to walk walk at causeway point. lunched at kfc which made me real full and i'm still upset for the fact that i dropped the carrotcake i bought at old chang kee while eating it halfway! ):

mrt-ed back to aljunied and met up with xiuwen and yuqi. lucky yuqi got her handphone and wallet back, all in place. (: went for job training, learnt how to make the food, do the job, and the cashier thingy etcetc.

bought dinner at tori-q at tm and got home(: there's drill com tmr, the whole day, again. -.-

you just can't see it .

♥Wednesday, June 11, 2008

08 June 2008

it really made me feel better when both of those idiots came by again just to accompany me. and i really appreciate the gesture. but somehow, there's still this empty feeling in me.

5 more days .

♥Sunday, June 08, 2008

okay, i'm lazy to get myself off the chair so here are some quizzes to entertain myself! (:

What's your personality love style?

Here is the analysis:
You desire a love that will last forever. You are quite serious about finding this type of love, and that's why you think carefully about the men that you meet before deciding whether you could really love them. You don't just develop a crush on someone overnight: you look at a person's personality and other aspects of their life before deciding to form an attachment. If a guy doesn't meet your expectations, you would rather be alone. Your love has to be perfect. Be careful though, you could be missing out on some worthy relationships because your standards are so high.

What type of personality do you have?

Here is the analysis:Bright and Cheerful.

You are always cheerful and charming. You never get too serious with people when they're around, but when you are alone, you think carefully about what they have said. That's because you don't want anyone to see you being too somber. Your personality means you have a lot of friends and you are often the center of attention. Many people who fall into this category become artists and movie stars, perhaps fame could be yours in the future as well.

What does being a friend really mean to you?

You value your friendships: 70%

You love your friends very much - so much so that it's actually quite a worry. You may not be able to cope very well when you do lose somebody's friendship. You are a very sensitive and fragile person, and are therefore likely to get upset easily. You care for your friends and are willing to do anything that they ask you to do. Sometimes this can make your friends think that you are a bit of a nuisance. Nevertheless, people do really love you because your highest priority is your friends.

In the fish tank

Here is the analysis:
You enjoy being surrounded by lots of your relatives and friends. You can be over-possessive and sometimes this can hurt the people around you. Learn to chill out; you have lots of friends, so there's no need to cling to just a few. Share your natural happiness around, particularly to your sweetheart.

How well do you get along with others?
Here is the analysis:
You truly believe in friendship. You get along well with others, and those who are around you are happy to be with you, too. You love to be surrounded by friends and you'll do anything you can to help them without expecting anything in return. When your friends are smiling, you're as happy as you can be.

Your Handwriting

Here is the analysis:
You are a sociable and outgoing person. You enjoy attending parties and seek attention from people wherever you can. The closer you place your words together, the more afraid you are of being left alone. Loneliness is your one great fear.

What's on your mind?

Here is the analysis:
You'll drop everything to be with the partner of your dreams, and you'll give their sentimental presents rather than expensive ones. Nevertheless, your spontaneous nature does have a limit, and when the romance is over, you'll head back to work to pick up the pieces.

Get to know yourself better

Your view on yourself:
You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

The seriousness of your love:(._.)
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?

Your views on education:
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

The secret of the fourth coin

Here is the analysis:
It would be very difficult for you to fall in love with someone. But when you love, honesty is your first priority. You are an emotional person.

alright, off to sleep now! =D

♥Sunday, June 08, 2008

07 June 2008

i guess i shouldn't be letting certain things affect me too much but i'm gonna persist on about helping the more well deserved person to get back what he/she deserves. i will and i shall.

okay, moving on to a lighter topic, let's talk about 020608 onwards. (: i'm super lazy to post up photos of 010608. so let's just wait till i get all my photos back. ^^v and i shall post once and for all yeah, paiseh. o'.'o

monday 020608! :D
brought over my camp bag to yuqi's house before having lessons in the morning at school, and was pretty much tiredd. mr L continued the emath lesson despite many 3C students weren't here for it. i guess he was pretty disappointed and angry but oh wells, that gives him no reason to scold us, because we were there. :D

then i had ltc final proposal meeting. all the proposals was explained detailedly and carefully, ensuring that everything was smooth and proper. later on, collected all the food needed for f&b department from the nearest ntuc store at school.

proceeded by taking bus 28 back with nisya to leongyuqi's house. thankyou to yuqi's mummy who helped me cook dinner. i was really very very hungry. xD slept super early at like 10? and thus, i wasn't able to pick up estee's call, sorry!

leadership training camp tuesday 030608 to friday 060608!
i'm pretty much lazy to elaborate. so i shall just briefly explain. by the way, my brief explanation's damn long so if you are bored, you may use this few paragraphs to self-entertain yourself for about 10-15 minutes. (:

okay, it started off with yuqi and i busing 28 down to school in our attention-seeking camp bags, lol! and we had instructors briefing, before the campers assembled, and we helped out with GA department with their thousand fahrenheit. raj introduced the committee before bernice, yuqi and i went for chinese lessons.

cute cute egg cut her hair and her fringe. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD DAMN CUTE LA CAN! &%$(@^#&@%#&*%#@&#%@&*# she really looked like some doll that i can hug and play with. (: HAHA. miss lam made us do some personality profile that totally got me entertained for about 1 hour.

so i'm!
kinestatic? ._. (that's precisely one of the reasons why i never score well in exams! ): seriously, i won't be able to see particles floating around the classroom and numbers everywhere right! i'm not really the auditory neither the visual kind.)

practical. (: (it describes that i'm pretty much street-smart. and that i won't really lose my way and that i have a good sense of direction. yipppee. :D)

musical. (: (more of the kind that will enjoy music and can't live without music. totally has no logical/math so the rest calls me an idiot-.- but okay, whatever. and talking about being musical, why am i in npcc then? lol, maybe the commands attracted me. ._.)

harmony. (: (one who is caring and helpful towards others. outgoing and always there when needed. very harmonious. however, that person may overplease and over-give in to others. more suitable to become the assistant of an in charge.

haha, i can't wait for the D.I.S.C profiling coming up in july. i need to learn and understand much more of myself, seriously. and of course, the sec 3 adventure and team-bonding camp. but i think that 2D1N is very little. ):

okay, pulling myself back to topic, proceeded back to ltc and started helping on the game called, "buddha carried over the wall". i had fun seeing the groups struggling by getting one up to eat a certain food within a time limit.

lunched before getting ourselves off to orienteering at sentosa. (: became a race instructor along with shu ting and shaheed under a group called nautilus. i'm super lazy to elaborate on the games. but the group had lots to catch up on though that time.

came back in a bus with achilles and 1/3 triton plus other instructors and started teaching cheers. fun session. :D got pretty tired soon after though. x/

the campers had field-cooking while we had cup noodles. i thought that all groups were quite good in field cooking but of course, i'm pretty sure the food sucked-.- i've been through all this before, so yeahh.

had mass dance which really rocked! =D and it was supper time where all the hungry campers started gobbling up their food and their hot cup of milo. group debriefing before taking charge of the toilets and our own debrief before we got to sleep.

second day! prepared for breakfast while the rest had morning PT. breakfast and then after, had low elements. was in charge of poison ball which i'm pretty sure the campers had fun there. (: though some broke the rules, but just as long noone's hurt, it's fine. :D

packed up and travelled to campsite at JBAC. checked in and proceeded on with high elements/rockwall session. managed to belayed for 2 people. it was really fun but the bad weather later on had to put us off. ):

field-cooked again for campers and bowl noodles for us, this time was much better as it was paste and not rice, so everything was so much that they couldn't eat anymore=.- then had night confidence walk where i took charge with ramillies. i guess they were pretty tired and sian, so they didn't perform much.

the campers were pretty much accurate on guessing who was the murderer. and lol, yi ming, the f&b i/c's story was damn funny can. imagine later on during supper, she serves us hot milo with insulin-.- LOL.

group debrief, supper, wash up for campers. had a debrief for us and i practically dozed off after washing up.

breakfast and pt as usual. we did one time of mass dance though, yay. ;D flag raising and i took the dunman flag, but somehow it wasn't able to raise for about 1-2 seconds. LOL. okay, later on. took charge of ramillies for raft-building. and their structure was really good and i was super impressed by the cheers they made. (:

saw shahirah screaming all the way from zipline. lol, maybe she has a phobia of heights-.-lunched then i became in one of sea act's duty. ensured that achilles had a plan and know how to tie knots. though it ended up that the raft came apart, i enjoyed myself while being on the barrel itself. (:

had fun being in the water and dinner. beforee we had one final campfire night preparation. the groups were seriously well prepared. but the QM/F&B department's performance got cancelled, so saddenning can! ):

campfire, super super high, our morale was SKYHIGH! (right, achilles? xD) the performance was really great and we did a lot of cheers that was the bubble to making me lose my voice. mass dance was superb for the fact that we did it twice. ^^v

from then, all as usual. group debrief, supper, wash up for campers. our own wash up and debrief. slept for about 15-30 minutes or so, before waking up to prepare for fire drill. when the alarm went off and the instructors started shouting fire, i supposed the campers were quite slow-.-

and ended up, they took 5 minutes plus and got punishment. \: i felt so sad at that point of time, i dont know why. they went back to sleep and we decided to have another fire drill after 15 minutes. -.- this time, they were faster, however, there were still mistakes. x/ there were several casualties. > < safety first ah, campers! x/

yup, so i took care of hwee sze, from achilles. i supposed it was quite serious, from the fact that she needed 2 people to move her. =x and nice winnie took her down from the stairs to the bunk. had the mindset of having the responsibility of taking care of her so i tried my best to wake up the next day.

however, in the morning, i woke up late. and realising that i was late, i practically chionged to the hut that hwee sze was in and looked like a total idiot. -.- and went to the toilet and saw her there with felicia and shahirah, i guess she was much better. (: at least she was able to walk on her own, which was good. :D

breakfast, and area cleaning, all the debriefing and giving out of certificates to campers and instructors. (: before we proceeded back to dunman. i was dozing off on the way back with logistics. -.-

was shocked when CIs told me to go for npcc training. but realising that i had no voice, they let me rest. (: continued with prize presentation. :D

congrats to latiff who got the most outstanding camper in his group, hwee sze for the most enthusiastic camper in her group, nazurah for being the most enthusiastic camper in her group and hong yi for being the silent killer in his group, LOL. and to the rest which i really forgot. ._. congrats to nautilus for getting top for almost all GA department's activities and orienteering, ramillies for sea activities, achilles for campfire night and triton for being the overall best group for ltc 2008.

after, moved logistics back to where it belonged and cabbed home. slept for a very long time and skipped dinner in the end. -.- i kinda miss ltc 2008 now though. ): oh wells, it's a memorable one, always remember. 040608 by mr sim.

managed to know more people through ltc and that makes me feel happy at least for a day. (: and though i was a junior FA to ramillies, i totally felt more connected with achilles. maybe it's because i know more people there? maybe.

saturday 070608! in the morning, i witnessed an accident. everyone was crowding around the person who got knocked and at that point of time, i felt that life was fragile, such that a minor mistake can cause your life. this reminds me, there are still some people in this world who aren't contented with what they have and demand more, tsk.

had drill competition training from 10am - 2pm. my voice was feeling much better but i did occasional mistakes though. \: out-of-tune and saying the wrong command. x/ learned a lot of ceremonial drills that can be applied during fancy drill, heh.

then met lijin near her house before we went to tm and got kayleen something like soft toys and sweets. mrt-ed all the way till hougang and got to her house. however, nobody was home. ): we were disappointed and went to hougang point, hoping that she would be there.

ate and drank whilethere. bought myself maggie mee to survive for another 5-6days more. x/ then mummy and sisters' coming back, i miss them lots, really. being home alone for several days, is scary. proceeded back to kayleen's house but to no avail.

guess it wasn't our day though. ): but we shall visit another time when we're free soon! :DDDDDDDDD bused 72 back to tampines interchange. before separating ways. bought honey lemon before taking bus 67 home.

i'm really exhausted so i guess i'm off to sleep? (:
but before that, here's a quiz for those who're bored. ^^v

i found it super accurate.
and i'm a..


let's share it on msn together instead, shall we! =D YAYAYAYAYYY. =D

okay, byebye for now. (:

that empty feeling .

♥Saturday, June 07, 2008

01 June 2008

i knew you weren't who you are from the start.
you're just another person with a mask on the face.
sometimes, i don't understand how people are able to even make friends with you.
for, you use and dispose people as and when you like.

and you snatch other people's things without any hesitations.

can you like use your heart to think, that they are humans and they have emotions too?
instead of always using your brain, zz.
the pain's there already, even if you try to correct now.
which is i doubt you will.

i've been bearing with you for a long long time.

but since you're bringing it down to the rough way, fine.
i'll play along with you.
watch me .


sometimes, certain people are just blockheads.
such that they need reality to wake them up.
there, in black and white.

hopefully, justice'll be brought back.

and oh yes, if you think it's you, it means you're guilty, tsk.

♥Sunday, June 01, 2008

29-31st may 2008.
npcc annual camp was a success, i suppose. with combined uniform groups campfire night and almost losing my voice causing an out-of-tune tone. i need a tuner to tune it back to the right tone, LOL.

i'm super lazy to elaborate about the camp, it's just the same thing over and over again, just that we're the ones organising this year. i'm looking forward to the camps coming up soon! (: and after, work work work! MONEY MONEY MONEY. $$$ WOOHOO. :D

today was kinda saddening in the morning cause my family wasn't around. they went overseas to indonesia already and i felt super lonely the entire night and this morning. i just keep crying and crying. x/ morning and afternoon was pretty siannnn.

mummy they all called me around evening and yes, i cried again. x/ hmmm, not long after, bai chi yuqisoulmate and xiuwenxywm came over to my house and yes, they surprised me and made me felt happy and not that lonely anymore. (: i really appreciated it, thanks. :D

out for dinner at kfc. managed to saw roslin and her family dinner-ing there too, chatted for awhile roslinemonot. and guess what, koizora dvd and vcd's out! ^^v i'm so gonna get the dvd version by this week after my camp, latest. xD

now we're at my house slacking and we are at the climax of our moods now. gonna camp in leongyuqi's house tmr before reporting in school for ltc on the 3rd of june. sayonoras, till i come back on the 6th june. and post again during weekends. :D

pictures another time? (:

i'll play along .

♥Sunday, June 01, 2008