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byyourside .
i'm your soul.


Christy, 19th June.

the miles.

Angela; girlfriend! :D
Chun Luan; Egg! 8)
Hwee Min
Hwee Sze
Jing Wen
Joan; AIR-CON~ ^^
Jorim; superjunior!
Kim Meng
Li Lian
LiJin; oneandonlyhope[:
Liyana; guitar senior!
Lynn; TWIN! <3
Mei Yen
Qi Shan
Shu Ting
Si Yuh
Wan Xin
Yi Ling
Yin Shuen
Yu Ying[:

my days, not yours.

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009


thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

31 March 2008

erase the bitter memory, be happy .

that's the quotation on my big big funny eraser bought from artbox.
other than erasing stuff(which i really can't bear to use), it's to remind me to stop thinking too much into certain things !
i'm gonna bring it everyday to school. :D
and keep reminding myself to erase off the bitter past and to be HAPPYYYYYY ! (:
so that others would be influenced by me toooooooooooooo~

since friendster wasn't really working.
which made me super annoyed as i wasn't able to wish certain people happy birthday and reply comments.
i've decided to spend my time fruitfully by blogging.
yay, i can almost remember everything that happened today ! ^^
but pretty much summarized !

monday ~! :D
morning started off with contact time.
with regards to mrs neo's expectations of us for the mid-year.
and saying how disappointed she was for the common test.
oops, i guess i was one of the guilty ones. \:

and then it was mr bernard briefing us about the sec. 3 camp coming up during june holidays !
at malaysia ~~~~~ kota tinggi again, i suppose ? \:
18 june - 19 june. 2D1N camp. =.-
everyone was like complaining when they saw the toilets. LOL.
but i can't wait, excited for it ! ^^
okay, so my birthday's gonna be celebrated in malaysia this year, with classmates. cool ? O_O

followed by mdm suharni who briefed us on the kindness week which is next week ?
and upper secondary's suppose to do international friendship project or something.
more details next week.

then back in class !
of course, the orange box never fails to annoy me with his antics again.
begging for glue, correction pen etc.
and this time even complaining that his chair was breaking-.-

amaths was rather alright, i was glad that i understood the chapter.
but i think i have so much more to improve on.
chinese was like super sian, with worksheets and stuff.

recess was kinda moody.
something happened.
english at computer lab.
enjoyed chatting with ridzuan ~

emaths was rather relaxing.
not much work was done(:
and we had a pact with miss luar pp. :D
i hope it would work out.
and that my ss would score much better this time to really pull up my humanities.
my geography is hopeless-.-

lunched with xiuwen and yuqi.
slacked around at first, walked deanne to the bus stop and waited for her bus.
walking around the school with a bottle.
and i walked past mdm hafsah.
if you're thinking i was caught with improper attire or whatsoever, you're wrong(:

mdm hafsah: "what are you doing with this bottle, girl ?"
me: "recycling." *smiles*
mdm hafsah: "oh, that's nice. throwing the bottle into the recycling bin ?"
me: "no, for the class recycling competition."
mdm hafsah: "ohhhh, i thought you were going to hit someone with this bottle."
me: "lol, no la !" *walks off with a -.-" face*

seriously, who would use a bottle to hit a person-.-
okay, maybe some might use this as a catalyst.
might as well use a ready-weapon.
it has better effects and better quality sounds.
lol, i feel i sound like a saddist-_-

stood in 3B with huixi, lijin and jiayi.
jiayi wanted to miss the podcasting.
she says it was retarded talking to the computer and editting your own voice.
but in the end she was caught. ):

listened to the choir people sing.
HAO TING yet again. (:
i saw iris leading them, hahaahaahahahaaa.
she's the SL, i suppose ? {:

left school after yuqi and xiuwen finished their english remedial.
went to bbt shop and drank bbt. :DDDDD
missed 1 bus just to drink and chitchat. ;D

since i didn't felt like going home,
i wanted to go yuqi's house.
soo.. yes, we all slacked there by camwhoring.
and using burst to take funny pictures of ourselves.
will upload soon ! ^^

reached home at around 7.30pm.
and i just watched the arena.
exciting show, it's sad i didn't went there to support them. \:
but still, dunman won sji ! :DDDDDD
and all the supporters screamed like siao.
that's what i call the dunman spirit ! =D

might update tmr, since i feel that i can remember things this way. :D

it's not only just keeping the promise ;
it's also about following your heart .
yes, i agree, to a large extent.

♥Monday, March 31, 2008

30 March 2008

tired of .. everything .

i know i promised you all the pictures of 210308 :D
so here you go !
outside vch(:
super candid shot ! ^^v one of my favourites. :DDD
because super natural ! [:
lijin, yuqi, xiuwen, deanne and me ! ^^
jorim(superjunior;D), hui san, shiying, qishan and those 2 idiots at the bottom.
i know it's weird, but i think she looks like a professional guitarist here. O_O
wait a MINUTE, isn't this photo similiar to..
THIS!? LOL. =p
chio bu leong yu qi. {:
all the juniors with xiuwen and yuqi~
getting ready for the performance. (:
the flowers that the graduated seniors gave, so touched . {:
retarded xywm, not-retarded xywm.
and wth, du-di say i look like a ghost here-.-"

last picture of the day ! :D
leong yuqi and christy lim beibei shin pei ! ^^

sunday !
church in the morning ~
lunched at tm/cs as usual.
made my way to popular with clara.
saw angela, vinnie and onemore (i forgot his name. :O)
but it's from 1G, definitely.

clara and i retrieved a phone from a section in popular somewhere.
and realized the person who lost her phone was still in popular.
so we decided to return it to her.
i felt so happy for doing a good deed today ! ^^v

i finally got my shou ce, my notebook(ENDURANCE, cl ~ :D) from popular.
after, i went to artbox.
mummy was super nice ! ^^
she still remembered how badly i wanted that bag from artbox since last week.

and so she said, i could have it.
the only condition is i had to share it with clara. :D
i'll try scanning in the design of the bag soon ! ;D
so from artbox, i got myself.
a bag, a big big funny eraser :DDDDDDDD

managed to got yuqi her stuff too. (:
went home, took a nap.
did a 8pages compo. :D
and finally here ! [:

school starts tmr again.
*sian* \:
but oh wells, let's all just face it with a positive mindset !
work hard everyone(:
32 more days to mid-year.

random stuff !
; i have to squeeze a day out of my hectic schedule to meet angela to help her in her maths and studies !
; i have to go out with 1G people & felicia soon(:
; i have to keep my days during the june holidays free so that i can go out and play ^^
; keep a week free during the holidays so that i'll be able to go overseas. :D
; get over the fear of sitting on an aeroplane alone if the top one is granted.
; get well soon to du di who is sick almost every part of his life !
; get well soon to lynn's mum. (:
; CHEER UP, TWIN ! [: stay positive alrights !
; lastly, all the best for this week, people.
; ENDURE through the whole week, like you always do(:

don't give up before you even try ;
ou've gotta prove them wrong .
you seemed nonchalant about it .

♥Sunday, March 30, 2008

29 March 2008

that urge to pull down the sky so that the time'll stop, at least for now .

monday - friday.
seriously, i can't really remember exactly what happened.
but at least for everyday of my school lesson hours.
i have jennifer, chin and maggie to entertain me. :D

in random order.
; oh yes, jennifer started mimicking whatever i say or do, just to irritate me. -.-
; chin finally got his own correction pen. ;D
; quoted from jennifer, i'm called garbage. ):
; jennifer suans my handwriting by saying that my words are too thin to be seen. =.-
; so when he couldn't see what's on the projector, he would see my words and i'll suan him back by saying "i thought you say my handwriting too THINNNN for you to see ?"
; the 2guys treats me like a stationery shop, megan treats me like a watch. LOL.
; report book was horrible.
; not only do i get to sit with jennifer in the classroom, i get to sit with him in the lab too-.-
; couldn't really remember what happened, well.
but here's a BELATED birthday to megan, from our country, singapore to your country, malaysia, serawak.
LOL. =x

after school.
monday - study session with guitar peeps! :D
but before that, went eating lunch with deanne, bk, joe and jerry.
bought bbt at yumyum first.
was it oreo chocolate ? (: (recommended by deanne, heeeee. ^^)

and then ate at mr prata.
first time ! O:
egg prata and cheese prata ! ^^
at first, i felt pretty much left out. =x
deanne and joe scandalous ! O:

but later on, i realised it wasn't that bad afterall.
i had fun talking to them.
deanne didn't know that i knew almost all of them already.
joe - through roslin/yuqi. jerry - just knew him. =x bk- through ltc.
she thought it was LDC. ._.

there were five plates of curry !
one plate was contaminated with pearl and blue coral, thanks to joe.-.-
while another was contaminated with sugar, by me. =x
the rest were remained, untouched.

walked back to school.
and slacked at 3B with them.
i didn't know that the projector could take photos ! :D
deanne's table was scribbled with alot of private stuff ! DDDD:

after, deanne and i went to 4F, for the study session.
managed to do expository writing ! ^^
proud of myself, for not sleeping instead(because of the wonderful aircon)
bbt-ed out with them.
realised some stuff that we weren't supposed to know from the guys.
okay, uncle lim's of a bad influence ! O:

tuesday - had chinese class immediately after school.
wasn't able to accompany mortal for detention, sorry ! \:
after, ate lunch at bbt, i guess.
i should be saving money-.-

then, made a trip to leong muaji's house ! :D
while she sent photos taken on the 210308♥ to my phone.
and slacked by reading magazines and sleeping.
went home after.

wednesday - ate lunch with dearest yuqi and xiuwen.
then after, they went for interact while i went to 3C.
and stayed for a while with ridzuan to do homework !
learnt of some new gossips from the guys. D:

thursday - npcc GA meeting plus guiatr study session.
discussed details about the campfire night stuff for the camp.
everyone animously agreed on the certain ideas given and it's all settled ! :D
i can't wait. ^^

study session again, but i felt so disappointed in myself.
wasn't really able to study much, or even do any homework.
went home around 530?

friday - npcc study session plus training.
realized that i've had 3 study sessions in a week ! O:
managed to finish chemistry for that session.
so yes, i'm happy . (:
this means that i have lesser homework for the weekends ! ^^

left 2H classroom, and saw choir sang in the atrium.
hao ting, hao ting ! ^^
can you feel the love tonight ! ♥
i guess, that was the only song i heard as i need to change, quickly.

the usuals, attendances and stuff.
started off with rifle drills.
finally, a 13 out of 16.
i'm really happy with the attendance ^^
and motivated. {:

harith and i went to see how the NCOs teach the cadets.
took down notes and tried taking over the squad.
it's scary, i was nervous.

after, back to rifle drills.
i guess, i really need to buck up, alot.

stopped with rifle.
and falled in at the parade ground with the secondary 2s.
then from the sec.4s,
we realised it was the selection of the next drill competition.
coming up tentatively on the 20th of june.

they only asked 3 people to command the squad,
according to sequence.
me, naveeda and latiff.
again, it was KONG BU-.-
because there were 6 CIs and all the sec.4s were watching. \:

i guess alot were tired, esp the sec.2s.
they went hay-wire after a while of marching.
well, from my point of view. =x
yay, then after, finally home sweet home ! :D

received the new schedule for npcc trainings in term 2.
realized a lot of things clashed with each other.
oh no ! \:
anyways !
roslin, cl, edwina, ridzuan's finally joining back the unit training next week ! ^^
miss them loads during their absence as they were for NPAP at HTA.

outside my house, i happened to heard my mum talking about me to the neighbours.
she was actually saying about the musical extravanganza ! :D 210308 ! ^^
initially i thought she didn't really like it, cause she never really commented on it.
only my dad was the only one who kept telling me how much he enjoyed it.
but at that point of time, she really changed my thinking.
she really loved the music, she felt the passion that i have towards guitar.
and of course, to the rest who had passion in their own ccas.
i was really , very very touched, i love you mum ! (:

saturday !
campcraft competition in the morning.
falled in straight at 7.
took bus to HTA.
after reporting and registered, the competitors went to the holding area.
had briefing~

competition time.
12 minutes, 9 people, 3 things to do.
as i was panicking, edwina told me to calm down, thanks. ;D
and i finally managed to shout out some words of encouragement ! :D

i guess everyone really did their best.
and i'm proud of the gadget, it looks really stable ^^
thanks, esp to edwina and soggy noodles(magdelene) for making it a success.

i love the flagstuff too!
super straight and high up ! =x
thanks to jin jia, kelly and kaiting for making it possible ! :D

and i'll never forget the shelter !
it's really a job well done.
though the wind made the structure dropped abit,
but still, thanks a lot to chun luan, roslin and natasha.
the shelter'll never there without any of you.

and and of course, the reserves, shahera and adeline !
we'll really don't know what to do if any of us didn't come.
and we didn't had any of you.

and and and last, but definitely not least, the teachers, rest of sec.4s and the supporters !
thanks for cheering us on though the hot weather.
really touched lassss.

after, made our way back to school.
skipped physics remedial. =.-
skittles was nice ! :D
thanks, soggy noodles. =p

before leaving, samuel told me something.
"you've been selected to be the next drill com commander, so better get ready for the next training."
ohhhhhhhhhhh great, i feel the stress already ! \:

ate lunch with roslin, cl and edwina !
long johns.
thanks to cl for borrowing me money.
then, went shopping around.
saw familiar faces(:

took bus 67 home, as usual.
napped the whole afternoon.
and off to do my homework now!
i've been a terrible kid. ):

and for the photos,
i'm sorry !
but sister just won't borrow her phone to me to upload.
tmr, hopefully ? (:
damn, i want a new phone ! ):

If you love someone let it go, ;
and if it comes back then thats how you know.

♥Saturday, March 29, 2008

27 March 2008

and oh yes, school life has been great with my crappish sitting partners.
eugene chin xiang you!
jennifer kaiyou charli chung ming-xuan orange box! LOL. :D
meganutz maggie leong nyuk leng!

they keep me laughing everyday non-stop.
especially chung ming-xuan !
he keeps asking me permission for a correction tape and the glue.
it's kinda annoying to actually listening to him every one minute just to borrow stuff-.-
and according to rumours,
he called me garbage ! ):
BOO, but i got my revenge. ;D

eugene chin is chao like wlaozxc.
and sometimes, especially.
p.s, that's when he's sleeping.
then he's super sotong.
he asks me what happened, what happened.
he must be daydreaming, i guess.
and finally, he got his own correction pen ^^
now, his target has shifted to my highlighter-.-

megan's the one that keeps orange box annoyed nearly everyday!
and they two mainly are the ones who gives "trouble" to us at times. =x
and she keeps asking me for the time.

because the clock in our class is forever, 2.05pm.
more details, during the weekends. ;D

♥Thursday, March 27, 2008

lololol, i guess i won't be blogging till tmr or the weekends.. ?
so i've decided.
i shall upload some photos to entertain those who are reading ! ^^

210308 is loved ! ;D

the soloists !
being squeezed at vch with guitar, band and string ! O:
liyana ~ ! :D
leong mua ji and chien neh neh. LOL. =x
lijin, deanne, me, vanessa, chris !
GUITARS !!!!!! ~~ :DDDDDD (and not forgetting wei jin, of course.)
vch ♥
getting ready for the performance. ;D

qi shan and shi ying ! [:
yesyes, those two retards.
a few sec. 4 seniors !
act-cute guys ! ^^
super junny 'O' a 'O'
more pictures soon after this busy week.
enjoy thursday night, people ! (:

♥Thursday, March 27, 2008

23 March 2008

somewhere over the rainbow .

i thought i should be updating soon, now.
before i turn off the computer and drop on my bed to sleep. (:
for school tmr ! -.-"

friday !
210308 ! :DDDDD
the moment i reached school, i suppose i was late-.-
so changed into the performance clothes with the first row.
i looked weird. O_O

then, we started tuning guitars, wearing court shoes, straightening hair etcetc.
practiced soon after conductor came in his not-so-formal clothes.
i finally GOT my $35 tuner. =.-

had early lunch at 1030~
we were named the bunch of BLACKIES. :DDDDDDDD
since, we were all in black ! (:

moved everything onto the bus and off to vch.
second row got seperated from the rest though to go with string.
sat with huixi. ~~~
thanks qishan for the few songs ! [:

realising that the vch wasn't open, we had to stay in a area where about almost 200+ of us had to squeeze in with our hot hot clothes.
esp. with black. :D
black is a good absorber and radiator of heat. T_T
stayed for about half an hour.

and sitting into the audience seat, front rows. ^^
saw string rehearse first,
i liked their songs ! (:
followed by our turn.
kinda nervous, but managed to overcome the fear of being on stage, heeee.

after, band rehearsed.
alumini first, damn good las !
the way i see them play the instruments.
then the concert band.
it was like WOW.
nice nice nice. ;D

then, early dinner !
security guard of vch was shocked to see us eating outside vch !
he said it was the first time.
yay, we're the pioneering batch ! (:

sooooon, it was almost 6+
*SCREAMS X10000000*
girls had to put on make-up.
and i must say, the make-up's not bad as compared to syf 2007. =x
first time putting on make-up sia ! =x
and conductor wore exactly what he wore during syf.

the atomosphere got quite tensed up when we heard the audience clapping vigorously and screaming like &*@&#*@&^@*
sweaty palms, sweaty legs, sweaty everywhere ! =.-

after string, it was our turn.
played over the rainbow, sound of silence, close to you, dream alittle dream of me and tocatta.
seriously, conductor got very high when he started asking the audience to clap during dream alittle dream.
it kinda shocked me actually.
lol, i could only see the front few rows when i was playing.
my parents were at the second last row ! O_O

finally finished, and felt super highhhhhhhhhhhh! ~
started hugging seniors and taking photos with them.
thankyou especially to the seniors who graduated.
they were really nice, taking the time and effort to make for each of us a card and a flower.
how sweet ! ^^

i thought marriage D' amour was nice.
love you liyana ! (:
she started crying after seeing us cheering for her at the backstage.

finale ~~~~
before that, some seniors started crying.
i felt kinda helpless, not crying or consoling.
i'll really miss them lots.
got up there with the flower and of course, cheering for conductor.

bused back with the number of hard case guitars to school.
there was a cockroach in the bus which made almost everyone scream.
except for deanne who was sleeping soundly on the bus already.
yuqi stood out to be the brave one catching it, but it was killed by wesley!
everyone was gloating over it-.-

to my dearest guitar seniors;
no matter how close we are.
i'll definitely miss your presence!
esp. seniors like regina, jia jing, liyana, ashwanee, eileen and a few more.
i can't really remember their names. =x

took a hitch back from dad.
fetched yuqi home too since it was super late already.
forgetful deanne left her guitar in school. O:
my parents loved the concert ! :DDDDDD

wondering where xywm disappeared to ?
chin sent chien home, understand ? :DDDD
she didn't need me. ):

dropped on bed at 1.

saturday !
npcc at 0745
dad was really nice to send me to school. [:
was feeling tired and body aching all over. -.-

okay, pt was kinda okay.
but somehow, it became the toughest pt i had this year ! =.-
i guess it's because i was tired and my body was aching.

campcrafted !
since it was competition day, we did our very very best.
well, after several trys, my energy kinda dropped drastically.

lunched at market, ban mian with drink ! ^^
with edwina, chunluan and roslin.
back to school.
there were supporters ! :DDD

bused to hta.
meanwhile, i slept. (:
but it was kinda short as i couldn't fell asleep initially.

sadly, it rained-.-
in the end, we waited for nothing.
and the competition's postponed AGAIN.

bused back to school.
heard there'll be a drill competition again this year.
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, mei wan mei liao ! =x

then, after.
went to mamashop to get some food to eat.
and rushing to tm to meet lynn.

accompanied her to buy stationeries at popular.

and she got me this notebook at artbox.
she got herself one too !
and she bought for me ice-cream !

twin, next time save money laaaaaa !
don't waste it on me.
save it for your rainy days okay~~~ :D

bused home with 67.
tiring day siaaaa.

sunday !
church as usual.
it's easter sunday !
and for that, i got 2 eggs ! {:

off to cs,
ate jade noodles with charsiew and dumpling !
walked around cs for self-entertainment.

then, to tm.
bought stationeries at popular.
saw joycelyn !
and ohmy, there's this one bag i want to buy from artbox !
but i need money. $.$

i went to chai chee there to cut my hair.
like finally~
cut my fringe and hair.
but sigh, i hate my hair now.
no more v-shape. ):
the person misunderstood me las !

went home.
brooded over it before taking a nap.
school's tmr again.
and i have to do detention and recess duty.
but the good thing is, i guess, no morning duty.

shall upload all the pictures of the concert once people start uploading and sending it to me.
paiseh, people.
asap, i promise ! ;D

as i looked through my inbox,
it seems saddening that you don't appear who you are in rl.
you took me for granted .

♥Sunday, March 23, 2008

20 March 2008

for the one last time .

sunday !
church and project, i'm lazy to elaborate.

monday !
monday was the starting of term 2, boo ! ):
super lazy, especially with results coming down harsh.
failed what i totally didn't expect and what i expected .

stayed after school for campcraft.
competition on satuday !
let's hope it won't be delayed anymore. =x

tuesday !
change of seats in class again.
so apparently.
i'm sitting with .
eugene chin . me . jennifer (ming xuan) ! LOL. maggie. (megan) O:
middle row , 3rd row from front .

i had fun with them, seriously.
jennifer and his funny accent.
eugene and his chao blur-ness.
megan and her funny antics.
on the first day somemore.
we were pretty much noisy. =x

oh well, i have nothing much better to do, so i shall just, show you how's the arrangement like.
oops, i think i forgot. -.-
but people who are sitting in front of me are like, yuqi, wenshee, leon and pang wen.
people behind me are like, joycelyn, iris, julian, beatrice.
i think they're a bunch of nice people to be with.

lessons as usual, boring. \:
but english's always interesting ! :D
especially the oral speech, i laughed my head off for that.

and finally we had pe !
like dont know how much zcx$&#*@^&!@^@ years already.
had fun playing catching at the playground ! ^^

had guitar in the afternoon ! (:
practiced as usual. ;D

wednesday !
continued sitting with the bunch of people on my row.
really, chin's too much for taking my correction fluid with WITHOUT permission.
he only asked for it on tuesday-.-"
and apparently, ming xuan got influenced by him, sian.
so my fluid was like being thrown here and there most of the time. =.-

still continued teasing ming xuan as jennifer.
previously, he was named jenny by megan.
but somehow he said, "i'm not jenny, i'm jennifer!" with his cute accent.
and for the pay back time, he called megan, maggie.

that's how the nicks came about. O:

guitar practice was okay, just feeling sian, that i've no tuner.
i need one like desperately.
if not, tmr's concert would be a goner ! =x
guitar practice was so not okay. i felt sad.

lessons was boring.
and this time, finally.
i got pretty much fed up when jennifer just took my fluid whenever he wants, without my permission.
and so i said, " EXCUSE ME jennifer, can you PLEASE ask for permission if you would like to use my correction fluid ? THANK YOU."
lol, 3 magic words really worked ! :D

and so for every 3 minutes,
as he would make drastic mistakes, and starting cancelling off, causing his paper to look horrendous.
he would ask for permission, really.
everytime, it's always the same old line.
and i didn't expect him to actually listen to what rubbish i was spurring earlier on in the morning.

and i believe i'll get along well with my sitting partners, esp. jennifer.
i thought i would be isolated and have nobody to crap to during class.
i miss xiuwen la, honestly speaking.
though she's in the same class.
but momoren misses her company more, esp today.
when he kinda "kaopei" to me.

npcc was in the afternoon.
drilling session was so much different.
managed to advance ahead faster since everyone was pretty much sure of the drills already.
i love m16 ~ :D

halfway, went for guitar, to get my stuff ready for tmr.
i can't wait ! ^^
then back to npcc.

after, was captains ball ! a lecture ! :D
but i really had much interest, i dont know why.
i felt that i'll benefit a lot from it and will learn what i can't learn from textbooks.
example : ren sheng dao li ! LOL.

and oh yes.
i'm feeling kinda confused/sad/anxious/troubled ( your pick {: )
confused of the surroundings.
sad over some matters.
troubled over some matters too.
anxious because..

talking about that, we're taking over the npcc unit soon.
*SCREAMS x100000*
but the other uniformed groups has taken over already.
we should really prepare ourselves, i guess.

tired and beat after coming home.
and have to report to school early in the morning tmr.
boooooooooooooooooooooooooo. ):
i want my sleep ! :$

heehee, anyways.
tmr's the concert, i'm all excited for it ! ^^
and in fact, maybe even ready ! (:

my parents are coming to watch. O:
and sisters dont want to watch, say boring.

elaborate more after the concert ! ^^
and campcraft competition as well, i guess.
what a hectic week.

thanks to those who bought the tickets to watch ! (:
really appreciate alot. ;D

i didn't expect such a reaction ;
it totally ruined my mood .
you broke me .

♥Thursday, March 20, 2008

15 March 2008

how i wished i could scream like this, now .

mine (:
xywm. (:
soulmate (:
emonot (:
it's the 4 of us . ♥

bazaar was overall fine today.
our class managed to sold all the ice-cream( THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT ! ^^)
except for the fact that i forgot to bring my $20 tickets.

so ended up, i had to donate another like, what, $20 ?\:
but i ..
ate a lot of food.
had a lot of fun.
day ended off in school with haunted house.
i was laughing, yet again. =.-

i must remember, next year !
to wear home clothes and ..
most importantly,
to bring my tickets ! ):

after that, off to chien's house for chinese project.
hope that we'll be able to finish by tmr ? =x
jyjy ^^

and cl's sick !
get well soon, egg ! =x

somewhere in february :

this was taken around february. (:
accompanied xiuwen to find presents.
for her dearest. LOL.

look at our stupid faces. -.-"
off to find pants for performance tmr.
and court shoes' are so going to kill my feet. =.-
but i think the top's nice(:
it feels kinda awkward ;
but i hope this would improve for the better.
what more can i ask for.. ?


♥Saturday, March 15, 2008

in random order ! ^^
never forgotten ; 140308 ! <3>

seriously, pretty much lazy to update on the whole week.
but at least in the whole week, this is what i did.

wednesday ! (: thursday ! (: friday ! (:
basically guitar practices in the morning for wednesday and afternoon for thursday ! :DDDDDD
i'm glad we finally finished what songs we're gonna play for the concert. (i can't wait ! ^^)
and decided on the attire. :DDD

managed to catch L, change the world with my dearest yuqi, xiuwen and of course, roslin ! [:
a 2 hour show, and i must say it's really nice and exciting.
though some people cried. O_O

and went back to meeting with miss lam on the chinese project.
we're doing well ! :DD
recycling !!!! {:

settled for npcc on friday.
campcraft was as usual, and of course, most of us were pretty much sian.
after over 10-12 weeks of training.
and the tying the same things over and over again.
but we must hang on okay ! (:

competition's coming up on saturday. ><

i strongly agree that it's a very touching love story and people who love sad romance MUST watch.
it'll make you cry like buckets, i guarantee.
the people who i went out with are the examples.
esp. xywm. =x

it's about a girl (mika) on a train home, thinking back to her high school days. having vividly remember falling in love for the first time with a guy (hiro) and sweet memories that he has left for her. their love made a big round before returning to where they were again.

though i didn't cry (i think),
i pretty much felt sad and emo after the movie. ._.
had no mood to really talk anymore.
sorry, to xw, ros, cl.

the main male lead is called HIRO !
he's my dream lover ! (LOL)
except for the fact that he's too violent=x
and like what roslin said,
he's too open about love. =x

i've never been so crazy over a movie before.
LOL. ^^

i want to be the sky ;
so that i'm able to look over and protect you everyday .


♥Saturday, March 15, 2008

14 March 2008

Sky of Love is adapted from the hugely successful cell-phone novel that moved 11 million to tears. After losing and then retrieving her cell phone, attractive high school student Mika begins to receive calls from an anonymous admirer. A summer-long phone romance leads to an eventual meeting with cool guy Hiro but their happy days soon pass as trouble is on the horizon.
sky of love ! ♥
he's hotttttttttttttttttttttttt ~
omg omg omg, i think i'm in love with him.

elaborate more soon this weekend ! ^^

nothing came out ;
instead it became more bottled up. \:

♥Friday, March 14, 2008