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byyourside .
i'm your soul.


Christy, 19th June.

the miles.

Angela; girlfriend! :D
Chun Luan; Egg! 8)
Hwee Min
Hwee Sze
Jing Wen
Joan; AIR-CON~ ^^
Jorim; superjunior!
Kim Meng
Li Lian
LiJin; oneandonlyhope[:
Liyana; guitar senior!
Lynn; TWIN! <3
Mei Yen
Qi Shan
Shu Ting
Si Yuh
Wan Xin
Yi Ling
Yin Shuen
Yu Ying[:

my days, not yours.

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009


thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

26 November 2006

i finally found a t-shirt that i could not find for ages. haha. so i wore it for church today! :)

went for church and singed+read the bible+listen the sort of 'talk' the talk was about ''are you happy?'' when the teacher asked''are you happy?'' some people raised up their hands. my sister did. i didnt. when she asked''are you not happy?'' i also never raised up. feel so lost at that point of time. and was just BLUR? OMG. i dont even know i am happy or not. =.=

then she talked about. depression? then she showed the signs of having depression. just as long i have 5 signs, it is quite sure that you have depression. i was like.. ok. i have depression. mild depression. -__-she talked and talked. blah blah blah..

then, we had to practice for our christmas performance! i was in the part where i have to talk in a role. some of us talk, some of us 'act', some of us sing and others did the powerpoint. i have to do the role of: three motel bosses, an angel and loyal servant of a king? lol. in total:3 roles. a lot.

the people who 'act' is gonna be moving the puppet. lol. my sister is going to move the small boy, the angel and the loyal servant and professor c. haha. being a professor at a young age. =.=" three scenes over. and next week we continue. :))

after church, waited for chelsea. we decided to go upstairs. and looked for her. she had to dance for her christmas performance. the way the teacher danced made me and clara laugh and laugh and laugh. LOL. when me and clara were small, we also danced! being taught by also the same teacher. just that now she is older. :X

then, we went off to tm. me and clara wondered around. while my parents and chelsea went for lunch. and in the middle of our wondering around, there were three girls(around my age or older) and i dont know who they are. they self introduction themselves. then they say you? i was like WTH. so i went uhhh.. i am from dunman secondary and i am christy. and clara also self intro to them. knowin g clara was from a primary school, they asked about her aggregate and so on. i was like........ crazy ahh? all our replies are monotonous.

they said''god and man used to have a great relationship. because of sins, causing man and god to separate. man do anything like charity and so on to reach to god. however, this weren't enough. so....'' i cutted their line and said''they sent their only son, jesus to come and save us!'' they were like''you are christians ah?'' i was like.. yes.. -____-ll say so long. they should have just asked whether we are christians first before continue-ing. ....... then they asked lots of questions. after all these, one girl asked''can i have your contact number?'' i said''no.''she was like ''email?'' i said ''no.'' she:''why?'' to end that conversation, i was like:''because i dont know you.'' then we hurriedly left. OMG that was scary. i thought they wanted to rob us? -___-" i know i lame lah.

went to metro to look for my mum. she bought christmas stuff. then i went to look for clothes. but could not find any that i like. so i left. but there are a lot of shops in singapore. dont have to worry so much lah. lol. and plus.. still have so much time. :D went to op. and i booked yuki's guitar. XD lols.

took a taxi home. and i hate it when people really call me idiot. or insult me or whatever.it's like nearly my mum and my sister calls me an idiot everyday. X_X

after i reached home, i went to the bed and wala. i am asleep! XD the nap was quite short. soon called by mum to go out for dinner.

we decided to go out to look at perhaps clara's future school? the buildings looks new and beautiful. envy.. zzz.. then went to a new hawker centre to eat. my bubbly cousin also came along, thus bringing more noise into the family. while walking to the hawker centre, clara said that my mum looks fat wearing a dress. my mum was like where got? i went o.O really? my dad then said''aiyo so fat'' to my mum. clara told my dad:''daddy, good one!'' LOL. funny sia. my mum's face went paiseh. o'.'o

ate mee goreng+carrotcake. MUAHAHA~ soon i am going to be fat. my mum said that my stomach is rubber. T.T i drank a drink that looks like beer? lol. but it isn't lah! clara also drank the same thing. i said to her.''dont drive and drink'' haha. after, went home..

took the cab and had fun in the taxi/ we nearly overturned it. :D i like making the 3 of them into pancakes. X))

now at my house, cousin still here. making lots of noise. haha/ NOISE POLLUTION. get the meaning? tomorrow i am going to parkway parade to shop with my family. can't wait. and also taking my guitar from there tomorrow!! :DD


♥Sunday, November 26, 2006

25 November 2006

gonna blog today. since there is nothing else to do. lol~

24th november 2006
went back there with yuqi+xiuwen to continure drawing the basketball court. oh gosh. when are we ever gonna finish drawing? and yes, pangwen+haoqian was also there to, not help but play basketball. well, this is what boys always do. basketball/soccer/whatever sports they like. girls=girly sports and SHOPPING? well, i guess. :/

well, enough of drawing. lol~ then me+xiuwen went off to tampines mall. 12+. meeting roslin at 2. -___- what are we suppose to do there? haha. yuqi went home as her mum does not allow her to come with us.

xiuwen bought 3 curry puffs at the mama shop. tsk tsk. lol. we then called roslin about 11+? before leaving for tampines mall. realised that she was still sleeping? haha. baby roslin. then i hanged up the phone. not even 10 seconds. my phone. roslin called. haha. THAT WAS FFFAAAASSSSTTTT~

we are gonna meet up together and watch happy feet!!!!!!!!!!~ decided to take the 3.30pm show? well, lynn has choir and yuqi her mum dont allow her to go. so only the 3 of us went?

on the bus, xiuwen hit me twice. zzzzz.. lol~ then talk and talk. i guess i did most of the talking. :x AGAIN. the bus trip was considered quite short. and i talked about cameras in front of the bus and the back of the bus. -_____- ok, i am being lame. but did i even say that?

reached tm. immediately walked off to the cinema. and purchased tickets for happy feet. $8.x3=$24.00 after, we walked to the basement and bought tako pachi+tori-Q. :)) our lunch.

then walked around like dead birds. o.O was dying for a place to sit. we walk here and there, here and there. in the end, we sat at the bus-stop? lol. then i did most of the talking again. paiseh. o'.'o

2 hours past REAL SLOWLY. nearly died. then roslin came. haha. walked here and there. sianded around. except there's another baby roslin. :D :D :D

ok skip all the boring parts. go to the movie.

can say the movie some parts quite boring, some parts quite ok, some parts quite funny. my favourite part was the part where all the penguins jumped off this CHAO JI high cliff. except for one. who has a fear of heights. then he turned around, not facing downwards. then looked at something. and said:''LOOK! look what? THERE!! AHHHHH~'' and he fell off. LOL. i guess roslin should know what i am talking about. i like this penguin for being RETARDED.XD

xiuwen was sleeping at that part through. guess she is tired.

and one more~ the main character:mumble. fell off the highest cliff i have ever seen. and then before that, he told his friends to take care of his mum and gloria[he like her] then he fell off. one of them were like:''WHAT?! he want us to tell his mum that he came this far just to commit suicide? LOL.

but seriously.. penguins are cute. there are some scenes that really shocked me. lol. i guess roslin and xiuwen should know. -____-

after, ate more stuff. before taking mrt home with roslin.

then after played a short while at the park. before going home with clara and chelsea.

25th november 2006
know what? guitar is sianded. today i went guitar with roslin and yuqi. xiuwen was not with us as she was sick. GET WELL SOON, xiuwen. but it was weird that she still can play maple. diao. -___-ll

been on the computer since 3. *yawns* and my family is getting ready for christmas. :D christmas tree is already up. my mum is going to throw away all the decorations for the tree. and buy new ones. she said buy golden. i wonder if my eyes will shine. o.O haha. CHRISTMAS!!!!~

clara is watching happy feet with her friend today. X))


♥Saturday, November 25, 2006

23 November 2006

spent my day at dunman's open house today! :)

brought my sister along too. hoping to see some of my closest friends.when we reached the school, all councillors was like ''welcome to dunman secondary school'' i am like.. -___-ll i am from this school?walked around the school. before going to the hall.

listened to mrs. neo's future plans about the school. yawned dont know how many times. haha. watched dunman NPCC SPDS perform, choir to sing and guitar to play. all were great. haha. saw lynn+xiuwen+yuqi. :D lol. lynn looks good with hair bunned up!! :)) choir's singing was really GREAT~

listening to guitars playing makes me go along with the music. especially GUAN HUAI FANG SHI. i love it so much. but i heard some wrong tunes through. haha. then dream a little dream of me. so-so. quite nice also. last was sway. but the song kept going loud and soft, loud and soft. somebody from the front row sure never play. to my surprise, it was the DA JIE DA. HAHA.

yuqi took quite a while to see me. and she went laughing like siao. yuqi and xiuwen looks good! and wow. front row, all the girls cross legs sia. yuqi so ladylike. XD

then after went home with yuqi+xiuwen. xiuwen's legs look damn white with the stockings. :)) nice legs, xiuwen!!! lol. i kept pushing yuqi here and there. and my sister helped her somemore. BAD CLARA. ARGH. :/

after, went to the park immediately. FUN. run here and there, and looked like a madwoman. i admit i crazy lah, can? X)) run until my ponytail became no more ponytail. ran quite a lot today with chantelle playing with us too. since she long time never play. she wanted to become catcher, then she caught and hurriedly went up to the monkey bar. we look at her, she look at us then she said'' this is ice and water arh?'' we were like ''yah?'' lol. she took quite a while to understand. she went home after a while. it was great having her with us.

we continued running+runnng+running. and then stopped. and talked about the sleepover we were going to have. date not decided through. but the sleepover held at my house confirmed. but depends if they can go. :/

after, a few people went home. me, clara,cybelle and sarah were left. then people came with dogs. and soon those dogs came ramping at us like a bullet train. it freaked me out. and the dog's saliva was like on my leg. i really FREAKED OUT and went like a lunatic woman. so DISGUSTING.

enough of the mad woman. :))


♥Thursday, November 23, 2006

my sister just went off to the school to find out her PSLE results. all the best to her.

later, i will be going to the open house with my sister. if she wants to go.

i hope for the best for her.

and fights just keep making people come to a reckless decision. regardless in friendships or relationship. it's the fights that makes their friendship/relationship just shattered to pieces. no matter how much sweetest times they ever had. won't people learn how to give in at times? instead of letting their ego and pride get the better of them.

it's not worth giving up a friendship over a fight. if you ever give up, you are not a TRUE friend.friends DO fight no matter how close they are. there are no such things as perfect friendship. even if there is no fight, there willl be times when friends disagree with each other, isn't it? sure there will be some minor misunderstandings, but if each party would just give their best shot, your friendship with your friend will be in the best condition as ever before.

i am glad i never fought with roslin before. :))

♥Thursday, November 23, 2006

22 November 2006

i looked out of the window. and i saw it's raining.
i wonder if my heart is crying too like the rain.
is the rain trying to tell me to be strong or trying to tell me that i am weak?
people in church all tell me to be as strong as my mum.
not to break down easily. or so.
cause' out of my family.
i am the weakest.
i wonder if god is pitying me.
and so it is raining.

but who doesn't wanna be emotionally strong?
i wanna be one.
i have got to be strong.
no matter what happens.
even whether rain or shine.
i've got to maintain that smile on my face.

and isn't it saddenning if people does not appreciate you as their best friend when you sincerely treat them like one?

heartISbroken. :((

♥Wednesday, November 22, 2006

my cute little sis has a new blog. :/
althrough the typing is weird, but clara described it as cute.
well, the url can be found at the links below.
but anyway, in case, you dont know.
link is:


you all can pop by and say hi or whatever you all wanna say.
kexin popped by already. lol.
and my youngest sister replied.. who are you, kexin jie jie?

lol. that's cute. :)

p.s:my youngest sister's name is chelsea. :D

♥Wednesday, November 22, 2006

21 November 2006

so sianded in guitar. BLEH.. kept playing the same song over and over again. and uncle lim did not come today. :) muahaha. life more easier. he come. very scary. can all of a sudden shout de. lol. :X me and roslin was released early since we didnt had to perform for the open house. took bus home with roslin. :D

and decided to go to the park. however only me, clara and sarah turned up. so we talk and talk. until quite late. cybelle could not make it as she went to the haircut shop with her family. luckily, she did not cut her hair. if not, who knows what will happened to her hair. :/ but talking about old times were great. REALLY. with park friends. through i am the oldest. haha. oldest:13years old. youngest:5-6years. of course including the small little annoying kids.XD

and i so did not know that my youngest sister created a blog sia. and if you bothered to see, my youngest sister told me to visit and tag her blog. i was like ok.. i saw and i was like.... ok lah. no comments. but a bit plain through. :/ her post de english a bit out lah. but come on, singlish is the IN thing now with typical singaporeans. :X

if yuqi had internet, my youngest sister will be in trouble. [cause' yuqi has a tendency to correct another people.] tsk tsk. but the way she types is cute sia. :) you all dont agree, it's ok. :)


♥Tuesday, November 21, 2006

18th november 2006
in the morning met roslin at the interchange! :) MISS HER LOTS. :D she looks so cute as ever sia. XD instead of taking the bus 28, we took the mrt. X)) walking to the mrt, told her lots and lots of stuff!! ;) lol. standing on the platform, i am still talking. in the mrt, i am still talking. off the mrt, walking towards tampines interchange, STILL talking. in the bus to school, well, i am STILL TALKING. i very paiseh leh. talk so much. i wonder if roslin finds me TOO talkative. but cannot blame me lah.TWO WEEKS LEH. so LOOONNNNGGGGGGGGG... so i have lots to say. lol.

then had guitar which i supposed yawning=CONTAGIOUS no it's not. YUKI never yawn. aiyo. zzzzzzz...ok, so those people that didnt perform for the open house could go home early. me and roslin decided to wait for yuqi and xiuwen. while waiting, we checked out the classlist for next year. then sat on the sofa in the atrium. TALKED again. well, nothing to do mah. lol.

after, me and roslin went home since we had lunch prepared. yuqi and xiuwen went for lunch outside i suppose. went to the mama shop to buy curry puff for roslin. i ate one while she ate 2? took bus 28 with roslin. talk and talk. hand her the NYAA form. and this auntie wanted to look what was inside my guitar bag. HAHA. went home after.

then i was sianded for the rest of the day. -______-

19th november 2006
went for church. some people just reminded me for the fun SO-NOT-FUN church camp that i have to go this december holidays. i can go for NPCC annual camp, ATC, school camps. but NO WAY am i going for this church camp. ESPECIALLY when being forced to go. it just sucks to see people you hate in church.

and just to pay $50 for a 3D2N church camp. it's like 1 room, a lot of beds. OMG. can't there just be like at least some safety. like one room for girls, one room for boys. instead of all clumped together. you know it just make me feel so weird sia. and i am NOT safe. because if i am sleeping on top of the double deck bad, i guess i might just freak out. the poles look so weak. and if i sleep on it, wont the entire thing come down. i am like.. aiyo.

the canteen, you got to be kidding me. so clean? i dont think so. 2 vending machines. yeah, great drinks and food. HAHA. i think church camp is eat, drink, bible reading, listening to talks, more bible reading, eat, drink, bible reading, boring games, more songs and prayers, eat, drink, wash plates+cups, sleep. what kind of life is this? so boring. i might just die you know. i would rather spend my time at home? at least, i have computer and tv to play with. i dont know lah. just thought that i had to persuade my mum for a long time before she say i didnt have to go. the teacher only say like one sentence? then my mum was like.. OK, YOU HAVE TO GO. MUST GO.

my mum UNDERSTANDS ME NO WAY. if she really understands, she would know the feeling about being forced to go is a TORTURE. not JOY. actually, i also do not understand her and i no longer bother to. cause' i dont want to know the bad side of my mum. just let me understand the good side of my mum. i want to LOVE my mum. not HATE.

after, went to tm. met xiuwen and yuqi+her mum+her sis. walked around in search of xiuwen's clog shoes? shopped around with them. before meeting up with roslin at isetan. found the clog shoes at isetan. but i guess in the end, xiuwen never buy? anyway, then we went to the basement to eat. me and xiuwen ate tako pachi, followed by tori. roslin ate curry puff. yuqi ate tako pachi with her mum and sister.

sat around before yuqi and her mum+sister left. me and roslin and xiuwen went to take neo-print in century square. pictures look nice. then after, ate the ice-cream vending machine between metro and tampines mall. walked to the mrt. xiuwen keep saying that roslin will finish eating last. in the end, xiuwen eat finish last one. LOL. xiuwen then took the pasir ris line mrt back. while me and roslin took the other side of the mrt back.

talk and talk. haha. roslin got off at bedok to meet up with her mum. but her mum went in the mrt as she went out of it. her face was shocked and she actually all of a sudden turn back and went inside the mrt sia. HAHA. then i got off the next stop. took bus 28 home. >.<

20th november 2006
woke up at 10+ played the computer at 10++. played till 11+ realising that i was going to be late, i hurriedly eat and bathed. left the house looking like a mad woman. tied my hair while running to the bus-stop. managed to chiong for the bus 28. reached the interchange, got off, and waited for roslin.

roslin was cute. with that two ponytail of hers. lol. perhaps she might kill me. haha. took the bus 28. talked about NPCC. edwina soon boarded the bus. then we talk and talk and talk. arent i annoying? lol. well, good things past fast. we reached school. haha. considered quite fast already. instead of a person sitting alone.

filled up my bottle with water. falled in at the atrium. quite a number of sec.1s appeared today. GREAT! :D took attendance. put bags in basement. learnt lamp lighting. the parts of the hurricane lamp. then we were told to light up the lamp. first, ridzuan lighted up the lamp. he used only one matchstick and the entire thing lighted up. smart ridzuan.

then, kamini. she opened the screw cap till the entire thing came out. lol. then she used quite a lot of matchsticks to light up the lamp. still, it was a great job she did. :) followed by edwina, she also very good de lors. one matchstick was to do the trick. :d after, there was a lot of soot caused by the fire. and ncos started using this black colour soot and drawed on our faces. kamini had a X on her face. edwina? i dont know. chun luan had one side of the face is C the other side is L. AKA C.L ridzuan's face, a bird. then, the lighting of the lamp continued. then, it was my turn. my hand was like... moving tremenously. SCARY leh. first matchstick:broke into half. o.O second matchstick:lighted up but was extingished. zzz.. third matchstick:lighted up. hurriedly put it into the lamp. then the matchstick looks as if that it was extingished. the nco kenji was like:too bad. then, all of a sudden the lamp lighted up sia!!! :D nco kenji then said:you lucky lor. miracle. i was like muahaha. lol. after, chun luan. then, hilary. followed by roslin. roslin used aa lot of force, causing most matchsticks to break. but then she did not give up. which was good. nco kenji asked her to just use a little bit force will do. then, the lamp was lighted up. we went YAY-ing for her. :) our baby roslin knows how to light a lamp!!!!!!! ~

more and more people's face was ruined. but me and roslin weren't. haha. but edwina+kamini was so bad sia. they said christy and roslin havent kena sia. AAHHH.. but roslin was asked to go up first by nco kenji. XD nco kenji in the end drawed a mushroom on her face.[requested by ridzuan] and all the ncos started crowding round. wanting to play too. after, it was my turn. nco kenji asked what i wanted. i said anything. he said he draw a triangle and asked if i was ok with it. then i was like of course! :D i never expected something bad would happened. but it did. it was just supposed to be a triangle. but in the end. one traingle on the side of the face. one big big dot on top of my head. and......... one line down my nose. yah, all the sec. 1s laughed at me ok? wlao, so paiseh sia.

everyone's face was ruined in sec.1. we could not wash it off till the end of the training. i was like. OMG. you got to be kidding me right? then we setted off to avt. for orienteering. well, sec. 2s saw us and started laughing their heads off. zzz.. then we were allowed by jeremy sir to wash it off. YAY.

went in the avt. roslin looked at the avt de clock. and said. YAY. 5.45pm already. i was like no. it is 3pm. lol. listened to orienteering=GEOGRAPHY. boring sia. copied down notes. then had a discussion. before having a test on lamp lighting +orienteering. had no idea about some parts. i am gonna fail. :/ this test will be actually added on to our campcraft test. i want the campcraft badge!!~

had a debriefing at the atrium. and the liquid of the compass.. noone had any idea. they were like alcohol, mercury? jeremy sir was like no. then i was like water. he said yes it is water. MUAHAHA. me and roslin get a mark for that. we shall not say anything about how we knew. alright roslin? :X lol.

after, fetched roslin and chun luan home. :)

21st november 2006
later going for guitar. sian............. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...........


♥Tuesday, November 21, 2006

17 November 2006

OMG~ today was funnnnn...

well, i was up late today. so i practically freaked out. and hurriedly got out of the house. people think i am crazy. :) yah, i admit. i am crazy lah can? took the bus. listened to music all the way.

xiuwen missed the bus. so we got off. and then hide from her. after, we were so lost. because we lost track of her?! we called and realised that she was at the traffic light sia. lol. then waited and took the bus to school. :D

reached school and went to the basketball court. realised that the drawings were all nearly erased? OMG. redraw. it rained. but we were still drawing while it rained. i am crying in the rain nope. i am drawing in the rain. :) so we drawed back the ring~ through it looks obviously OUT OF SHAPE. but it still looks like one.:D

xiuwen told me that i had two lines down my face? caused by the thick thick pencil. 8b leh. imagine how thick is it. omg. xiuwen and yuqi also had marks on their faces but i never say. :X MUAHAHA~

ok, then eugene chin, pang wen and hao qian actually came to school and helped us more like basketball? :/ we are planning the basketball de diameter by then! YIPPEE. :)

when we were drawing the basketball, hao qian was like''is this even a basketball?'' T.T lol.when we drawed finish, pang wen was like''wlao. so boring. all your fault lah''poor yuki mama. both sons sian-ed. lol. we all think that the basketball drawn was so round sia. o.O

rain+sun=WEIRD SKY? lol. we then soon realise that the ball was supposed to be tilted. -___-ll argh. we re-drawed. after, went in for a break. ate hotdog. i drank H-TWO-O+soyabean milk. i am greedy lah.. :)

went off for bbt. +instant noodles. yuki ate ramen. which made her tongue hot. aiyo. tsk tsk.. me and xiuwen ate hicken noodles. and i drank green apple snowshake with green apple jelly. NICE SIA> .< yuki drink strawberry snowshake with coloured pearls? xiuwen drank the same as me. :D

we took bus 28 to my house. talked lots and lot s of stuff. lol. xiuwen like long long bus journeys. -_____- got off the bus-stop. crossed 2 roadas before walking into my estate.

reached home. brought yuki and xiuwen to my house to play. :) switch on-ed air-con. and xiuwen said my air-con was cooling. i said'' that's why when you switch on your air-con, i feel hot sia'' :X lol. went to wash our feets and hands. xiuwen didnt even know how to open a tap sia, -____- ll she thought it was automatic? i didnt know my house so high-tech sia. XD

we played lah. in my room? they fiddled with nearly everything. my guitar, my blanket, my pillow, my bolster. OMG. they say my room very messy. lol. we started sitting on each other. especially leong yu qi. so disgusting sia. wetalk and laugh and talk and laugh.

xiuwen go and wash her feet, again. then i was like ok? you cannot come out anymore. i close the door. muahaha. X)) ok, then xiuwen was like.. help i cannot open the door. i was like WTH. xiuwen cannot even open a door? OMG. aiyo.

i talked on the phone with mr. lee +yuki's mother. i borrowed yuki from her mother for one day, you see. xiuwen pretended to hold the phone and say. HELP i am kidnapped by christy . -____- right. the most funniest thing is she cant even hold a phone the right side. she hold it upside down. can you believe it? aiyo.

left my house again and setted off to tm.

we wanted to pick roslin up from the airport. but we heard from her grandma that she is coming back at night. so we went to tm instead.

took bus 67 to tm. ate takopachi plus tori. :D :D :D saw clothes . dont know why. i have that urge to buy new clothes. ok, officially, i am kena inflenced by CHIEN XIUWEN. :) i want to buy new clothes. oh yeah. perhaps i am already falling love with shopping. oh no. LOL.

walked around here and there. then off to yuki's house. where xiuwen drank water. and i drank soya-bean milk. i then took bus back home..

roslin and my mum sure scared me to day. lol.


xiuwen is RETARDED> XD


♥Friday, November 17, 2006

16 November 2006

i will blog~

15th november 2006
went to yuki's house first. watched hsm. then went off to school. bought paint. for the basketball court. then we could not draw the basketball court as basketballers were having practices. we saw lynn at the new block sia. lol. soon, we went home. walked xiuwen to her bus-stop. then me and yuki boarded the bus 28. which lynn was taking. such a coincidence. :)

16th november 2006
went to school as early as 8.30? crapped around, laughed around. and also serious for a while. in the end, we draw half the ring. :) drank sluppy+ate curry puff. went to yuki's house for a while. where i got a slap+{head,back, face kena hit by beach ball}.. GREAT..

took the bus. suddenly it rain. i was like oh no.. drawing down the drain sia. aiyo. tsk tsk.

i am to 2d'07 next year. GREAT. through got xiuwen. but dont know why i feel sad lah. just hope that all of my closest friends will still be with me. just scared. GOD, pls bless me with my friends next year. i feel the sadness so badly.

i wanna break down so badly.

xiuwen;i know no detail. haha.


♥Thursday, November 16, 2006

14 November 2006

recently, there just seems to be strange dreams that i have dreamed every night.
dreamed about the impossible and all the crazy stuff that i never imagined.
lots of regrets in a dream.
lots of dreams that i am being backstabbed by my best friend.
lots of dreams that a used to be best friend broke my heart.
lots of dreams that noone would ever understand.
lots of dreams that i am not loved at all.
lots of dreams that my used to be best friend was sorry and i actually forgive her[impossible]
i can just go crazy dreaming all these.
why must god make my life so hard?
can anyone just tell me?

i am not trying to be emo ok? because i am emo.

♥Tuesday, November 14, 2006

13 November 2006

12th november 2006
never go to church. whole day. sian-ed.

13th november 2006
went for NPCC today. oh yay! edwina's back. it was terrible without her last training. took the bus with her to school today. we greeted like numberless ncos+CIs+OCs. played number line[half squad of sec. 1girls+ridzuan]it's like each person can only count up to 4 numbers at most. the person that says 30 in the end will do forfeit. i never KENA. HENG.

fall in. explained about what is sizing all about. as some people didnt come last training. after, we did''peace by the river'' it was fun!! then.. went to 1st floor, new block, 5B classroom. which we had a neighbourhood watch lecture and test. roslin has to take it another time. the test so hard even through multiple choice. anyhow tikam tikam. lol. scared i fail.

then went for tent-pitching. where we were briefly explained on what is tent-pitching all about. ok, a tent had three sheets. one is outer sheet. inner sheet. and ground sheet. there is also the horizontal pole and 2 vertical poles. these poles act as a skeleton to the tent. more detailed information. another time then explain.

after the demostration, we had to group ourselves into 3 groups. i was in group 2. we did the tent the fastest. but it looks a bit weird but still acceptable lah. then de-pitch. since we still had much time, we had a mini competition. we furthered spilt ourselves into 2 and competed to fold the inner sheet. we did in 60 seconds. the other did in 51 seconds. so 60-51=9clutches. the ast one must hang 10seconds somemore leh. aiyo. tsk tsk.

then, we all falled in our groups. and competed who shout the loudest and the fastest. so we got the 1st place. YIPPEE. then miss si gave us a competition between the three groups. 3 representatives from each group. and must pek the peks into the soil. all of us in the group the peks must be in line. pekked 45 degrees. must be fast and GOOD. so me, ridzuan and edwina. sec. 1s only. so it started and we were the 2nd to finish. so they checked. 1st group. in line but the peks all pekked sidewards. 17 marks. 3rd group. not in line. pekked correctly. 18marks. 2nd group. the moment they checked, they said GOOD! in line+pekked correctly. but edwina de pointed wrong way. in total we get:30 marks!! CHAO HAPPY, can? WE WON IN LIKE EVERYTHING! :D

falled in. had this total defence de-briefing. for sec. 1s, we are going for bronze. so we have to do an individual project on what is the 5 aspects of total defence. must do by 15th december 2006. next week, there will still be one more training. 15th december 2006, we have campcraft test. and on that day, all the badges will be given out. i cant wait to get my badges. YIPPEE. and on the first training of NPCC in 2007, we have to bring full-u to take unit photo. COOL! X)) CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!

after training, went to bbt shop. then took a cab home as edwina gave us a treat. chun luan+hilary alight at safra. edwina and i alight at edwina's bus-stop. before i took bus back home.


♥Monday, November 13, 2006

11 November 2006

5 snacks i enjoy
=Potato chips!
5 things i do with $100million
=Buy a new handphone
=Return mum the money i owe her.
=Re-decorate my room into what i want.
=Buy lots and lots of VITAMIN-C!
=Buy stuff for my friends and family.
5places i will run away to
=If i say it out, wont it be easy for you to find me if i run away?
5 things i will never wear
=Sleeveless tops.
=Jeans that are too tight.
=Anything that I don't like.
=Nothing else.
5 bad habits
=I dont care when i am angry. [i do what i want to do]
=Bad memory
=Easily irritated of people who want things their way.
=I have difficulties forgetting the past.
5 people to do this quiz

♥Saturday, November 11, 2006


yesterday night was funny. hehe. my youngest sister shared a room with us yesterday! haha. funny+funny=CHAO JI FUNNY can? well, we could not sleep at first. HAHA. then we started talking, in the DARK. we laughed over each other about how embarrassed have we been before.

after, when i called clara, no reply. i know that she was fake sleeping lah can? SO FAKE i asked yen yen to tickle her. but no reply. so no choice. i went for it lah. i sat on her leh. so hard. like only have bones like that. i started poking her in the stomach. no sound. then dont know why. me and yen yen started laughing. and we laugh until we can laugh over each other laughter. still no reply from clara. then i was like OK. FINAL SHOWDOWN let's go for BODYSLAM ah! so i stand on the bed, preparing to actually SERIOUSLY JUMP on her. i know it would hurt. but i dont mind. as i was about to jump, clara started laughing and said''OK,OK! i SURRENDER!'' lol~ YAY! i win.. :)

then clara said that there was once that we were talking when there was no reply from me. so she said
clara:''christy are you sleeping?''
christy:{no reply}
still no reply from me.
no reply from me.

after, we all laughed as clara said in a very funny way. and i slept like a pig that time already. lol.a few minutes later,

yen yen started laughing for no reason, i laughed and clara laughed. laughed for like nearly continuously for a minte. laugh until throat pain. laugh until stomach pain. after this, we still laugh and laugh. for that night, i slept laughing. LOL!

today what a boring day. spent nearly all the time on the computer. played murder mystery games online. well all 5 casesSOLVED. MUAHAHA~ well through i kept being late for work as a detective. like HAHA. so from 8.30am to 11.30am, i played that. went down for lunch. came up, watched my sister play. at about 3+, i went online again. 4+ sister took over. from 4++to 7, i took a LONNNGG nap. went down for dinner. and i realised that my dearest youngest sister hads fallen sick. poor thing. a few hours ago, she was not sick. and now SICK. she and clara fall sick easily. sigh* hope she gets well soon. now my parents went to bedok to buy medicine for her. now, only the three of us are at home. well, just hope that she can get well by tomorrow.


♥Saturday, November 11, 2006

10 November 2006

9th november 2006
yesterday i went for NPCC.

usual trainings and stuff. learnt sizing today. and practice all the other drills. lots of hours of hard training. today only 10 girls, 2 boys came?! so little boys haha. so about 4. it started to rain. very heavily. so we continued playing a game in the classroom. can fall de lor. wah... it's like if you do wrong, one cross. do correct+excellent then one tick. if you get top 5 of the crosses then you will have to do a punishment. at first, i was repeatedly doing it wrong. everyone never put down, i put down. everyone turn, i never turn. aiyo. make me so sad.

then when i was in the classroom. luck has changed. no more mistakes. GREATEST thanks to ridzuan. could not hear what the ncos saying what. i see he turn, i turn. he all ticks leh, only one cross nia. i coincidencely see his one lah. well, still greatest thanks to him.. :)

so i was not in the top 5. thank god. no punishment. today edwina didnt come. everyone had a hard time being a timer. haha. everyone xin ku le! :D then we actually have to hand in the NYAA form. i already help roslin take. we hand in next monday. she is after she comes back she must go to school to hand in the form. then on monday must bring the swimming cert. got silver. so i guess, silver badge? well, i know gold is better. but silver is better than bronze! oh YIPPEE. then on monday there would be lots of test(neighbourhood watch test+campcraft test) campcraft test is long-term through. which is to say that roslin can take the campcraft test. GREAT! then she can earn another badge. but for the neighbourhood watch badge. she has to get it another time. and i heard from huiyu mdm. NO PROMOTION RE-TEST. MUST WAIT FOR NEXT YEAR> i was like OMG, roslin how? mdm was like next year then she take. i was like.......... -___- ok..

after training, treated huiyu mdm to bbt. as i lost a bet with her. haha. you wont want to ask what is it. lol. we went to bbt shop. and hilary started going mad. keep laughing about germany. because she kept seeing germany flag colour. she really scared the kids man. aiyo..

took the bus, hilary had the honour to sit with mdm. we talked lots about teachers, pupils, NPCC, relationship and blah blah. haha. mdm then said that she could not remember all the secondary 1s. so hilary was like EASY! hilary and chun luan. christy(ME!) and roslin. kamini and ridzuan. edwina and the 2js. :x and so on and so forth. haha.

went home after.

10th november 2006
today morning went to the building at paya lebar again to sort out cranes. at first i thought just to go there to sign for CIP hours. in then end, we sort out. while sorting, mei yin(from 1D) actually told us murder cases. haha. exciting lehs. in the end, we only sorted out 1 bag nia. so little. cause' we talk more than we sort. lol. and there was a person called rosalind in a case. lol. sounds like roslin. :x rosalind=roslin. haha.

then went to eat lunch at kfc. went to yuqi primary school for the fair. before going home in the bus.


♥Friday, November 10, 2006

09 November 2006

recently there are just a lot of things bothering me.

like his/her existance does not really matter to me anymore. i thought that seeing him/her was a pleasure. now it became a pressure. used to think she/he was everything to me. in the end, she/he was just a burden to me. in the past, i tried to love him/her. but.. he/she keeps making me sad. and ignores me. say stuff that make my heart broken. just felt at that point of time, i wanted to break down.

it is just that loving someone is hard. why must i love others all the time? can't i just be loved for once? it's just hard to love someone that ignores you and makes you sad all the time you know. i just thought that if i went through so much, he/she will see what have i done one day for him/her. but all was........ wasted.

just as when i gave up on this person, he/she called. told me not to leave him/her. he/she just tells me that i am being nice to everyone. and he/she dont think that i love him/her more than anyone else. i do, alright? i love him/her more than anyone else. but because of his/her ignorance and temper that makes me give up on him. he/she just wants me to say that i wont leave him/her. C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-L-Y.

i just cant say it out that i will not leave him/her. his/her attitude just makes me have doubts towards him/her. i dont know if i say i wont leave him/her, more challenges will come. and i wont be able to handle at all. he/she should have treasured the chance to be loved in the first place. why now then say he/she wants me? i reallt am frustrated and i have no idea what to do. please try to help. thanks.

all i wanted was just for him/her to care.[before] but he/she just does not seem to bother. it also does not mean that i am not hurt. after going through so much. is caring for me just so hard to fulfil?

i am writing he/she as i want to keep this person's identity private

♥Thursday, November 09, 2006

i know that i have not been blogging for a while. deepest apologies to all of my friends. haha. except for chien xiuwen. lol. jk jk.

6th november 2006
monday. went to this building at paya lebar and sorted out paper cranes. till like about 12? then after setted off to parkway parade. brought yuqi and xiuwen there since they have not been there before. parkway parade has indeed changed lots but still sian-ed. haha.

so we took bus back to tampines mall. shopped around. took neo-prints as well. a bit screwed up through. lol.. then after went to yuqi's house for a while. before going home.

7th november 2006
tuesday. went to sort out cranes again. released at 12. xiuwen took pictures of yuqi squeezing me. help me? then i took revenge. MUAHAHA.

we went to pasir ris park. this time,susanti also came along. i begged her to come along. well, i rode with her. haha. andthe other two ride on one seat bicycles. well, that was like enough exercising.

took a lot of pictures. haha. very funny. and then walked around the beach. drawed hearts and 1c'06 it was just such a wonderful and memorable day.

8th november 2006
yesterday. wednesday. went shopping with yuqi and xiuwen. lynn could not make it for the outing. but it was ok. :) went to white sands and bought more stuff for 767. then off to xiuwen's house we go. played game of life. this time i had lots of children that the car could take no more. and money got 2 million plus. wow. first time ever so much nehs. haha.

went to the supermarket. bought food. drank bubble tea. after, yuqi left and i watched xiuwen play maple. lol. it was exciting . haha.

after, i went home.

kexin;i blogged!!
xiuwen;i guess some people never blogged de lor.
roslin;mssing roslin. :(


♥Thursday, November 09, 2006

05 November 2006

i hate today's morning. ARGH.

i am actually being forced to go to a church camp. i dont wanna go, ok? and plus they actually say it's on your free will. which is to say if you dont wanna go, it's ok. and i didnt want to go. 3D2N. it sucks, sucks, sucks. yah, like i am so upset till i started crying that i was forced to go. it's like omg, omg. i dont wanna go. my mum had to actually add in salt into the wound saying that i have no friends in church. yah, ok, i ADMIT! i dont have FRIENDS in church ok? so i didnt wanna go AT ALL. the teacher actually told us that she was not forcing us to go. but ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS, isn't it? it's was SO obvious that she was forcing us to go. and yup, i cried till the bus-stop. ARGH. i hate my life.

in the afternoon, went for lunch. then we walked around and into converse we go. MUAHAHA. clara actually wanted to buy her new shoe here for the coming new year. and me too!!! :D my sister chose the black and the light pink. size 39 fits her. but my mum said buy size 40. because her feet grows fast. well, there's no size 40 for that. so she chose the blackish shoe with white sewing? it's $49.90.

i supposely wanted the grey and the hot pink shoe. it's has been on my list that i want this shoe for the new year. but my feet is too big. so sad. so i was really quite angry actually. the salesperson and my mum tried recommending shoes but i just wanted the grey and hot pink one. zzzz..

the double tongue was nice. but i dont like the colours. so no consideration on that. there's the longone that covers more parts of your leg. but it just doesn't appeal to me. then i looked aroung myself. and i finally got something that i like. the black and orange shoe! i think it looks beautiful. well, at least better than the rest. but it still cannot replace the grey and hot pink shoe! the sales person said that the black and orange shoe is a new arrival. ok, i didnt know that, haha. this shoe is also $49.90. X)) i <3 my new shoes!

then i also bought 3 pair of new socks. converse. muahaha. one pink, one black and one white. below ankle somemore. so it's like CHAO nice lah. i just fell in love with the shoe and of course, the socks. ;D

went to minitoons and bought 767's present! XD

so today's reward:
-a pair of black and orange shoes
-three pair of socks
-present. :P



♥Sunday, November 05, 2006

04 November 2006

today we had guitar practice. xiuwen did not come as she had her bronze test today. she passed it smoothly. yippee. great! 11 cheers to xiuwen!! :)

then after going home, about a few hours later, my mum, sisters and i setted off for shopping at vivo city. ok, maybe not much of vivo city. more of harbourfront centre. on the mrt or out side the mrt station, a lot of inconsiderate people sey. tsk tsk.

went to harbourfront centre to buy a digital camera! :) my mum pay for it. well, we bought quite a lot other than the digital camera. it's like camera, printer[to print out the photos], the casing, the memory card, and all the other connections. in total:$765. i guess the whole family will be using this digital camera bah. but mostly i guess me and clara will use it. MUAHAHA. the salesman was good to give us a discount.

and then walked to vivo city. CHAO JI BIG LAH, CAN? i walk until can die lor. the food court so far. i went to banquet to eat. ate terriyaki chicken. YEAH!. chao delicious. but $7. expensive luh.

then went to candy empire. bought sweets and my youngest sister pays for it. haha..

took a cab home. costed more than $10. aiyo.

today roslin went overseas already. miss her LOTS liao. how? sigh* well, just really missing her and looking forward to see her in two weeks time. will MISS roslin, really. i am sure everyone would miss her. :D


♥Saturday, November 04, 2006

03 November 2006


in the morning, interact club and i went to my primary schoool to help out as volunteers to fold paper cranes. of course i taught sister's class. muahaha.

we left quite fast later on. then setted off to yuki's house. ate wanton noodles for lunch. then played for a while before going for NPCC.

well, today's training was tiring and CRAZY. drills non-stop. so much competition. so much long-time-never-see faces. and those who never came from 1I. wendy heng tell me that if they come, she will treat me to bbt worrs. she better make good her word.

drills, then cheers before debrief. haha. debrief was quite relaxing today through without the sirs and mdms around us. luckily.

went for bbt. lots of funny things happened before i took bus home.

summarized as it is late at night le.


♥Friday, November 03, 2006

02 November 2006

while i was on blogger, someone actually called me.

she talked to me on chinese. and then on english.

and asked me if i wanted to go swimming with her and yuqi.

she said that she wanted to practice her swimming.

i was like.. umm have to ask my mum first.

i thought she was hilary.

so i asked her to ask xiuwen along too.

she was like huh?! i am XIUWEN.

i was like. huh? really ah? you are xiuwen arh?

she was like %*(#^*(^@#()!#^($&)!(#!

i admit i was daydreaming ok?

so i didnt know it was her. lol.

i laughed like a siao lunatic.

haha. funny sey.

going crazy.[currently]

♥Thursday, November 02, 2006

today again unlucky things happened to me again and again. this life sucks can?

firstly, when i cooked noodles, when i was drinking the soup, i scalded my tongue/lips.

secondly, when i was helping in cooking dinner, the oil kena on my hand.

thirdly, while i was trying to get the oil, i knock my head against the wall.


tsk tsk. sigh*

♥Thursday, November 02, 2006

so fast.

another year had just past.

hope that you all will remember
the happy times
the fun times
the sad times
the bad times
the sour times
the bitter times.

just experienced another year of sweet, sour, salty+bitter times.

through the years.
i have changed drastically.
-my character and personality had totally changed.
-voice also have changed.
-the trust also have changed.
-i have become even stronger than before.
-thoughts about life had totally changed.
-realised that lots of things cannot be achieved unless you worked hard for it.
-people aren't perfect.
-freedom is IMPORTANT.
-friends+family=A desperate need.

more UPS and DOWNS in my coming journey. but for now, let me enjoy/suffer what i have done.

♥Thursday, November 02, 2006

great. quite a number of unlucky things happened to me last night.

first, well, mum kept repeating some things which made me annoyed. repeat and repeat. i am nearly going crazy! someone, tell me what to do PLEASE.

secondly, she just wont listen to my explaination. she always think she is right. and i am always wrong. i respect her as my mum but sometimes it is just sad that she just wont listen.

thirdly, my fingernail broke. not as in tat type of long nails and it breaks. and girls go freaking on that. it's you know instead of the whole fingernail came out, it's like about a quarter of it came out? but it hurts so badly ok? if it comes in contact with anything, it will hurt so badly. now i have difficulty typing even!

and today. nothing to do. so bored. sian-ed. tired of staying home. and lots more. and my finger is sort of swollen. GREAT.

♥Thursday, November 02, 2006

01 November 2006

today i went to science centre!!

well, i was suppose to wake up at 7. but i slept in for like half an hour!! :)) so i chiong-ed the entire morning. ok, maybe just for another half an hour. haha. took bus to school with roslin+lynn+yuqi. xiuwen missed the bus through. then when we reached the school, xiuwen was there too, YAY!! :D

took attendance quite late today. mrs lim look extrordinary more prettier in purple then yuqi said that today mrs lim ironed her clothes. then i said:''it is to say that other days she did not iron lah~!'' make her so speechless. haha. then took the bus to science centre. bus trip was long through. X_X

reached there which lots of primary schools are there. we seem to be the only secondary school. so paiseh. o'.'o hehe. then went to have the lecture of candy-making. made our own lollipop(does not look like one) and C-A-N-D-Y F-L-O-S-S!!! candy floss rawks. X)) the lecture was boring through.T.T

after, went to macdonalds for lunch. ate mcspicy, macnuggets and drank milo. i admit i love food lah.(now you should know why i so fat liao lah.) then played with the stuff there. outside the science centre. then went for the spaceship twice. it was fun. first time on it. and first time, we(me,danica, roslin and yuqi) sat right at the back. second time we sat at the second row. but i felt a bit dizzy after. but it was fun. i wanna play again next time! xiuwen said that the spaceship was actually inverting upwards and really shaked a lot. i didnt even believe it. until i saw it with my own eyes. i was like -____-ll ok..

and then mrs lim said that we could go into the science centre which i think that it is chao ji nice. XD played with lots of stuff. like you know science experiments and so on.

then went for the chemistry of toys. which was chao interesting. and honourable chin A.K.A eugene chin is in love. haha. using the love meter which we heard that if you are in love then the liquid will rise and then boil. amazing huh? so when E.C touched it, the love meter rise until DAMN fast. LOL. everyone started laughing.

explored more of science centre. oh yay! then took bus home where my hand kena DISFIGURED again. by roslin. o.O


♥Wednesday, November 01, 2006