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byyourside .
i'm your soul.


Christy, 19th June.

the miles.

Angela; girlfriend! :D
Chun Luan; Egg! 8)
Hwee Min
Hwee Sze
Jing Wen
Joan; AIR-CON~ ^^
Jorim; superjunior!
Kim Meng
Li Lian
LiJin; oneandonlyhope[:
Liyana; guitar senior!
Lynn; TWIN! <3
Mei Yen
Qi Shan
Shu Ting
Si Yuh
Wan Xin
Yi Ling
Yin Shuen
Yu Ying[:

my days, not yours.

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009


thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

31 January 2007

ok, since now is late, i shall summarize. hahaha.. :D

24th january 2007 to 30th january 2007
FORGOT. short-term memory.

XIUWEN bully ok, not bully, just ''bully'' maran, our vice-chairman. LOLS.

first 2 periods. geog. can make me die. i nearly slept in class. but miss osman is cute luh.. :D after, literature. centre parting hair man comes in. muahaha~ we had literature test. :) took like 30 minutes to do it? xiuwen only took like 10 minutes?! she wants to sleep mah. lol. recess=TAF. ARGH.

music. where we had fun with the instruments. ROCKS ok? :/ lol. then maths. which mr. gan went on and on. CHAPTER 5, exercise 5E with TONS of questions. and guess what? i haven't done a single thing about it. zzz..

after, CME. where we presented our papers which wrote''how to build your self-confidence.'' lol. me, xiuwen and jia yi were smart enough to snatch the paper and let the gentlemen do the job. yi kai gets to skip this. zzz.. haha. but yunus see to have difficulties starting. so i started for him. lol.

we got the lollipop. which practically daniel was begging from me to give him one. LOL. well, in the end, i gave it to him. instead of shangzhi. well, he asked first. LOL. then eating lunch, me and roslin went for science remedial, xiuwen and yuqi went for tchokball. it was quite boring during the science remedial actually. =x lol. but after, it was really fun. well, me, roslin, susanti, jia yi, jaime, qi shan, alexandra, xinmin, atiqah and ridzuan stayed back and talked to miss lim. well, she is really nice while talking to her today. :D just that she is bias to alex. LOL. and miss lim likes 2b better because they are not gross. haha. and i realized that miss lim has difficulties recognising 2b and 2d. LOL.

after, me and roslin went home. we also went home with edwina. it was really a coincidence. ^^

i still remember chang'er. :D lol. right, roslin? right, xiuwen? right, YUQI? :D

new blogskin!~ RAINBOW PILLS. <3
i wonder when i did i become so thick-skinned and enthu. O.o

♥Wednesday, January 31, 2007

23 January 2007

blah blah. gonna crap about today.

C&T? which totally sucks. cant think of anything good for my ideas. -.- vocab quiz= 25/25. one more time. :D :D :D recess=short.

english:had to do correction. didnt had to attend english remedial. yays~ then.. HMT. which i was umm.. sort of a bunch of us. mostly 1C people. we were punished for not doing homework. haha. and miss chin actually asked us what we were doing outside. we said''oh. punishment. lol.

SCIENCE:talked about the spring test. and blah blah. miss lim said our class did the best and blah blah. i got 5/10! whees~ i am happy. though it is damn low. haha. no remedial. but still it is optional.

after school, had to go guitar. and blah blah. worst part is my first string broke. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!~ i practically freaked out. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... so jia yi was really damn nice to borrow her guitar to me. really appreciated. THANKS ^^ we learnt a new song''close to me'' quite nice.

after, went home~

something had changed.

♥Tuesday, January 23, 2007

22 January 2007

WHEE~ finally can load again.

18th january 2007
which was on thursday. first SCIENCE. SIAN. then P.E we had to do 40 pumpings. 1 minute late=10pumpings. then run around the court for 8 minutes. CONTINUOUSLY. then played captains ball which was SO NOT FUN. cause of the boys. ZZZZ...

recess. then after HMT. talked about confucius. and another famous person. then it was maths. SIAN NIA. then english or science? :/ i dont know. then went home with chun luan+roslin.

19th january 2007
blah blah blah blah blah. SKIP ALL THE LESSONS. but the best part is science teacher never come. :D

NPCC. expected to see juniors. in the end, dont have. O.o we had boring lecture and a new project. but group members are great actually but then one sentence just broke the entire group. and entered a new member which i really dislike.

then practiced for baton drills. blah blah blah. and after went home.

20th january 2007
promotion test. SCARY. but in the end i passed. well, everyone tried their best. but there is one more retest of promotion test+3rd class drill badge next month. i can't fail that retest if not rank taken away! O.o and i want 3rd class drill badge. :(

21st january 2007
church. shopping. bought 3 pants about the knee length. then went home.

22nd january 2007
SCHOOL. maths. FINALLY no homework for one day. :) :) :) then A&D which sucks. recess=SHORT. english. uhhh..... did some vocab thingy. HMT: did composition. science:SIANDED. assembly: where we came across this SHE song where xiuwen said.

xiuwen:jia yi happy luh.
christy:huh? *looks at jia yi*
after 3 seconds..
christy:oh i get it.

i took so long to find out it was a SHE song. T.T LOL. then stayed back to wait for roslin and yuqi. then before that, kai ting messed up roslin's hair[again] but this time i used the book and piaked her hand. LOL. i am a bad junior. -.-'' and i rmb the ''like senior like junior'' from roslin. LOL!

listened to the lunchtime concert of band. and xiuwen took a long time to find out where megan is. DOTS. after, me, edwina, xiuwen, roslin and chun luan took bus 28 home. yuqi had interact.

where's that trust?

♥Monday, January 22, 2007

17 January 2007

ok i'm gonna blog for two days.

16th january 2007
ok, started off with vocabulary quiz. which i scored full marks on. whees. :) after, it was uhh.. C&T, where we went for the D&T room. the one with air-con. ^^ then which the teacher talked crap for a moment. finally we used the tablet pc. very nice lehs. :D

i draw here and there and blah blah blah. then after, it was recess. recess was freaking SHORT. then it was english? :/ we went though tenses and blah blah. then HMT. very shocking as we talked about north korea and south korea. we cannot enter north korea sia. -.-

then it was science. where people kena scolding. miss ofelia was serious and very angry. but in the end, all of a sudden she started laughing. because she said:'' BRYAN TAY! when i asked you do particles move during expansion and contraction, you gave me DUH....'' then the class laughed. miss ofelia also laughed along. she told hilary to move one side as she thinks that hilary de face very funny. then blah blah blah. and she was teaching us corrections. she kept laughing and laughing. she then told us not to laugh as she will laugh. we were like ''not we laugh, is you laugh first lor'' LOL.

so miss ofelia lim= fierce so-so lah. i find her ok. just the her words too chim le. i do not understand anything at all. lol. uhh.. after i went home?

17th january 2007
which was today. first we had geography. she like act cute lor. LOL. then literature. all the very chim words there. recess. blah blah.

music. it was fun with the uhh? bamboo thingy? :/ i had a G note. :D then we had to reshuffle according to the notes we are holding. ok, then the teacher told jia yi:''do you mind being the only flower among the........ bees?'' everyone was LOL-ing. so one boy exchanged the bamboo thingy with jia yi. mrs grace chan then asked us to play twinkle twinkle little star. i was holding the G note. so it was ''so''. i realised that we had to play a lot. LOL. so it is..

''do, do, so, so, la, la, soooooooo, fa, fa, mi, mi, re, re, do.
so, so, fa, fa, mi, mi, re.
so so, fa, fa, mi, mi, re.
do, do, so, so, la, la, so, fa, fa, mi, mi, re, re, do.''

haha. so when we started, it indeed was hard. there was the sooooooo.. part. so i played but noone playing with me. then they laugh. i was like lol? and mrs chan nearly wanted to hit noel's head using the bamboo thingy. LOL.

maths. one word:SIAN. then CME. which a lot of surveys. and mdm rozila told us a lame joke and one quite funny joke. LOL!~

then after school, me, yuqi, edwina, xiuwen and roslin waited for kaiting. finally saw her. and i gave her the birthday present. HOPE SHE LIKES IT!~ then with doreen. xiuwen and roslin bought curry puff. we sat under the void deck. where xiuwen was drenched. all thanks to yuqi's son and we teased yuqi again. :) i was using the tissue to rub away the water on xiuwen's seat. after, the bus came. =.=

boarded the bus. where we played a lot of jokes on yuqi. with LONG POEM wors. :D after, much more funny stuff happened. haha. i am not letting you know anything. :)


♥Wednesday, January 17, 2007

15 January 2007

BLEHS. chiong-ing though blogging now.

maths:SIAN NIA. =.= like as if mr. gan's class was interesting. boring+CHAO JI fast. guess what, we are already on the third chapter. i was like.. OMFG. so fast. so yeah, as usual MORE HOMEWORK. after, art&design. which was AGAIN boring. recess was chao short. OMG.

english:instead we did our class motto. it is ''you snooze, you lose'' cool? :/ i dont know. lol. chinese:well, quite interesting. talking about north korea and south korea. =.= science:instead of boring lessons, we had break!!!!~ :D :D :D

and we played science hangman. if we win, we get to know miss ofelia lim's age. if not, bad luck. so it is the fifth state of matter. so it is bose-einstein condensate? :/ the only letter we could not guess was the letter 'b' awww... so sad. :((

assembly. just boring. :))

EXTRA HMT LESSON. and forgetful me. i forgot to learn ting xie. so in the end, i dont know 3 words. feel dead. XP then, off to the library i go to do d&t.

as yuqi had interact, she cannot accompany me. roslin&xiuwen had to go home. so i went myself. then as i was doing d&t, pang wen, wei jin came in and booked the computer beside me. then pang wen said'' so poor thing arh, you alone?'' i was like ''so?'' -.-'''

eugene chin wanted to print something for his art. then, he was unable to print as there was no colour printer available in the computer he booked. lol. after, i went to tm taking a bus 28.

reached tm, walked around.. looking damn blurred out. after walking around, finally know what to buy for kaiting~ hope she will like the present. after, walked out of tm. coincidencely i met siyuh and wei qing!! haha. we then took mrt. on the platform, i saw............... kaiting. my jaw dropped. cause i think this was too much of a coincidence. talked to her for a second. before her mrt came and she left. lol.

i then took mrt with wei qing and siyuh. got off with wei qing at kembangan. she walked home. while i took bus home. :))

today was too much of a coincidence.

♥Monday, January 15, 2007

14 January 2007

finally it loaded. after being impatient for around half an hour.

19th december 2006-2nd january 2007
boring holidays. spent them rotting at home.

3rd january 2007
wednesday. the first day of school. and i actually cant believe that i have already spent one year of my life in dunman. woohoos. a bit not used that i have become a senior. and i cant even recognise a sec. 1 properly. -.- not used to not seeing myself standing in front of danica. not used to seeing new classmates. not used seeing 1C-ians'06 to be seperated up into different classes.

oh well, i guess this is life. :/ so the day started off with boring talks. so it took up all the time till 9++. after returning to class, everyone started chiong-ing for seats. including me of course. so i sat in front of xiuwen. when our class teacher was like saying out names, i was like looking att every single person so that i will recognise who is who in class so as not to misunderstand people with different names.

and one thing: RECESS WAS CHAO SHORT.

then blah blah blah. all the boring lessons. and teachers talking about streaming. SIAN.

4th january 2007
early in the morning, SCIENCE. the teacher was new and i thought she was nice umm.. chao fierce? T.T bleh. so she scold scold early in the morning. poor 2D. we have actuallly to be tortured by miss ofelia lim for one year. IMAGINE! one miserable year. sian..

so P.E we took half an hour to stay in class before going down for P.E i was thinking how our P.E teacher would look like. she looks quite tan. quite a beautiful lady. she took our height and weight and i realised that i had shrinked 2cm+gain 3KG. that made me like SAD SAD SAD. OMFG.


HMT. went to A class for higher mother tongue. there's sure to be a tough competition for this year. i am STRESSES. T.T the teacher seems very nice and very funny. haha, i would look forward more lessons with her.

then maths??? :/ SIANDED again. everyday mr. gan give a lot and lot of homework. OMFG. BORING!

english. instead of that, we elected our chairperson and vice chairperson. chairperson=megan. vice-chair=maran. LOL. boy under girl again.

5th january 2007
SIAN skip all the lesson lah.

homework.. homework.. and more homework nia.

after school, npcc. revised drills.

6th january 2007
CCA recruitment day. so we sec. 2s had to give out flyers and so on. and persuade the sec. 1s to join us. which is please DO JOIN US IN NPCC! and told them a lot of stuff and so on. BLAH BLAH BLAH. the end. LOL!~

7th january 2007
just church and stuff and stuff.

8th january 2007 to 12th january 2007
i HATE ART. i hate ART. i hate ART. so it is a torture of becoming an art rep.

D&T=ridiculous+boring. nothing much interesting to describe about other than chopping off fingers and another one grows out. SIAN.

P.E like tough training. sian. run a netball court for 10 minutes. but we are not netballers. :(( so chao tiring. played captains ball. after that, 20 pumpings. =.=

school=homework. SIAN SIAN SIAN.

NPCC: learnt batons drills. and WOC. scary to stand in front commanding the squad with a lot of pairs of eyes are looking at you. X_x and there's going to be a promotion test next saturday[20/1/07]!! *panicks*

13th january 2007
went for npcc instead of guitar. revised and so on and so forth. blah blah blah. +there was morning P.T. OMFG T.T

14th january 2007
didnt went to church. went to parkway parade instead. bought school shoes SPECIALLY for npcc. LOL. and then yen yen[youngest sister] bought a badminton racket as she has joined badminton!!~ good for her. then went to eat. went to MPH bookstore. filled myself with astrology books. after that, went home. :) :) :)

you are hurt but dont forget. i am hurt too.

♥Sunday, January 14, 2007