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byyourside .
i'm your soul.


Christy, 19th June.

the miles.

Angela; girlfriend! :D
Chun Luan; Egg! 8)
Hwee Min
Hwee Sze
Jing Wen
Joan; AIR-CON~ ^^
Jorim; superjunior!
Kim Meng
Li Lian
LiJin; oneandonlyhope[:
Liyana; guitar senior!
Lynn; TWIN! <3
Mei Yen
Qi Shan
Shu Ting
Si Yuh
Wan Xin
Yi Ling
Yin Shuen
Yu Ying[:

my days, not yours.

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009


thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

29 November 2007

okay, time to blog again.
this time.
i shall just elaborate wednesday okay !
super tired now. \:

wednesday ; 281107
school.ntuc.airport.school.tampines mart.201.xiuwen'shouse.yuqi'shouse.home.

early in the morning,
went for meeting for the class bbq.
to buy stuff for the class bbq.
managed to buy quite some stuff using class funds. (:

next monday, idaffi's overseas.
he's handed me the money for the food.
scared lost sia. ._.
and tuesday to discuss about the wednesday's class bbq.
but that's all next week.
so whatever. :D

met up with yuqi.
and made a special surprise trip to xiuwen's workplace.
mcdonalds. :DDDDDDD
my plan to surprise her actually succeeded ! ^-^
she looks cute with the hat on luh. ;D

waited for her till she knocks off at 2pm.
took bus 34 to dunman.
and went for a short and last minute meeting for thursday and friday's seminar.

after, proceeded to ntuc.
and it was raining-.-
so shared umbrellas.
we aren't that drenched this time !

bought balloons for games ! :DDDD
and they were like taking photo of me-.-
and themselves. ._.

then took bus 28 to tampines mart.
where xiuwen ate late late lunch there.
then took bus 28 again to 201.
yuqi bought apple pie.
took bus 17 to xiuwen's house.

supposedly me and yuqi had to discuss about the games.
and we chose xiuwen's house cause it's peaceful:DDDD
but in the end, my poor ____ and ____ were abused):

so did nothing there. =.-
being the victim ! ):
lol, yuqi threw xiuwen's slippers in her room through the window.
for more details,

took bus 17 to yuqi's house.
initially wanted to take some paper for the games.
but she couldn't find it.
so i went home.
taking 28.

what a tiring day. \:

pictures soon.
when yuqi xiao jie is willing to give me the photos !
soon, i guess.

that strong sense of feeling. ;
it's affecting me really badly.

♥Thursday, November 29, 2007

27 November 2007

guitar to the left, guitar up, guitar to the right :DDDDDDDD
ban mian(s) and caramel coffee(s) ;DDDDDDDD
on bus 403 ! (:
heeeeeee. :D
rather candid. oO
this is DEFINITELY candid. look at where xiuwen and roslin's looking. ._.

my face was covered ! [:
one eyed alien-.-
yuqi on the disc enjoying herself. :DDD
we stopped the disc from moving when they were on top. LOL.
baby baby already grown-up roslin with her peace !

wlao, roslin kena cut off=.-
LOL. ._.
cat near the bridge sleeping !
yuqi sleeping ! got similarities ? ^-^
roslin and her peekaboo puppet ! :D 3ofus got it for her from aussie[:
i am sad. ): she's so much taller. \:
wow. ;D i think yuqi will kill me when she sees this. DDDDD:
lol. ^-^

♥Tuesday, November 27, 2007

yay, shall update !
have the mood(:
recently quite enthusiastic in blogging. oO

guitar in the morning.
uncle lim didn't come.
so we kinda slacked. :p

had sectional practices.
damn the seniors. :X
LOL. ._.
how can you all shift us sec2s to 2nd guitar ? :XXX

then released at 1130.
went for lunch.
eat ban mian ! caramel coffee :DDDD

walked back to school.
wanted to proceed on to xiuwen's house.
but we saw alex at the main gate !
poor thing, she extracted her tooth. :X
still bleeding. \:
realised she came back to take appeal form.

saw shu ting and mortal !
or should i say estee ? :D
almost couldn't recognise mortal ! :X
and also shuting. :X
paiseh !

chatted with shuting for awhile.
while xiuwen&yuqi accompanied alex to the toilet.
estee was busy doing her appeal form ! :DDDDDD
i'm so impressed by both shuting's and estee's form.
filled-up until so full.
hope both your appeals cheng gong ! ^-^

&thankyou, shuting for the offer(:
i know i was talking almost the whole time. :X

took 17 to xiuwen's house.
left guitars in her house.
rest for about 10-20minutes.
went to pasir ris interchange.
alex had to go home.
she was actually supposed to get home after her dental appointment. :X

waited for roslin at mrt station.
and * gasps *
never seen her for a week.
and WOW, so tall. -.-
and became mature.
but still, young at heart. :D
both xiuwen and i got traumatised really badly. ):

took bus 403 to prp.
rented 4bikes for $20.
went cycling.

and stopped at playground.
played flying fox, swings and the disc !

flying fox-
i guess yuqi, me and xiuwen freaked out.
roslin tried once ?
i hoped she enjoyed it.
i had the feeling that it will break-.-
with my weight\:

it was fun.
though xiuwen freaked out when i started pushing her.
and yuqi went too high that she fell off from the swing and did a "cartwheel"
we were all stunned luhs.

most fun.
cause i didnt play much. :P
instead i was the one pulling the disc,
and sweating the most.
yay, i am losing weight. :D

then cycled off to buy drinks.
bought 100 plus.
ohmy, gained weight again-.-

i want to go escape ! :PPPP
returned bikes at 0440 exactly. :DD
then took bus 403 back to interchange.
roslin and xiuwen bought food from lao chang kee.
curry puff and squid ? \:

took bus 17 to xiuwen's house.
roslin and i sent yuqi off to take 17 home after she took her guitar.
while xiuwen.. * ahems *
me and roslin stayed in xiuwen's house till about almost 7.
before we left and took 17 to interchange.
and mrt home(:

fun day overall. :DDDD
when's the next outing with australia people ? ^-^
xiuwen organiser ! ;DDDDDD

npcc chalet final date: 041207 2D1N
need to ask my parents and also the class bbq the next day.
if i go, should i stay overnight ? \:
if i stay overnight, how am i going to reach ecp on time the next day for class bbq ? \:
i hope i did the right thing and made the right decision;
thank you for listening. [:

pictures up on next post ! :DDDDDD

♥Tuesday, November 27, 2007

26 November 2007

got to rest today :DDDDDD
but kinda boring actually.

and yet again, something made me sad yet angry again. \:
actually i wasted my day. -.-

guitar tmr !
then prp with dearest bf(s). :DDDDDDDDDDD

npcc chalet from friday-sunday.
sian, can't make it on friday. \:
maybe saturday and sunday ?
but i have guitar on saturday morning.
so should i go after guitar or skip guitar ? :X

it's changed to the 25th december-26th december ! 2D1N.
still considering if i should go.
it feels kinda odd though. how ? ><
to ___ :
sometimes i feel the presence of you being there for me makes me feel lucky.
sometimes the presense of you around makes me angry.
sometimes the presence of you around makes me sad.
sometimes the presence of you around makes me happy.

if you really are my true friend, why are you such a disappointment ?
by hurting me again and yet again.
i trusted you the most.
but why.. ?
should can i still depend on you ?

♥Monday, November 26, 2007

25 November 2007

something affected my mood very badly.

prp on tuesday after guitar ^-^
can't wait. :DDDDDDDDD

♥Sunday, November 25, 2007


boring day today.
entertainment please !


waiting for you for so long has tired me out.
but i just can't bear to let it go.

♥Sunday, November 25, 2007

24 November 2007

all of a sudden, super troubled over some things.
i dont know how to describe this feeling.
you totally left me speechless.
bombarding me with alot of questions.
through this, i feel that
we must really cherish the people around us.
cause we dont know what might happen to us tmr.
we can't predict the future.

i really don't know what to do now.
help, anyone ? \:

♥Saturday, November 24, 2007

saturday ; 241107
hee, guitar today !
4 songs + some another songs.
lijin didn't come for guitar today !
take care, girl !

ate lunch with yuqi and xiuwen.
spent about 2 hours in yuqi's house.
slacked there.
went home (:
showered, drank water, watch tv. etcetc.

i'm like going to school nearly everyday.
man, i'm tired-.-
next week's like ?
5 times go school.
makes no difference on going to school everyday luh.

hmmm, next week's schedule ?
monday - free :DDDDDDD
tuesday - guitar in the morning. (: after, i think.. free. :D
wednesday - class outing de com meeting. surveying on the prices of food. lol=.=
thursday - 'd' leaders convention.
friday - 'd'leaders convention.
saturday - guitar in the morning. ;D after, should be free. :D
sunday - school's not open ^-^

i want to be free after november !
heeeeee, then can have proper outings :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
with lots of people.

recently i have been addicted with wrapping books with plastic.
i'm loving it. -.-
ever since i bought them 2 days ago.
after all, some are 2 years books.
must take care of it. [:

heard some people started studying already-.-
so hardworking.
okay, i shall commit myself to studying
englishhmtgeogsslitemathsamaths SCIENCE♥
around december ? ^-^
that is if i don't procastinate. ._.
oh yes, there's still the maths worksheets to do from bridging course hor-.-
retest on 171207 * GASPS *

homealone \:

♥Saturday, November 24, 2007

decided to do some quizzes from tickle since i was bored.

Christy, you're whipped because he's Sweet
`Nice guys finish last? Not a chance if they meet a sweetie like you. There's not a thing in the world you wouldn't do for loved ones, and you wanna make sure you find a guy who's got his priorities straight too. Whether he's a bull-rider or a businessman, he'd better have a big heart.
When you fall, you fall hard. And it's the little things that matter like when he opens the door for you, cooks you dinner, or leaves sweet notes in your pocket. Brains and brawn are fine and dandy, but he won't win your heart if he isn't in touch with his sensitive side. Awwww, how sweet!

Christy, when you reveal your true colors in love, you're a Caring Partner
`You value the special bond love can create and are likely to seek out someone who cherishes that deep connection too. Whether single or in a relationship, you're a compassionate person who cares about others. This strong people-sense makes you more skilled than most at understanding individuals' differences and reading others' moods. Above all, you're looking for a steadfast, loyal partner who you can trust to stand by you in good times and bad.

Christy, your values help make you a Responsible Friend
`Your giving and honest nature makes you the kind of person almost anyone would be proud to call a friend. As one who places a high value on your personal integrity, you seem to try to live by the ol' Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Because of this inclination, you're the type to insist on taking responsibility for your actions, even in difficult circumstances. You also appear to take conscious steps to honor your commitments to others.
Who are you compatible with?The values types you're most likely to click with — whether in business relationships or in love — are those types that most closely resemble your own set of values. As a result, people with the same type are usually the most compatible. But besides being with another Responsible Friend, the two types that you most closely match with are Resourceful Independent and Gentle Protector.

Christy, in your Cinderella story, you'd get to Kiss the Prince
`You don't need the pouffy dress, the fancy hair, or the 3-inch glass heels. A romantic soul like you just wants a guy who's a true companion, a good friend, a real prince. And if he's hot? All the better. But ultimately, you know that home is where the heart is. Which is probably why you surround yourself with good friends you can take care of and laugh with — friends who will do the same for you.But that doesn't keep you from fantasizing about the perfect relationship. It's not that you don't have your feet firmly planted on the ground. It's just that you're not afraid to shoot high. Or wish upon a shooting star. So keep reaching for your goals, Cinderella. If you do, your happily ever after can't be far away. And you can seal that with a kiss.

Christy, you're Calm, Cool, and Collected
`Do your friends like to lean on your shoulder? Ask you for advice in life and love? Put you on speed-dial for emergencies? We bet they do. You're as balanced as they come. When it comes to making decisions, you're not afraid to take the time to weigh your options carefully in order to make the right choice. And it takes more than a few obstacles to rattle your cool head.The good news is that you've also got lots of heart, and you make sure that people know that you always have their backs. There's almost nothing more important to you than the people in your life, so being a support to them is the coolest thing around. Just like you.

Christy, you're a Sympathetic Sidekick
`No one ever accused you of not having a soft side. And that's why friends flock to your sympathetic ear and well-thought-out advice. You are tuned in to the world around you, and you are always looking for ways to bring people together and enjoy each other's company. While some people might have one or two close friends, you like to spread your wings and socialize with any number of people. You are open-hearted and free-spirited, making it easy for you to find common ground with anyone you meet. Keep up the good work — everyone could use a friend like you.

Christy, your lucky number is number Two
`"Best Friends Forever," Number 2. As the Helper, you probably got more BFFs in your yearbook than most. Everyone thinks you're just the bee's knees. And why wouldn't they? You always buy the thoughtful gifts, complete with wrapping paper and maybe that cute kitten card that says, "Hang in there." But what it should really say is "I want love, too... and presents...and cards with kittens." Sometimes you try to be too much to too many people, yet you want to maintain separate groups. Yes, you Type 2s get a little high on the fumes of your own popularity, and when you start to come down it can be quite the bummer. Possessiveness, dependency, jealousy, and that's just before breakfast. You're at your finest when your motives are pure. Ahhhh, you feel that? That's the soft touch of unconditional love.

Christy, A Thoughtful Gesture refreshes you
`A thoughtful and caring person like you probably devotes a lot of yourself to your loved ones. On the flip side of all that love and care, though, is the fact that you might neglect a very special person — you. So when it's time to recharge, the things that others give you will revitalize you the most.A peck on the cheek, a cute email, a kind note, a nice compliment. These are the sorts of things that will give you a loving lift. A sweetie like you will appreciate even more than most hearing how important you are to someone else. And they'll be glad to tell you.

What Type Are You?
You are the Girl Next Door
`Cute, fun, and sweet, you're Sandra Bullock, Jennifer Aniston, and Meg Ryan all rolled up into one — the perfect Girl Next Door. Naturally pretty, unpretentious, and generous, you demand your share of respect, but you aren't particularly high-maintenance. What's your ideal date? Probably a Blockbuster night — you don't mind skipping an evening on the town if it means getting some old-fashioned snuggling on the sofa. Careful yet spontaneous, you're a little bit of the Guy's Girl, a smidge of Sorority Sister (the nice kind), and just a hint of the Hippie Chick. But you've got an appeal that's all your own, which is why the guys can't stay away. People are attracted to your strong values and traditional ways. Your winning smile, bright eyes, and loving nature will make anyone want to hold on tight and never let go.

Christy, your crush is the Boy Next Door
`Whoever said nice guys finish last was wrong. Whether he lives next door or across town, an honest and hunky hottie will win the heart of a sweet thing like you. You've got your eyes open for a good guy who's responsible and trustworthy. The kind who'll call when he says he will, make you mix CDs, take you out to the movies (and always offer to pay), and treat you like gold — as any guy should!Nice doesn't have to mean boring, after all. You and your crush will have loads of fun whether you're goofing around at the mall, tearing it up on the dance floor, renting a movie, or sharing a romantic walk. Now that'll get the neighbors talking!

lol, okay, that seems alot. :X
means that i am really bored. \:

♥Saturday, November 24, 2007

23 November 2007

sorry if the pictures are not rotated. :X
to see the right side of the image,
please kindly move your head towards your left shoulder 90 degrees to the left.

most probably from bottom to top.
tuesday ; 201107

okay, i was sian-ded drying my wet clothes-.-
yu qi !

it started raining again.
reached yuqi's house ! :D but super wet. ):
hai, yet again. the umbrella \:


LOL, what happened to the umbrella ? D:
bowling scores :D 1st game.

the rain stopped):

xiu wen, THE UMBRELLA LADY. (:

xiu wen got a spare ^-^

yu qi !
we got drenched(:
helping xiu wen tie shoelaces !

xiu wen's happy(:


♥Friday, November 23, 2007