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byyourside .
i'm your soul.


Christy, 19th June.

the miles.

Angela; girlfriend! :D
Chun Luan; Egg! 8)
Hwee Min
Hwee Sze
Jing Wen
Joan; AIR-CON~ ^^
Jorim; superjunior!
Kim Meng
Li Lian
LiJin; oneandonlyhope[:
Liyana; guitar senior!
Lynn; TWIN! <3
Mei Yen
Qi Shan
Shu Ting
Si Yuh
Wan Xin
Yi Ling
Yin Shuen
Yu Ying[:

my days, not yours.

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009


thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

28 February 2007

whoa. just let me DIE.

zzz. all the homework. ALL NOT done. AHHHH!! -.- -.- -.-

perhaps i won't be BLOGGING these few days. maybe i might blog during the weekend yeah? when i clear all the homework i owed. O.o

and ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

♥Wednesday, February 28, 2007

25 February 2007

and yes, i skipped church today. ^^

cos woke up late. HEH. later i going tm to buy something. :D :D :D

still waiting for your reply message. lol.

and daniel is so lame. lol.

♥Sunday, February 25, 2007

24 February 2007

if you reply, do you know how happy i will be? :/

lol. lol. lol.


♥Saturday, February 24, 2007

to 54634346633542: thanks for being a great friend.
i will cherish our friendship.
now and forever. :D

TRUST ME. BELIEVE ME. i will never forget you. XD

♥Saturday, February 24, 2007

okays, i know i promised to blog these few days. so i shall post then. :D

22nd february 2007
and yups, this was a half-day. and a special day for some people like XIUWEN and more. :)) and p.e was like chao slack lah on this day. THANK GOD. and finally, miss tan knows who i am. the one with the thin and straight and small handwriting. can change font de. LOL! and yes, p.e was fun. science was HELL. cause the **** SUCKS.

then after, i went out with my friends to sentosa. OMG, it was FUN. though it was short. but we can play next time, OH WELLS. NO DETAILS for this day. it's a secret. :D :D :D reached home around like 9++? :/ late huh? ^^

23rd february 2007
okays, it started off with PW. which i nearly really wanna BASH the teacher up into bits and pieces. 8 weeks of work=GONE DOWN THE DRAIN. T.T and STUPID teacher INSULTED and talked bad about my previous science teacher. =( zzz. and i wanna say''YOUR teaching may be good, but YOUR attitude SUCKS!'' BHB and si bei HAO LIAN.

history, which basically. i wanna sleep. and i miss ms lim's lessons. <3 everything seems to be so boring THAT teacher around. luckily miss tan left the class earlier 10 minutes and i went to sleep. :D

recess.. nothing much. maths. new relief maths teacher. POOR mr. gan hospitalised for 2 weeks. DONT KNOW why. but oh well. :D and the teacher was funny. :)) and i understand his teaching. young people seems to click well with us YOUNGER generations. LOL!

science. ok, -.- she likes to give that diao look on her face. O.o zzz. and she really VERY WHAT lor. dont know hwo to interact with us. CAN'T even be bothered to remember names. she just keeps saying''EH, YOU'' and of course i admit, i give the bo-shuang face. cause other than pw, there's science. i understand her work. but.. it's boring at times. =x

english, which i left early cause i have an excursion to CCAB. changed into full-u. falled in. got onto the bus. SIANDED. then.... reach there. just help around. and i saw someone familiar there. EDWINA even BUMPED into her. LOL. luckily, NOT ME. XD

went back home around 8++. AIYO.

24th february 2007
went school for guitar, left early cause i was not in syf. went home, slacked for a while and here i am. X))

my life is BORING! ^^

you trash me with harsh words.
ignoring me most of the time.
well, given up on you.
i carry on with my life.
you carry on with yours.

♥Saturday, February 24, 2007

21 February 2007

people, i post tmr or friday or saturday ok? cause it's gonna be LONG. i guess. :/

it's a promise. :D


♥Wednesday, February 21, 2007

19 February 2007

well, chinese new year is spent at home this year. T.T

SIAN. getting drenched was interesting man. make me wet from head to toe. it's like singing in the rain. HAHA.. well, spent most of the time on the computer. SIAN. and my sister and my mum went to watch ''just follow law'' haha. they said it was funny..

but i dont know. -.- haha. WHEES. tmr-outing with miss lim <33 my beloved teacher. MUAHAHA. :D :D :D hope my clothes can dry up by tomorrow. :/

"sometimes in life, there is only one golden opportunity.
i know. but i was ignorant.
why did i let go? i thought to myself.
because you are too close and always trying to make me happy.
still, i didnt notice you.
i am sorry.
would you give me another chance? :/"

i would not know what to do but cry.

♥Monday, February 19, 2007

你退缩, 你泠漠

to you, i dont exist in this world at all. isn't it?

♥Monday, February 19, 2007

18 February 2007

ok ok, i am continuing my post. HEH.

17th february 2007
morning slack slack slack. then uhh.. about in the evening around 6++, had small reunion dinner with my family. then it's like.. very funny lor. after that. cause we had to bring all the chinese new year goodies upstairs, then my sister clara and my youngest sister compete who get more things. it's like so funny. AND i dont have to do anything. HAHA. then clara carries the basket of oranges up. then each orange drop on each step of the staircase, i was like LOL.

at around 8+, my mum's friend and her daughters came. haha. then we ate and had fun after dinner. where i kept sneezing as i have a cold. zzz.. haha. while playing, i sms-ed miss lim. she was DAMN NICE. by sms-ing me. despite she has a reunion dinner at like 10+pm. O.o interesting.

then.. from 11+ onwards, heh. i waited for new year to come. where i watched the fireworks 'live' from my house. YAYS. :D then lots of smses came in. WHEES~ HAHA. then i continued sms-ing miss lim till like 2++? haha.

18th february 2007
early in the morning about 7++? i woke up and i saw a message. then miss lim replied me at like 4+++am? i was like O.o WOW. haha. then attended church at 8.30am. reached home by like 10+am?

then from 11+am onwards, i took a nap all the way till 2++pm. and new shoes and new clothes. :D :D :D then 2++pm, after eating lunch, went for bowling at tampines safra. went with the neighbours.

then played 2 games of bowling. where my first game i got: 93. and 2nd game:92. -.- but i topped both games surprisingly. HAHA. and while playing, my name turned from christy to big star[ZZZ] to rockastar[O.o] to i love my butt[=.=]to christy again then to dmn npcc. :D :D :D all thanks to my sisters. haha. and where small children give themselves ridiculous names. HAHA. like.. bamboo pole, kcrocky poo, small girl[eiyer], green hood, kosong so sotong[LOL!], chelly[-.-], ksong chelly[T.T], gluestick, sotong in every way[LMAO] oh yes, i remember cherie changed her sister's name to nikki moonkey fat ass -.-ll and one of the funniest was I AM SEXY! ^^ cherie gave nicole this name. and so nicole gave her''sotong in every way.'' then she rename herself as ''sotong slayer'' LOL! and her last name was ''kill whoeva touches.'' HAHA.

went to tm. i lead the way. ^^ all shops were closed. and we were unble to watch the movie''just follow law'' as no more tickets. and nicole's family booked long ago. so my family went home.

and more ANGBAOS people. :D :D :D

later at 9pm, going to neighbour's house to ''lao yu sheng'' ^^ HEHE. more ANGBAOS FROM AUNTIES AND UNCLES. :D :D :D

to yuqi, lynn or who it may concern:NOT YOU ALL OK?

you never expected it was you, huh?

♥Sunday, February 18, 2007

17 February 2007

ok, gonna post about yesterday. 16th february 2007

and so we started off with pw. where miss lim came in. :D :D :D and discussed about our project. my group is doing good so far. and i guess the fastest. i hope that our project will be a success of course. :D

and yes, time passes damn fast. and so i did MISSED her. history nothing really much actually. then recess i went for taf. and guess what. david wang from sec 2I is joining npcc. but unfortunately he will be in sec.1 batch. oh well. it's ok. he buck up and he can be nco with us in sec. 3 i guess.

maths. tablet pc. where instead the internet connnection could not work. zzz.. me and xiuwen drawed on one of the programmes in tablet pc to play with. we wrote 1c'06 <3 then all our names below there. with mrs lim hui ling right at the bottom. ohh.. 1c'06<33

science. mdm rozila didnt change the period with miss lim so in the end we had to actually hid the thank you paper from miss lim. and yes, miss lim cried. cause it was her last day teaching us. EVIL mrs neo. ZZZ.. i want MISS LIM BACK.

and yes, she stopped as we asked her not to. and she talked to us about the good times she had in our class. how we warmed her up. made her laugh and so on. yes, i nearly cried. then when we finally finished writing, xinmin and hilary passed it to her. she was so damn touched and started crying and crying. then she went around hugging the girls. telling them to study hard. and so on. she shook hands with the boys. yeah, and she hugged me. i feel the warmth and the can't-bear-to-let-go-ness from her. SAD.

then english. just one word. sian. and i have to stay back for one hour on english composition. WTH.

after school, stayed back. and sacrificed my lunch just to accompany miss lim. i REALLY cant bear to let her go. SO SAD. i think i REALLY will MISS her A LOT.

then when i had to leave for guitar, she hugged me for the last time[i guess] and told me to really study really hard. yes, i will. :D

then guitar, sian. on the bus, there was an andric actually teasing us all the time. LOL. and my idiotic guitar broke its 4th string. and polar bear didnt care. ZZZ.. so i left my guitar there. while on the way there, i sms-ed miss lim. haha. she was real nice to talk to me. HAHA. i am unable to accompany home sadly. LOL. oh well, reached to the singapore chinese orchestra with joy. the hall was like damn damn big. i didnt kena selected for syf though. OH WELL. :/ and like you expected, disappointment+sadness. i admit i nearly cried. ok xiuwen?

but i cheered up. cause' miss lim cheered me up with an sms. plus i tried to look on the bright side of life. and so yes, i started smiling again. and andric kept saluting and giving me the clown face. LOL. then on the bus home, yes, we had fun. and people talking about me and daniel. -.- HOR xiuwen, roslin and yuqi?

then we changed out and missed the bus 28 on purpose. then we met edwina and chun luan. HEH. then me and edwina did drills for a moment. then we boarded the 28 and went home. LALALA.

and oh great, i made my mum pissed.

will you miss me?

♥Saturday, February 17, 2007

16 February 2007



♥Friday, February 16, 2007



i feel sad whenever you ignore me.

♥Friday, February 16, 2007

15 February 2007

ok, today's a long day. so i will chiong through as it is late now.

and today is total defence day. so the uniformed groups had to fall in early in the morning. and so i woke up at 5 today. T.T and took the bus with roslin at around 6.07am. haha. reached school by like 6.38am. that's like EARLY? :/ LOL.

and so we had less than 5 minutes to change and so we went nuts and chiong like siao. when i went into the classroom, i only saw paul heng. i was laughing lor. he might think i am crazy. haha. went and change.

and falled in at the new block fire engine area at 6.50++am. late by a few minutes. haha. then we had kakan lurus, sedia, senang diri and sizing. imagine 6 ranks. A LOT LEH. then as the assembly was getting ready, we went out into the parade ground. so paiseh can? o'.'o LOL. and so while marching, banged into some people's hand. it was like OUCH. haha.

i cant imagine wearing this for the next 2 years and plus for the entire day. damn tired+hot can? ZZZ..

then returned to class, had science. which miss lim was like shocked? O.o to see us in uniform. and yunus is jealous that i am a rank higher than him. i happy can? HAHA. i am higher. :D :D :D

and so still i have problems doing balanced equation. haha. then i skipped p.e SADLY. traditional games. ^^ skipped taf. YAY! then after, it was higher mother tongue where we had our chinese test. and i spent most of the time sleeping. and so i lost 10 MARKS immediately. sigh*

maths. SIAN. dont know how to do. so anyhow do lor. -.- english nearly slept in class can? i am so damn sian.

after, lunch. then falled in for npcc. npcc unit photo taking. HAHA. where i had to greet the ncos like twice and also commanded my squadmates. some of my friends looking sia. so paiseh o'.'o

while falling in, andric actually walked past an dlik looked at me and saluted me? i was like.. uhh.. -.-ll then he walked past again and agqain and kept laughing. wlao =x SIAN. then unit photo taking. haha. it was fun. <3 and we did the love sign to ridzuan and kamini. like LOL. and some boy in npcc seem to always somehow have connections to me. eiyer.

then after, changed out and went for d&t. like noone was 2D was there. except for daphne. but she has her friends. and so yes, i was sad. not angry. but later on, seeing shu ting, judaxil, li jin, bernice and jia yi accompanying me, i felt happy. :D

and now i have done the body and the head of the turtle mouse. now i am left with the legs and hands+the glue-ing together. :)) but have to hand in tmr. HOW? :/ sigh* then after, went down and i sort of met yuqi and xiuwen. they went for tckouball? dont know lah. yuqi came running and hugged me. and some people in spds sort of saw it. OMFG. and i was sanding the body. of the mouse.

haha. then i went with jia yi, li jin and shut ting to bubble tea shop to drink bubble tea. i had no money, so i kept bugging li jin to treat me. but in the end, jia yi borrow me money. THANKS JIAYI. :D and shu ting+jiayi sabo-ed li jin to have tadpole balls. O.o LOL. next time, i shall be the baddies. :))

and li jin said that the tadpole balls were hard. EKKK.. and li jin is disgusting. LOL. jk jk. we then saw miss lim with the whole bunch of sec. 2D students. li jin then walked home. while we took bus 28 home with xinmin. we had a great talk. and i know a lot of new friends today. HAHAHA.

my heart seem to hinting me that you do not care about me at all.

♥Thursday, February 15, 2007

14 February 2007

Ok, today is valentine's day. It holds a special meaning to every single person in this world. To some, it may be for families, some to their friends but mostly to their loved ones. and yes, it's a big occasion to everyone in dunman secondary. where people go nuts and tell everyone HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! T.T

lots of people around me received presents today. WOOHOO. :D i didnt receive though. cause boys dont like me. HEH. and today, yeah, to SOME people, love is in the air today HOR, YUQI? LOL.

school started out practically the same. where i am reminded that i failed my geography test today. 8/20. HAHA. literature test 15/25. quite happy with the results lehs. :D well, miss lim also give us valentine's day present. HEHE. give us mashmellow. but i dont like it. but still GREATEST THANKS AND APPRECIATION. :))

music, where we played the ang-ke-longs. i played the G note. <3 other than the melody ''planting rice'', we learned a new song. CHAN MALI CHAN. :D maths=SIAN. and to some people near me, they are happy and CHAO JI IMPATIENT. LOL. they should know who they are. LOLS.

CME. where we spent our time in the canteen. and sian also. EXCEPT for the show of MULAN. love that show. XD haha. after that, SCHOOL IS OVERRRRRRRRRR!!! X)) then me and xiuwen waited for yuqi, roslin and danica because they had to confirm idea with mr. lee. LUCKY THEM. get mr. lee SIA. ours.. SIGH* #!**(!#^#!(*#$^$*!!O#!($&(!&#()&($^(@

where we had lunch. then took bus 28 to block 201. their[yuqi's] group had to do some project work. in the end, they changed to another thing to do instead.

we went to yuqi's house. and had fun. FUN FUN FUN. ok not FUN. ^^ but we talked to each other. GIRLS TALK. >.< between me, roslin, xiuwen, yuqi and danica. HAHA. and we watched several tv shows together. and also xiuwen's bag is flooded today. HAHA.

yes, and that's the end of my valentine's day. spent with my closest friends. :D :D :D

you never knew you neglected me.

♥Wednesday, February 14, 2007

13 February 2007

Can i not face reality?
Can i not know the truth?
Can i hate myself?
I just dont wanna drift any further away from you.
Maybe you just dont understand how i feel.

The story of me and you.

♥Tuesday, February 13, 2007

12 February 2007

sorry for not posting the last few days.

8&9th february 2007
well, can't remember anything. haha. ony remembered where only me and roslin went for npcc training. then ridzuan and abdullah came in later on. LOL. we commanded the sec. 1s. ^^

10th february 2007
and yes, i am gonna blog about the carnival that took place like just two days ago? haha. i reached like 8++ in the morning, and it seems that everyone is already there. haha. that carnival was to actually raise funds for the needy. so we tried our very.. best. i am sure everyone did tried their best. good job to 2D. :D

our class is like actually doing like.. you use flour+water then you put it on a paper plate. and throw it at the targets-US! ok, only the chosen ones. and i am one of them. -.-

before 9am, me and xiuwen slacked off to actually like accompanied roslin, edwina, yuqi, mei nv and danica to 2I's haunted house. ok, it was like.. so-so? didnt really scare me. it is haoqian+jing yong+roslin+xiuwen's screaming. that scared me. haha. and then there was a hand like all of a sudden hold my leg in the dark. then everybody screamed. i was like.. why aren't i am screaming. i feel abnormal. haha.

ok, then our class started at 9am. it started off with maran and company. and lots of people were like throwing at their faces instead of the bull's eye located on their chest. poor thing. poor thing. and me, xiuwen and some 1E'07 girls picked up the flour+plate. trust me. it's like.. EKKK.. haha.

and miss lim was the only teacher that patronised our stall. WOOTS. she rock. :D but she was too soft-hearted thus causing her face+shirt kena flour. LOL.

well, then at 10am. the boys that was supposed to take over these targets. were like gone. and so yes. me, xiuwen were the targets. it's like WTH. and yes, my face kena. but xiuwen more worse luh. haha.

and yes, this goes on and on. like never ending. then.. the boys finally came. we slacked and walked around for like 10+ minutes. which we were unable to go to the chainsaw mansion with yuqi and peeps.. :((

helped out in the game. and indeed, weather was getting extremely unbearable. with black garbage bags on our bodies. T.T then our stall had to close down for a while due to lack of flour+water. so mdm rozila rushed to buy some more flour. then me, megan and xiuwen took care of the stall.

then the flour came back after about half an hour. which it was like hard lor. and so.. people throw and throw and throw. and it's like heavy luh. haha. then we finished work at about 11++ near to 12. and went for one hour break. haha. which i was glad to have mei nv for company. and if i remembered correctly. edwina chow mei see. actually shot bull's eye for all 3 shots. WOW. O.o

then cleared up. which was boring. then miss lim walked passed with noel. and we talked about science. where she said i sort of passed. ok, i am happy. :)) then noel walked off, leaving me with miss lim. which then she chatted with me and chat and chat.. happily chatting away. which then teachers were being smacked using sponges. and yes, mr bernard was there and practically.. most people wanted to shoot him. and wei jin had an attempt. but failed. LOL. and the prices was like raised high. but still people actually paid. this class is getting a lot of business sia.

and miss lim told me that if she was not a teacher, she would have paid and try to smack his face. HAHA. and yes, she is a friendly+nice teacher. but still she is strice+fierce. which makes me a bit terrified of her. but still.. now i have a great impression on her!! ^^

then it was an honour to have mei nv leaving with me and chatting with us at the bus stop. and YES, she is wonderful. :D

at night, which i went for the teacher's concert. $20 sia. T.T but i guess it was worth it. and those crazy peeps behind me .. were like.. O.o ok, the concert started off with a band and so there was this particular guy he said:''ROCKK ONNN..'' me, roslin, edwina, chun luan, kai ting and her friend[i guess] was like LAUGHING.

then when the guest of honour came in, we were told to raise. then i turned my head and i saw the same guy actually saluting to him. his face was like funny lor can? then.. he throwed chocolates in front then as the next show started. he was like.. ''where's my chocolate?'' we practically were ROFL. at this part.. i tell you.

yes, the concert started off with some band music and then singing.. blah blah. there was one teacher where he kept moving his hands. thus making me, roslin, kai ting and her friend laugh. HAHA. and yes, there were some story about three guys in the ocean. humanities teachers did this. and their voices were funny. especially mr. mah's. haha. then there was this part where teachers were behind the curtains showing their beautiful legs and hands. haha. and i was shocked to see that miss tan was one of them. haha.

then.. a show where teachers were having netball match. and half-time. they needed some support and so DCT[dunman cheerleading team] actually cheered them on. haha. imagine. male teachers wearing skirts and cheering them on. mr. bernard and mr. sim was like one of them? OMFG.

malay dance which was done by mostly the MT department. mr. mah so cute. haha. followed by the science department. where mrs lim and her group of teachers tried to make music. -.- haha. great effort though.

sadly miss lim was unable to participate. never mind, next year maybe? :D

then some singing again. then.. desperate idol. WHICH WAS LIKE DAMN FUNNY. 1st contestant:mrs.neo. haha. she was like singing''i will survive'' and she is like so DESPO can? haha. then mr. ling. where he sang 'shebangs'' followed by mr. bernard. he sang like something to do with ''sexy babe'' O.o then mdm hafsah. where he looks damn scary with the black make up. miss hannah yeo which she sang... uhh.. can't remember. last but not least. miss yew. where she sang''every little thing that you say i do, i HANG UP. i HANG UP with you.'' LOL!!

sexy bernard jones won. but miss yew was 2nd!! ^^ :DD poor miss yeo. noone voted for her. SAD.

then went home. haha.

11th february 2007
church. shopping. sisters hair cutted off. do homework. that's IT.

12th february 2007
know the meaning of unluckyness? means unlucky. zzzzz.. today i fell entirely on the ground. my face piaked on the ground. legs+hands on ground. body on ground. OUCH. and... poor right hand always kena hit by LAME PIG. wlao. ting xie i failed. ZZZ.. the bus 28 that i took broke down. and i actually had to switch to another bus. bus 67. and as i was walking home, i tripped and fell. T.T what have i done to deserve this sia?


i will always be protecting you.
no matter what happens.
don't worry. be happy. :D

happy belated birthday to momoren.

♥Monday, February 12, 2007

07 February 2007

ok, blogging again today. sorry for not blogging yesterday. because came home late from guitar. LOL.

6th february 2007
D&T. which the teacher was like........... WLAO. have the urge to take a chopper and chop him off into pieces SIA. recess.. bleh.. then it was english, but mdm rozila did not come. so we sort of slacked for half an hour. then HMT. which the wonderful story of the 2A guy+hilary went on. but it was so boring.. can? i found it a bit boring. science. T.T 1 hour leh. sometimes i wondered how i tahaned sia. and then she spoke DAMN soft. and when susanti asked her to speak louder, she cried and then purposely speaked SOFTER. ZZZ..

after, ate lunch, looked for D&T teacher. which he made me wait for like 10 minutes when he asked me to spare him only uhh.. 2 minutes. O.o then i sort of did the product lah. but.. sigh* look like so ugly lor. SIAN. rushed for guitar, where we practiced and practiced. soon, we slack al the way sia. then we sang a birthday song to wei jin as it was his birthday. lol. he very paiseh LOR. until run away. LOL. then we talk ar talk till teacher came and we started playing again. then we about 6++ then took bus home. i sat with hui xi. :D YES, she is nice and sweet girl ^^ but i have no idea what to talk about to her. HAHA.

7th february 2007
ok, today... it started off with idiotic geography. which the test seems to be DAMN DAMN difficult. wanted to kill the cute miss osman. LOL. then literature, where it was funny where mr. sim acted as jessica in the merchant of venice while daniel acted as lorenzo. NO girls was willing to act as jessica. so teacher no choice. and the teacher sounded so gay. HAHA. made the class laugh. LOL!!!

recess. went for taf.. blah blah blah. music, we played with the musical instruments again. and i have more notes to play. YAYS. maths. which friday this coming. we will be using the tablet pc. YAY~ then got our maths test back.[which we should have got it back long long time ago.] i got 15/30. just passed. very low right? SIGH* then cme. where we talked about the dunman carnival. more details by either saturday or sunday, yeah? :D

then me, roslin, edwina and chun luan took bus 28 home. :)) friday npcc training full-u. DRILLS!!! ^^

continue to be happy. and i will too. :D

♥Wednesday, February 07, 2007

05 February 2007

so when i woke up, i was like OMFG. because i am really DAMN sleepy. but still i managed to pull myself out of bed. HEH.

ok ok, then met roslin at the interchange and met xiuwen as usual.

reached school and blah blah blah.

SO contact time. which we discussed about the carnival thingy we were doing. I WANNA PLAY. :(( then maths. SIAN NIA. and mr. gan clothes look so obiang. LOL. then A&D. MORE ASSIGNMENTS. T.T

recess. taf. SIAN.. english. GAMMAR exercise. had the same marks as last week. HMT. lessons as usual. but funny part is hilary and some guy in 2A acting SIA. LOL. tomorrow there's the GOOD show:D MUST WATCH. more details will be told tmr. if i can blog OF COURSE. :))

science. which i loveHATE. where ****** GAVE ATTITUDE SIA. we apologise to her then she said''ok. go back'' then.. still show that black face. KNS. whatever she wanted to say, she wrote on the board. WLAO. and then class dismissed. SHE JUST WALK OFF WITHOUT EVEN GREETING US. WLAO. #!*&#(!#%^789(@Q(@(Q#(#*#^

teacher SHOW ATTITUDE SIA. ****** IS THE WORST TEACHER I HAVE EVER ENCOUNTED IN MY ENTIRE LIFE SIA. she is so p**** and likes to bear grudges. WLAO. we are already good enough to say SORRY first ok? she also at fault what. BIAS TEACHER.

and assembly was nice. with pck private limited video. HAHA. laughed till face go red. o'.'o

after, HMT. ting xie FAIL LIAO LAH. then took bus home. where we made xiuwen get off very late. LOL.

i'm tired but i won't give up.

♥Monday, February 05, 2007

04 February 2007

ok, back from CIP NPCC temple duty. HAHA.

so as early as 6.40am, i was already awake. LOL. then practically spent about 20++minutes in the toilet. LOL. brushing teeth, bathing, wearing npcc uniform. then, my mum helped me prepare breakfast which was ham sandwich. ^^ so i wore those high high black socks. and my baggy jacket. -.-ll

then, met roslin at the bedok interchange. she walk STYLO SIA. haha. then she stand beside me and then looked downwards and said:''what a big difference.'' i was thinking that she was referring to my socks as my socks was like coming down. O.o then she actually was saying about the shoes. i was like oh i see. haha. i am slow man. T.T

on the bus, which hilary managed to catch at safra luckily. she could have missed it if i didnt press the bell. paiseh sia, o'.'o haha. then as we were talking, nco wendy came on the bus. we chatted on the bus happily. :D

then got off the bus at dunman. there was noone at the void deck. YAY. we were first. :) which all the ncos and so on. soon, everyone was here. then we left fro the bus at 9am. and violent people ALERT. LOL.

on the bus, songs and cheers. after, when we reached the temple, i saw lots of smoke and a lot of people. i was like wow? i have difficulties breathing though. -.-" where we went to this place inside the temple to the 4th floor. to put our bags in a air-con room. and finally we were allowed to take off our jackets. :D WEATHER HOT SIA.

then proceeded to group 1-3. where me and roslin were in group 3. and our group rest first. YAY~

sat there, slacked like siao, which was damn boring. then, soon, we were asked to go down. WALK DOWN. T.T the staircase. then after, gary sir asked us to come up again. we were smart enough to use the lift. :D

then, jeremy sir wanted me and roslin sitting in front of him. which roslin asked me to act teh chang er drama. my face. T.T

then we went down about like 10-20minutes later. THE STAIRCASE. O.o we have to become marshalls for the temple. and our school was be getting $2000 for it. WOW. but no money for me. :(( the temple was having this prize presentation thingy where scholarships awards are given. WHOA!

ok, gary allocated me to replace edwina. so i standed there like a statue. LOOKED chao ji STERN. lol. then there was this little girl. she approached me and said:''jie jie, can bring me to the toilet?'' she so cute lor. i was like ok. :D then i sent her to the toilet and sent her back to her seat. because i was the only girl on one side. so the girl asked me. haha. BUT SHE IS DAMN CUTE LAH. so they give awards. so i thought there was only the primary 1-6s awards. but there was still teh secondary 1-4s. T.T the organisation. and the university people. O.o a lot can? stand about like near to 1 hour. LEG CRAMP. T.T LEG PAIN. LEG ACHE.

finally, it was over and we all went up. then about 10 minutes later, we went down again for phototaking. one was formal. one was fun shot. then so, the formal one.. sian.. the fun shot. fun i ended up standing myself. O.o LOL.

lunch was provided. then after eating finish, went up, took our bags. changed out of full-u into mufti. then went out of the temple. took bus 28 from paya lebar to tampines mall. 1++ hours. and again i act chang er drama. :D

tampines mall. went to macdonalds to eat. only eat mcchicken. then, we walk walk. where we met nco gary. and a VIOLENT attack began between nco gary, chun luan and hilary. and he said chun luan was a maid while we were ''qian jin xiao jie'' this part he deserves the beating. :D and edwina forgot to take the *toot* thingy. and we were evil to make nco wendy bring this home and bring it tmr. haha.

me and roslin then took bus 168 while chun luan and hilary took bus 21 home.

reaching bedok interchange, bidded farewell to roslin. then as i walked towards one of the buses, saw dunman people. it was the netballers. i then walked past and said hi to li lian. haha. before i left, i tapped cherie's shoulder. she was shocked to see me. LOL. poor netballers they had trainings. even on sunday. :/

haha. that's all. off to do homework. zzz.. GEOGRAPHY. =.=

that coldness you treated me with was unbearable..

♥Sunday, February 04, 2007

03 February 2007

whees~ ok i am going to blog now. ^^

2nd february 2007
ok, so things did not start my way today. today first period PW. which is the worst part, miss lim is taking charge of the first half of the class. which includes me. -.- ok, so our proposal was not really accepted by miss lim, so we asked her about what topic we should choose. then alll of a sudden, when she was saying. then.. she started screaming her head and said:''you all keep saying BIAS teacher, BIAS teacher.. !**!()$($$*(@$*$) and *she got off her chair ANGRILY and the chair hit the wall. ZZZ. then when she went over to WJ's group, she went laughing her head INSTEAD. WHAT THE HELL. BIAS TEACHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WLAO.

ok, enough of the stupid ******. she is not worth it to make me angry anyway. then it was history where we had history test. i dont know how to do. T.T recess=i cant remeber what i did. LOL. and i realised when i locked my locker.. the key was inside. =.=ll so ok, i was feeling very panicky at that point of time. VERY WORRIED. so i approached wei qing and she was very NICE to accompany me to find mr. wong. THANKS WEI QING! :D

then seeing that mr. wong was busy, i looked for mr. yap instead. then he gave that attitude and told me to look mr. wong instead. SEE, THINGS arent going my way. OMFG. so then i saw alex and told her all about it. so me, wei qing and alex went to look for mdm rozila where she told mr. wong. and WITHOUT HESITATION, he agreed. at least he's better than mr. yap. :) so he took this big big thingy, and went to my class. i told wei qing got go back to her class as i did not want to trouble her further. alex and i went with mr,. wong. then finally when we climbed up to the top floor , he said... WHOA. climbing up the staircase is tiring sia. alex and i went LOL. then we went into 2D. where he asked where is my table and i said oh.. there. he was like you sure? i was like yah.how can i not recognise my table. so not even 10 seconds, the lock broke when mr. wong used that big big thingy. LOL. before he left, he said''breaking the lock is easy. but climbing the stairs is hard.'' i was like HAHA.

then me and alex talked. all of a sudden, black face came in. yes, miss lim. she sit there and looked at me as if i have offended her. zzz.. then realising it was not her period, she walked off. i was like giving the diao face lor.

maths, BORING. science, KENA SCOLDING. and can you believe it? MISS LIM GIVE ATTITUDE SIA. ATTITUDE LEH. what's with the young adults these days? :/ WEIRD.. EKK.. and yeah, we were damn bu shuang with her.

english. had composition in the surfin' in room. where most likely i will fail. then our classman told mdm rozila about ******. WELL DONE!!~ :D

lunch. then npcc. where we did mostly drills. and it's good to see some people who had not come to npcc for a long time coming back. WELCOME BACK! heh. and kopi-o ACT BLUR NIA. KNS. so i also ''praise'' him. but he seems to understand what's my motive. =.= LIKE I CARE.

3rd february 2007
went for science remedial EARLY in the morning. where.. i heard that friday's remedial was a bit not normal. where miss lim actually laughed with the class and treated them bbt. O.o WEIRD. today.. like a changed person. AGAIN. THE ATTITUDE. -.-''

after bearing for one hour, went for guitar. heh. FUN. when break, me and jiayi went to look for mr. tan but could not find him. then.. when break about to finish, he then appear. ZZZ.. then he was busy. WLAO. then as we were sitting down on the benches at the atrium, we bought tickets from mr. wong. me and roslin. i saw npcc at the field making tents. NICE!

then we played guitar till 12.15pm. then uncle lim wanted to see our clog shoes??? :/ before that, we sang a birthday song for jiayi. YES, CHOO JIA YI. my classmate from 2D. just a index no. before me! then she was hugging the guitar like as if it was her baby. LOL. it was great. LOL. BIRTHDAY GIRL! :D

then me, roslin, yuqi and xiuwen went to bbt. it's been long since we went. after, we took bus home. after going home, i was still hungry. so i ate again. HAHA. gonna grow fat. =x OMG. and then after a nap. i am a pig!!~ :D

before this, i was watching tv and polishing my boots. they still not shiny enough. :(( tmr got npcc temple duty. haha. for CIP tmr. MORE DETAILS wll be blogged tmr!~ :)

the unreturned appreciation brought me pain and misery.


♥Saturday, February 03, 2007

01 February 2007

*looks up* OMG OMG. first and last time i am saying.
you stare at the computer 24/7.
AND your clothes are like... SH!T.
mine is at least better looking than yours ok? :)
and i think my sisters ROCK. DONT INSULT THEM.


♥Thursday, February 01, 2007

whees. blogging again today!~ :D

morning i took bus with roslin like usual. when i wanted to get off the bus, the bus jerked while i was at the steps and i jumped 2 steps down. my heart skipped a beat. LOL. met xiuwen after. me and roslin were eating hi-chew. but xiuwen dont know. LOL. well, after walking to school, then putting our bags, then xiuwen realised and wanted one hi-chew while i was giving one to roslin. haha. chang er was still in leg pain situation. poor thing. i should call......... XX :D

so school started. after singing the national anthem, there was the pledge. however, there was no reception from teh microphone which the vice-president was using. so our not much hands are up there. and i notice chang er putting her hand down. =.=

starting of lessons. started off with science. where miss lim gave us back our science chemistry quiz. i thought i would fail as i didnt really how to deal with the last question. haha. but surprisingly i got 7/10. one of the 5 who got top. so yeah, miss lim wanted better from us. as 7/10 is only an A2. she expects the 5 of us to get A1 for science. OMG. OMG. OMG. STRESSSSSSSSSSS T.T i have to get 8 next time. OMFG.

P.E and yes, miss lim was holding the class behind. like usual. and everyone was like down. and alex like pulled the class down. she was asking to miss lim questions. so when we got down, miss tan was giving me the bo-shuang face. i was WTH? :/ and daniel was like telling me''wlao. why so late?'' i nearly wanted to wanna give him a lecture ok? i dont mean to be late. so 4 minutes=40 pumpings. but + another 10 pumpings more as one of the boys dont know why... didnt do. zzz. pulling us girls down the water too. then run for 8 minutes. then.. floorball. where girls vs girls and boys vs boys. i feel like telling 94726282 to shut his mouth up. zzzzzzzzz..........

while boys were playing, the girls had to do 20 pumpings, 20 sit-ups. to train our abs to become flat. =.= i think i need that more than anyone else. LOL. then we played after the boys. but overall the game is 0-0. haha. fair play. and good game^^

recess ran 3 rounds. then ate garlic bread+drank milo. HEH. after, talk talk. haha. after, HMT. which i had a lesson on uhh.. personal details. LOL. shan't tell. :D but we had the lowest marks at the end of the month of january. we have to act on the next lesson. haha. i wonder...

maths. practically. my brain just shut down. unable to concentrate at all. i dont understand a single crap that he is talking about lor. wlao. and i still havent do homework sia. heck care lah. so i nearly slept but woke myself up by using water and washing my face IN CLASS. haha.

so some people had to leave for competition. like badminton, volleyball. trainings for ncc(land) so we only had like 36 people in class. so english period. we had to write an introduction on a scary scene. LOL. at first, mdm rozila like made a sound of an alarm clock. LOL! i laughed man. the whole class laughed. second time, the same thing happened. LOL. and mdm rozila say''never mind, i give up'' but somemore she do again. this time, she offed the laights and told us to close our eyes. she dragged the chair. and alll of a sudden she screamed her lungs out. LOL. scared nearly the entire class. i bet that chang er SURE will scream if this happen to her. LOL.

and we had to do an introduction on that sound effect. and i realized that the boy's vocab are quite good. haha.

took bus home with roslin. :D

tomorrow's npcc!!~ :D

1c'06 boys and girls rock!~
2d'07 GIRLS rock!
but as for boys............. no comments.

♥Thursday, February 01, 2007