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byyourside .
i'm your soul.


Christy, 19th June.

the miles.

Angela; girlfriend! :D
Chun Luan; Egg! 8)
Hwee Min
Hwee Sze
Jing Wen
Joan; AIR-CON~ ^^
Jorim; superjunior!
Kim Meng
Li Lian
LiJin; oneandonlyhope[:
Liyana; guitar senior!
Lynn; TWIN! <3
Mei Yen
Qi Shan
Shu Ting
Si Yuh
Wan Xin
Yi Ling
Yin Shuen
Yu Ying[:

my days, not yours.

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009


thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

31 August 2006

today i went to school. first thing is that i am not happy that today's school was not a half day. it totally upsetted me. but seing from fiona's and joan's blog that most of the AM6'06 girls came, i am glad that i did not go.

well, for some reason, 1c'06 was damn noisy today perhaps cause mrs lim wasn't here. she has left for a workshop in science centre. imagine howNOISY 1c was. haha. a few teachers came scolding but we dont care. so class chairperson gets responsible for keeping the class quiet as it was just too noisy. but the other classes also very noisy. but forget it. i dont think there's a need to explain.

so history. not so much but just a few points we learnt about the history of singapore. soon after, it was recess.

recess. went to look for mr. sim. looked high and low for him finally found him at the atrium so me and lynn give chocolates to him. so i said' may you grow fatter and fatter' hehe. and he replied 'may you grow thinner day by day' haha. plus he quite paiseh. but after all he is nice luh so i give him.

after recess, geography test. the worst nightmare was i did not even study for it. and it actually came true that i am dead. sigh* so time pass quite fast. i dont feel like talking about exams. so when it was over, my freedom to the end of exams officially started! :) i am happy.

so.. soon it was class party. mrs neo was indeed generous and nice enough to give a 3 kg chocolate fudge cake and drinks. miss toh came in saying it was her last day here. then she dyed her hair. so the class went WOOTS! for her. i feel like very -_-ll never mind. i just feel odd without the form teacher not celebrating with us teacher's day. w/o a teacher it means not teacher's day. so we asked miss toh to cut it for the sake of cutting. after that, everyone went round playing. it was quite fun. kaiting was bad. put whipped cream on me, roslin, ridzuan and hilary. dots.

after school, not much people stay back. me,roslin, ridzuan, xiuwen and danica stayed back to do D&T. but since all workshops were occupied, we had to wait fro about an hour. so we went back to class. and started playing. since noone's there anymore hehe.. we call ourselves funtustic 5. i dont know. they named it.it's all about just singing. SPECIAL QOIR? i dont know what it means man. haha. so started off with the dunman school song, followed by national anthem then national day song. using the national day song, ridzuan changed the lyrics. i recorded when they sing. haha. it was funny. although i guess to some people is really no offence. really. NO OFFENCE.

time flys and it was 3. went to 4F looked for mr. lee. went into workshop 3. started out on a piece of un-used wood. before starting on my product. so i cut this heart shape ok? then nearly done then the blade broke. SHUCKS! so i went to the cupboard took a new blade and re-fixed everything back. hahaha. :) so i continued and finished soon after. started to file my wood. while the others were on a scroll saw. we looked for mr. lee for several times with our aprons. even the 4F students knows that we are mr. lee's students! :) so he thought me and roslin to use the sanding machine. which i adapt to it quite easily. then after, ridzuan needed help with the sanding. so i help him saw. he see the sanding machine until so scared make me LOL. HAHAHA

MENTORS:-ridzuan(scroll saw and changing blade mentor :P)
-roslin(sanding and scroll saw mentor)o.O
-me(scroll saw, changing blade and sanding mentor):)
-danica(scroll saw mentor);)
-xiuwen(scroll saw mentor)X))

went home in bus 28. :)

sometimes i wonder why life's so unfair;
to make me be the one always giving in to you;
when you are upset;
i am always the one consoling or comforting you;
how about me?;
when i am angry; did you comfort me;
when i am sad;did you console me?;
i suppose NOT at all.;
and i am just so disappointed in you; desvastating-ly;
everything you do will be always right;
whereas for me it is so damn wrong;
you said i am practically talking crap;
but i am telling you right now that i am talking about my problems;
and you should be glad that i tell only you.

♥Thursday, August 31, 2006

30 August 2006

today again i took bus to school like usual. lalas. it just sucks when there are exams man. never mind and forget it. i did not even study literature and higher mother tongue sia.

so we had literature first. which i went SHUCKS. cause' i did not study at all sia. sigh* so i did not know how to do any question. but still i did. cause' i told lynn i will try my best to do all the questions..so i anyhow write an answer. ok, i do not want to talk about it.

10 minutes break.. all the noise that the class make.. $^$^!#*!%(*%&#!&*$^#!*(^ then fu lao shi came in. he was so damn late lah. then look so blur. he give out the papers. and give us lesser time. so i chiong-ed lah. hate him sia. give us so little time. very unfair.

recess. ate cheesy garlic bread. everyone happy talk. haha.

after higher chinese which was so not fun. had to count my CA marks + do corrections. it was so not FUN for me man. never mind.

then, dnt. we played with electronics today. fun luh.partnered yuqi. hehe. so she and i trying to play with it. LOL.everyone all like were going MR. LEE! M.R LEE! well, today's fun though.

after school, i looked for mr. lee. and told him that my metal was not big enough. i needed a 10 by 10 cm metal. so he said by tmr and so i said ok. everyone like looking for him for the product.

then went for bbt before going home. fun seh.

staying back for dnt tomorrow. and YIPPEE! tomorrow's the last day of school! i am so damn happy:)


♥Wednesday, August 30, 2006

29 August 2006

noone has blogged today so far. so let me be one of the first to write my post for today.

ok. so i took the bus today. me, roslin and chun luan. so we talked about today's tests and about some teachers. i nagged a lot as i really do not like them.

first test: science. i was like die liao. cause' i dont really understand so much about science. so at first i do the physics paper. i was like........ ok... then when it comes to the back, it was much harder but i still hanged on till the end. when i jumped to chemistry, i went WTH?! i dont know how to do. i panicked. and daydreamed. HAHA. yup, so i anyhow tikam-tikam and just pick one answer. i am so ridiculous huh? LOL. so i flunked that one for sure.

10 minutes break. everyone started to talk continuously. haha. soon after we started our second paper.

maths. so i do. but i anyhow do. all the questions i like blur queen. so i anyhow do. i am like so annoyed. do so much steps still get wrong. sigh* this failed too.

recess. ate chicken noodles. everyone seemed to be talking about the answers. but i have no interest. so recess ended quite fast luh.

d&t. so we were reaching the end of d&t. ALMOST. he told us about the detail development, template and so on. soon, he started to teach us to cut wood and metal. it's like CHAO dangerous. i am not sure about it. so i started asking questions. QUESTIONS QUESTIONS QUESTIONS. haha. i dont know why. i seem to start to love d&t. i also dont know when i fell in love with it. so i decided to so the d&t cutting on this coming thursday, monday and wednesday. i am not sure about the days yet. but i confirm will go this thursday. i know most people wil go back to primary schools but i can't my school ends late man. how could i possibly go back? plus to finish d&t much more earlier. and to accompany roslin. :)

maths. so we came back like 10 mins after 12.55pm. which was 1.05pm or make it 1.10pm. haha. so we did ''self-study''. so called. everyone was slacking and talking and laughing away sia. call this self-study sia. LOL.

after school, took bus 28 with edwina, chunluan, hilary, xinmin and my other 4 greatest friends.(lynn, roslin, xiuwen and yuqi) the bus was squeezy. and jing yong and wei jin do not know how to be a gentlemen. forget it. jing yong even told me ''first come first serve'' *makes me reminded of my sister. vomits blood* and so i said''do you know the meaning of ladies first?'' it seems that they dont. we me and edwina shared a place with chun luan. and yuqi, xiuwen and hilary squeezed in one place. we are nice people ok? HAHA.

so xiuwen and yuqi went crazy. they did not want to ALIGHT! two stops after, they were supposed to get off at the this point. still, they did not get off. safra, stil there. and then we passed by ''lynn's drain'' (right, lynn?) LOL. at lynn's stop, lynn, roslin, me, yuqi and xiuwen got off. i wondered why they got off. they say take bus 18 back to yuqi's house and xiuwen take bus 17. i went like UHH, -_-ll then why come here for what?

on the other hand, i took bus 69 with roslin to bedok interchange. took bus 33 home. when i went home, my mum was not there. so i called her and realized she was in bedok. i was SHOCKED. i should have called her. so that i dont havee to make myself even more hungry. by the time i eat my lunch it was about 3++ roti prata with curry! :P i quite like it.

i have been on the computer and tv for some time. i guess i will mug now.

And i never thought i'll feel this way And as far as im concerned Im glad i have the chance to say That i do believe i love you And if i should ever go away Well then close your eyes and try To feel the way we do today And then if you can remember Keep smiling keep shining Knowing you can always count on me for sure Thats what friends are for For good times and bad times I'll be on your side forever more Thats what friends are for


♥Tuesday, August 29, 2006

28 August 2006

after a long day of school, i finally am at home. PHEW. like i am tired and too lazy to study man. lalas! hehe. this is what i did today

ok, i took the second bus. sadly, it was SINGLE-DECK so me, lynn, roslin, yuqi and xinmin boarded the bus. i was quite nervous about today's english and history paper.

yup, so everyone in 1C was studying hard today. *eyes all on the paper* LOL. except ME and some people. well, i am not meant for studying. hahas. went down to the parade ground. which i nearly got a slap from hilary. i was nearly mistaken as ridzuan. LOL.

after the anthem and the pledge, went up to class. everyone was talking about how the paper will be. before MR. KENT LO came in.. and asked us to sit according to index number which we at first didn't. haha. so we sat according to register no. immediately. ok maybe let's just change it to slowly.

then put our bags to a corner. got all our stuff ready and sat down at our tables. eugene chin or should i call him honourable chin? HAHA. he said'' you are my shi fu so if later i don't know anything must tell me ah'' i went -_-ll i think that he does not need my help. hehe.

so the english paper started. and everyone was reading(including me) well while everyone was reading, i looked up and realized lynn had started writing! *CLAP PLEASE* indeed our english rep. LOL. so i continued reading. by the time the second time i looked up, everyone was writing. ok, i was panicking already. why am i so slow? i started doing my questions about 15-20mins after. so everyone was like digging their heads into the paper. i dont know why but i started daydreaming. i think that's a habit. cause' when i cant do some questions, i daydream. HAHA. so by the time i was doing question 12-13, eugene chin had finish the entire paper! i am :O so i rushed and rushed. finally for sumary, i had about less than 20 mins to do my summary. i know i am a slow person in tests, so i chionged. haha.i managed to extend it to 159 words. for some reason, i feel that the summary is short. i dont know how but some people made it very long. ok, so the paper is done. but i can tell you that this paper is much moreharder compared with the mid-year.

recess. which was should i say short? so we ate talked for a while before going back up to start our history paper. i knew in my mind that i was heading towards doom. still i went for it.

history paper. HARD LIKE HELL i did not know anything. ok, so when the paper was distributed, not all came back. so eugene chin, ridzuan, fadzli and i started asking each other for the answers. haha we are cheating. but we didn't gain anything. :P so we did the history paper. which i scribbled any answer on the paper. lynn's paper i was like OMG. all the lines all filled up. mine not even half can? i am jealous. haha. so i did not know how to do the last two questions. 6m and 7m. so it is to say i must answer, explain and give an evidence. SIAN. so i DAYDREAMED. AGAIN! well, that's my habit. haha. ok, but i was brought back to reality when the teacher said we have 15 mins left. of course i panicked lah. so i scribbled any answer on the paper and i can guarantee it is all wrong. HAHA. i left the 6m question and 2m question blank. i have to kiss goodbye to my 8 marks. and it's a CONFIRM FAIL not gonna be so lucky like last time. should have studied for history. never mind forget it. so after the teacher collected the papers, E.C, me and fadzli started talking to each other.

fadzli:walao. i studied china and india. then come out melaya. WTH lah.
E.C:i only studied SRI. _________ pardon me my english is poor. dont know how to spell.
christy: i more PRO lor. never study a single thing.

haha. funny. ok. then chinese which was damn boring and english we watched a movie black beauty. we have to write a story for holiday homework. LIKE WTFH lah. september holiday only one week and i am packed with activities. how am i going to spare time for homework sia? then mrs. lim camee in, did our self-study(which i slacked) and *bell rings* YAY! time to go home.

went to the library, photocopied some stuff 6 times(lynn, i am going broke) haha. before taking bus 28 home. ate instant noodles at home, since there was no lunch. then i played computer until now.

stress. tomorrow's maths and science. going to mug hard now.


♥Monday, August 28, 2006

27 August 2006

i am tired so i make this summarized.

today morning

woke up late all GREAT THANKS TO XIUWEN JK JK.. haha.. mars did not appear.. even the moon did not appear. sad. ok i woke up ate breakfast and soon i went to church.. it was boring. but i like the songs i dont know why.

went to tm and toys 'R' us,HERE I COME! LOL. went to minitoons to check out the stuff they have. before making my way to toys 'R' us. my sister had to buy a birthday present for her friend. so she bought using the vouchers she got for her birthday party. bought somethings as well. :)

sent my sister to the party.. went to parkway. the first thing i reached there.. IN THE MIND:COLLECT PHOTOS hehe after two months of waiting.. so i saw the photos and laughed over it. HAHAHA! ate mee rebus with fried kuay teow. before that, i saw fionacorrection it is fiona's sister, tracy. so i saw her and looked around. but never mind. she came over to say hi before leaving on the escalator.

after, took a shuttle bus to bedok. met xiuwen and ros at the usual place. then went to the library sat down and studied. haha.. we seem to be talking all the time. well soon, it was like 6++ and so we left and saw the pasar malam. FOOD! FOOD! FOOD! xiuwen has been thinking of that in the library hours ago. HAHA. so she bought some food. and we waved roslin goodbye as she has to meet her sister. xiuwen and i walked to the interchange. before she went for the MRT and i went for the bus.

i guess that's about it for today. i am nervous about tomorrow. and i was so unlucky just now tohit my leg against these sharp-edges photo frames. OWW! it hurts. never mind. just more worried about tomorrow. gotta go study. BYES! :)

i hope that things would turn for the better. i hope you know that it's you all i am talking about.


♥Sunday, August 27, 2006

26 August 2006

it's like 10.12pm in the night. andmy eyes are half-shut. brain has shut down. body feels weak. but i am still here to blog my second post for today.

woke up late ate breakfast and watched tv.

ate lunch played computer. and blah blah blah. went to 7-eleven to buy stuff. the journey was long so i sweat a lot. went later on to bathe. before i watched tv. ok today is like a boring day man! nothing to blog about.

ate dinner watched SI played computer. sms. blah blah. blog-hopped and read people's archives. eg.lynn and roslin.tagged people's tagboard and so on and so forth. now brain is about to shut down and bleh.

i know today's boring but hey! my life isboringwhen i stay at home all the time. i hate staying at home. sigh* never mind.

will blog tomorrow i guess.


♥Saturday, August 26, 2006

today's saturday and again i am slacking. not doing anything except playing. i cant help it ok but i know that i am suppose to study. but i am just too lazy to study. it sucks to study ok? especially when exams are coming on monday. sigh* it's like less than three days.. more to common test. plus this is the last week! before i have one week of holiday.

well it's like recently i am getting very pissed off by some people. they just annoy me every freaking day. i cant help it but i feel that i am starting to hate her. i dont know why but i feel the gap.. it seems that she will not care whether i am dead or alive.. i no longer feel a part of it.

will blog later i guess if it is not boring.


♥Saturday, August 26, 2006

25 August 2006

today i took the bus and crapped around.

geog. which miss osman finally remember my name but then again NO. it's crystalNO! it's CHRISTY>.< miss osman please get this name in your brain thanks. science.. nothing interesting. OK. P.E thought that 1c was about to die cause of P.T.. but there was something wrong with mr. wong.. he turn into a happy pie. -_-ll he forget his vow.. aiya but never mind.. haha we benefit from it! played free games and me and xiuwen seem to be more great partners! we dont seem to fight anymore.. :) I LOVE YOU XIUWEN!

recess;drank two jellyjoy. for some reasons, i enjoyed it! haha..

lit and chinese;BORING LIKE HELL. chinese we did something that noone knows MUAHAHA! assembly; also quite boring but also meaningful

after school; stayed back, ate lunch, confirm product with mr.lee which he seems exhausted. and plus the flower i bought.. i gave it to mr.lee ok i dont owe him anything during teacher's day ok? wrote quite a lot.

after that went bbt shop with xinmin, xiuwen,danica and dearest roslin.. first i drank bbt then i drank a soft drink haha.. LOL.. then talked for a while before going home in the bus. pei roslin today.. or should i say recently.. haha..

roslin;it's my greatest honour to accompany you.
xiuwen;we are getting better and better.. LOVE YOU.
joan;hey my best friend!
fiona;see you soon.


♥Friday, August 25, 2006

24 August 2006

hey sorry for not blogging for a while

these few days i am quite busy with the countless number of homework i have. i am stressed i never had so much homework in my life man. it's like now's just secondary 1. how am i going to adapt to the rest of the secondary life? sigh* anyway, today's already thursday. and common test is on monday. OMG what am i going to do? well, tomorrow's friday. last day of school for the week! but i am nervous. common test is coming on monday. an yes, two days lynn wrote how thankful she was for her friends. THANKS LYNN. you rock too. well but i am sure everyone is thankful for what they have. it's best to cherish what you have than regret later on. it's not i am trying to be a copycat ok? but i will also write how thankful am i to have these such great friends. not accordingly.

lynn; hey! thanks for being a great friend ok? thanks for sms-ing me when i am bored. you ROCK TOO! hehe..

roslin; thanks! thanks for listening to my troubles when i am troubled. thanks for cheering me up when i am sad. one of my greatest friends on earth in my life! and stay pretty ok? YOU ARE CUTE! and i have GOOD taste i know that. LOL.

xiuwen; hello ah wen. :) through we fight a lot but you are still my friend.. haha.. glad we are not ememies. and i remembered how cute you looked before. now still very cute!

yuqi; well hope you see this. you are my bestest friend i ever had. ;) i remembered you saying that i am a very hard person to understand.. umm.. i dont even understand myself. hehe.. thanks for being a great friend! well, after all we mix well. we are a good combination.

nisya; hey man! thanks for clearing up my table for me i appreciate it a lot! can i call you my nanny? LOL.. again thanks for being such a good friend.

edwina; one of the best role models i have ever seen in my life. OUR CLASS CHAIRMAN! 1C'06 truly ROCKS man! i wonder how 1C will be like without you for 1 day.

joan&fiona; hey primary school buds! i did not forget you all guys ok? you all are most probably are my besties in primary school.. one of the few true friends i have. thanks for being there to comfort me when i am down alright? hope to see you all soon.

wont blog for a while. hehe.. too busy. when i am free i will blog.

♥Thursday, August 24, 2006

20 August 2006

who the hell youthink you are? to control me and my world.. can you just get out of my world and disappear from my sight? if i like it and i want to buy it, is it got anything to do with you? NO IT DOES NOT stop controling me and my money.. i like the way how i spend it.. you may think i am immature.. GO AHEAD AND THINK THAT WAY! HECK CARES ABOUT YOU MAN!

ok, this is how i spend my day..

church.. which i sang 14 songs in a row imagine that.. my voice nearly died of lack of water.. hehe.. lalalalelelelololo.. LOL..

ate lunch at tm, bought a converse bag, went home to get changed and go to yuqi's house and do work.. on the way home, these two kids(yenyen and cherie) they actually have a weird version of HOT CROSS BUNS.. i was -_-ll and LOL-ing at the same time.. tell you all asap..

went home, packed my bag, left house.. hitched a ride from my neighbour to the bus-stop.. took bus 28 and reached yuqi's house.. did some work.. ok, maybe it's THEY, not me.. THEY did work.. and i took videos.. haha.. had break A.K.A RECESS!! :) a lot of food.. :p called lynn, talked to her for a while.. then we continued with our work or should i say talk? -_-ll yuki's mum was cute luh.. hehe..

soon after, me and xiuwen left.. no no, not for home but for BBT shop!! :) and we actually have to jump to say bye to yuki.. went to the shop drank (no ice) XP then again we met yuqi and family.. they were going to yuqi's grandma's house.. we waved them goodbye as we headed off for the bus-stop. talked to xiuwen till she boarded bus 17 then i went home taking bus 28..

reached home and blah blah.. that's about it today.

when you all said that i have a _________, my heart was aching. one fact is SOMEONE you're no longer in my life.


♥Sunday, August 20, 2006

19 August 2006

today's weird..

ate dinner at neighbour's house, then went to my friend's house to tune her guitar which she tightened for me until the string broke.. i'm shocked. so we played for a while.. and we actually played it outside in public.. she say got fresh air mah.. but i am straight.. weird.. so i wanted to go home and watch tv.. so my guitar banged against the gate and then the door.. my heart was torn a bit.. my GUITAR.. :(

online while watching tv.. noone online.. sian.. so i decided to write a post.. just now, i recieved a call from my mum's indonesian friend.. so she wanted to speak to my mum but she was not at home.. so i said my mum wasn't home.. then she was like your mummy i was like yah. then she so you are her son? i went ??!! i sound like a boy?! are you her sister? i sound so old meh? then i said no no i am her daughter.. then she like daughter? i like YAAHH.. so sad sia.. fancy being called a boy when you are a girl..

sigh* is anyone thinking of me now at this moment?


♥Saturday, August 19, 2006

yesterday was tiring so i did not blog but i will blog today since lynn is screaming already..LOL

18th august 2006
this is how i spent my day.

went to school,had science, geography and so on.. nothing interesting. P.E played netball as GS. score is 4-1 so we won. but then we got a lecture from mr. wong.. sad.. and one more thing:LYNN HAS REACHED THE FINISHING LINE.. it is not confirmed through.. but i believe she can do it.. I LOVE YOU LYNN :)

after recess, literature.. homework piled up.. sigh* followed by chinese.. com. lab here i come.. :) then assembly.. did some boring stuff.. school ended ;)

went for lunch, ate a lot o.O changed into full-u.. and started with the drills.. since i do not know marching.. then that T-L-V.. -_- made me extra sotong.. fall in and blah blah blah.. splitted into 3 groups.. me, edwina and hilary 1st group, ros 2nd group 3rd group chunluan.. did marching which i blur-ed out.. so i had to 1 to 1 to the NCO. so my marching was DAMN weird..

so i re-learn marching.. which NCO wendy kept using my hand and knock my head -_-ll my brain's being damaged! HELP! LOL.. then after getting the hold of marching i went on to L-T-V. which actually.. i kept doing it wrong.. but i got it in the end.. it seems that lynn saw everyone in 1C in NPCC except me.. i went missing you see LOL :) roslin's group good lah. slack.. my group serious like hell.. o.O

changed into mufti.. carry two bags and blah blah.. then that JUNHONG still ask me to hurry.. excuse me, my hand is about to break and you want me to run? are you crazy or something? watch SPDS before falling out and going home.. very tiring day.. reached home around 7 plus. eat dinner watch tv and sleep.

19th august 2006
which is today. today i am like sian-ing around.. in the morning ate watch tv afternoon ate made cookies and blah. now.. blogging before going over to my neighbour's house to eat dinner.. before coming back home to watch tv.. see? what a boring day today.

xiuwen tagged me
100 things about me
1. Name: CHRISTY :)
2. Middle Name: NONE
3. Location: Earth, Asia, Singapore, Kembangan.
4. Place of Birth: Singapore.
5 has disappeared into thin air!
6. Male or Female: Female.
7. Bus: 2, 7, 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 33, 40, 42, 67, 854.
8 has been kidnapped
9. Occupation: Student, blogger, geog. rep.
10. Initials: C-H-R-I-S-T-Y.
11. Screen Name:christy. I LOVE MY NAME OK?

Your Appearance:
12. Hair Color: Black/ darkdark brown.
13. Hair Length: a bit longer down the shoulder.
14 has been kidnapped by unknown forces
15. Best Feature: I leave you to comment on this
16. Height: 159cm(attempts to jump higher)
17 also kidnapped
18. Glasses: nope. i dont wear specs. :)
19. Shoe size: 8(big feet huh?)
20. Weight: I'm officially in the world of fats

Your Firsts
22. First best friend: Apribelle.
23. First Award: forgot.
24. First Sport You Joined: SAILING.
29. Movie: a kiddy movie
30. TV Show: ?
31 to 41 just commit suicide.
42. Animal: terrapin X))
43. Book: A-B-C book?
44. Magazine: Kids company i guess.
45. Doing before you started this survey: blogging.
46. Thinking: SOMEONE of my BEST FRIEND
47. Wearing: black tee and black shorts
48. Crying bout: being all alone
49. Eating: Nothing.

50 to 52 just POOF.
53. Listening To: music.
54. Thinking about: what i will be going later.
55. Wanting: being accompanied.
56. Watching: Nothing.
57. Where do you see yourself in 5 years: anywhere with my friends
58. Kids: not now
59. Want to be Married: not now.
60. Career in Mind: teacher/pilot/police force? LOL.

Which is Better with the Opposite Sex
61 and 62 went kaboom
63. Hair color: Black or brown.
64. Hair length: how like normal boys should look like
65. Eye color: brown.
66. Measurements: Cannot be shorter than me and average size
67. Cute or sexy: Cute.
68. Lips or Eyes: BOTH!
69. Hugs or Kisses: hugs.
70. Short or Tall: Tall
71. Easygoing or serious: easygoiung.
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: Spontaneous.
73. Good or Bad: good and bad someimes..
Sensitive or spontaneous: Spontaneous and sensitive?
75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship
76 THE TYPE OF BOY/GIRl: BOY-NEXT-DOOR. :)(i added this myself)
77. Trouble Maker or Hesitant One: NONE.

Have You Ever

78. Kissed a Stranger: NO
79. Had surgery: Nope.
80. Gone commando: No.
81. Ran Away From Home: Nearly did.
82. Broken a bone: nope and i dont want to.
83. Got an X-ray: No
84. Been on a cruise: not that lucky.
85. Got a car accident: Nah
86. Dumped someone: ?! NO!
87. Cried when someone died: Yeah
88.Cried At School: Yes.

Do you believe in
89. God: Yes
90. Miracles: Yes.
91. Love at First Sight: Yes.
92. Ghosts: Yes.
93: Aliens: No.
94. Soul Mates: Yeah
95. Heaven: Yes
96. Hell: Yes
97. Answered prayers: Yes
98. Kissing on The First Date: o.0 are you crazy?
99. Horoscopes: Yea.

Answer Truthfully
100. Is there someone you wish you had?: YES

Tag 5 people.

i know what to get le!


♥Saturday, August 19, 2006

17 August 2006

sorry from now onwards i am going to summarize all into good and bad points unless there's something exciting in school..

bad things:
-geography.. (must do so much correction)
-english formal letter(which i anyhow do)
-more work for history to STUDY! :(
-science chemistry (fail 7/1/2/19)
-maths(dont understand a single freaking hell thing..)
-DnT work to be done by tuesday
-NPCC tomorrow

good things:
-no english tomorrow!:)
-no history tomorrow!:)
-lynn is near to her finishing line..(JIAYOU LYNN!) you can do it!X))
-no science chemistry TOMORROW! :)
-music's interesting today!:)
-no maths tomorrow!:)
-lesser boring lessons!:)

after school, did geography before eating.. after eating, go and do DnT.. then went to bubble tea shop and drink bbt.. then go home! yippee!!

today is my sister's birthday! :) but so sad.. her eyes are sore and she is sick.. so unlucky why must she get sick on her birthday? sigh*

this is how i feel now:
as we knew each other longer, the time we spent is lesser..
the topic we talked were never ending but now it is so pathetic..
everyday we know each other more, the fights we get is always more
the happy times are always that short
the sour times are always so long
day by day, i cried louder and louder
and wonder why we never try
to keep our friendship safe and not fear
now everyone's being so clique-y
everyone starts to be mean and greedy
it was nice when we just kenw each other
but now it is a disaster
to let me know that friends cannot be trusted forever


♥Thursday, August 17, 2006

16 August 2006

these are what happened today:
bad things:
-failed history 10/25
-more maths!
-more homework
-i never hand in english breakthrough
-history chapters are:2,3,4 and 6
-which means that exams are coming
-DnT homework is getting piled up
-DnT's design making me so frustrated
-people mistaking me and ridzuan
-people laughing thus
-have zuo wen on friday
-have ting xie on next wednesday
-money flying away
-and wasting money

good things:
-noone found out that my hw is not done and not handed up
-finding a design for DnT
nothing else.

so that's about it of my day.. bah.. went to tm with xiuwen and roslin.. so roslin bought a present for her sister and i bought a present for my sister.. and xiuwen bought two converse t-shirts for only $20! ok, i am jealous.. LOL..

i dont understand this world..why some people get everything in the world when they are very selfish but to those that are not, the world is always so unfair to them.. i just feel no justice in this world.. where has all the justice gone in the world?

life's unfair. the world's not gonna change because of me, but because of that person. and anyoone else who has the same character as this person.


♥Wednesday, August 16, 2006

15 August 2006

this is what happened today. i will just make it short. being summarized up! all of a sudden, i feel thatTHAT PERSON really is TOO MUCH!

at school:
bad things:
-mdm radhiah came back.
-three periods of mdm radhiah.
-i failed the lit. test 11/25
-DnT making me feel like killing myself
-science lesson has to be conducted in class till the end of ct
-DnT having more homework piled up.
-more homework
-more lessons/revisions
-and feeling neglected.
good things:
nothing AT ALL.

after school i went to tm with xiuwen and yuqi.. xiuwen had to buy a present for her friend, si yuh. her friend's birthday on the 17th august 2006 my sister's birthday also on the same day.. so incoincidencely.. after buying, hanged around the mall.. which later on at the first floor there's this converse sale.. xiuwen want to go tomorrow.. but i dont know.. maybe i am planning to go and buy stuff.. :)

ate takopachi.. :) love it so much me and xiuwen ate it.. well, my wallet's empty.. so feel free to rob it if you like.. LOL..

then they went home taking bus no. 3 and i took bus 67 home..

sometimes there are just people who tends to neglect other people's feelings and even hurt them, i dont understand why they dont realize that they actually hurt a person's feelings..

today is just SUCH a bad day..

what am i going to do?


♥Tuesday, August 15, 2006

14 August 2006

today i had school like usual.. people falling sick and whatsoever.. well just hope that they get well soon.. :)

in the morning had boring lessons.. and blah blah blah.. well, everyone looking dull and dead like usual.. RECESS! still everything seems to be boring to me i dont know why.. after recess.. the same thing BORING!

then comes english.. the subject that i was so not looking forward to.. luckily for once, she did not come! :) just so happy so the class went crazy like they are high on drugs! LOL. so there were some practicing guitar.. some doing work(all the guai kias) some slacking and all the boys were wrestling.. :) hehe.. so i joined in to find out how strong boys are.. (cause' i was in a girls school once.. so a bit different) so i wanted to try.. won jing yong, pang wen and even eugene chin! well E.C was supposed to be the glory of all boys but the reputation was tarnished by a girl and that's me.. X)) hehe.. ok and btw xiuwen , I AM NOT SUPERWOMAN. winning E.C was just pure luck. ok, so i moved myself to the next step and compete zai yong.. his face was like going OMG OMG and face went so red and could not even smile a bit.. whereas on my side i went crazy and started laughing as he looks just too funny.. so he used his whole force and tried to like pull my hand down and win.. well, that was just a warm-up for him.. so when he has no strength i seized the chance to actually win him.. i was so close to making his hand touch the table.. SHUCKS! well, he sweated like hell and hao qian actually tell him to ''HU XI HU XI'' like giving birth to a child like that.. i went LOL. another trick. warren asked me to look there but i was not that stupid to be fooled.. well, to me, even if i lose, i lose with glory.. cause' zai yong cant even beat a girl within 1 minute! i am shocked! and being able to withstand him makes me even more proud of myself! ;) then he was trying my hand go down but it could not then he went'' wei shen me zhe ge nu ren de shou zhe me nan ya xia qu?'' haha..

after that was CME.. which was quite boring.. had some lunch before going to the library to do some research.. so yuqi and ridzuan came.. soon.. dish also came.. -_- ok.. so i was saying i was feeling stressed so the first thing he did was to press my shoulder using his hands.. hoping that i was relaxed.. i was like shocked luh.. so yuqi and ridzuan ran off not wanting to be ''dian deng pao'' well you two, gei wo ji zhu! >:( after that, practice guitar before going for it.. learned quite a number of stuff.. and guitar had to do pumpings?! O.o i didn't know that.. xiuwen and yuqi made 4 mistakes so times 2 is 8 pumpings.. so me and roslin did pumpings with them too.. well there goes a saying ''ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE'' maybe also because me and roslin misses pumpings so much.. LOL. so we were dismissed before going home..

we did not had to arrange the table and chairs as we did last saturday.. took the bus which all of us packed like tunas.. so like falling on each other.. imagine yuqi sitting down and actually falling off the seat.. T.T well, then this is my analysis of byes.. xiuwen:two times saying bye.. yuqi:three times roslin: FOUR times! i LOVE roslin! hehe..

btw we also saw our class photo.. nice all very pretty and handsome except me. i look weird.. o.O

i dont like it when you shout at me, it makes me feel hurt.


♥Monday, August 14, 2006

13 August 2006

actually i did not want to post, but since i was tempted, let me just post before going off, alright? >.<

today, i had to force myself out of bed.. to go to church.. yup i went church and this were when i laughed so much for the first time ever in church this year.. cause' one teacher was absent, so some students from her/his class joined our class so my sister and the others joined my class.. well, quite squeezy.. around 12 people in the small room.. so the teacher actually started the class..ok.. after a while, she asked us to take out this laminated green paper.. which she tried to find in her bible..but she could not find it.. and actually it was just in the middle of the bible and it was OBVIOUS.. so i told her and she look here and there.. finally she saw it.. all of us laugh cause' she was blur.. then she was trying to put something on the whiteboard.. and used the magnet.. and she took quite a while and said:''why doesn't this magnet stick? never mind'' in chinese.. then we told her that she put the magnet at the wrong side.. so we corrected her and it sticked.. all of us went LOL! especially me.. haha..

after church, went to eat.. the same food.. after we made our way to minibits.. which i was planning to buy ear rings but colud not find anything suitable for school.. but i bought a necklace with my own money.. then we went to converse.. which clara was trying to buy a pair of shoes with her own money.. so as she choose, i walked around.. which then i realized that i fell in love with two more colours! no longer like baby blue and black so much.. so guess what are the two colours! if you are close to me, you will know in no time! X)) ________&_________ are now in my dictionary of colours! :)

clara did not buy after all cause' too expensive.. well.. then we made our way to look for auntie yuyun.. my mother's friend. so we found her near ESPIRIT. and my mum and she talked for a while.. in case you are curious here's what they talk about:
yuyun: MEI!
my mum talked to her about my pimples.. -_-ll so she said that my face is unique and then it's such a pity to have pimples and blah blah.. you are pretty but first have to get rid of the pimples...................................... blah blah blah. i like to see your face you know.. o.O i started to blush as she said more.. o'.'o so then we left her and made our way to BATA.. went there because my sole of my old shoe has holes! so..

when i was there.. i wanted to buy the same shoe but my mother refused.. so in the end i never buy.. then my face charcoal lor.. LOL.. ate ice-cream to chill down before making my way to the taxi-stand.. reached the taxi stand took the taxi.. ok.. this is the scary part(to me).. so i went in, my dad went in, yen yen went in, my mum went in.. just as when clara wanted to go in, the driver took off and just moved.. so clara hold the door and move with the taxi with both legs still out of the cab.. ok.. that's scary..

took the cab home.. came online or quite a while went offline to do my homework and back online again her now blogging. btw, just now i just watched a funny show.. it shows examples; a boy afraid of mickey mouse, a boy afraid of a pineapple, a girl falling into the bin, boats crashing on shore and people falling..

and my sister yenyen just went bowling with my neighbour.. it's just so sad that i cannot go.. instead of zhong nan qing nu, i think it as zhong siao de bu zhong da de :(

back to homework! see ya'!


♥Sunday, August 13, 2006

12 August 2006

sometimes i dont understand some people.. they just make me feel so sad.. and angry at the same time.. WHY IS LIFE SO HARD FOR ME? i want to die!

just feel extreme pressure on myself now..


♥Saturday, August 12, 2006

xiuwen ask me to blog so i am blogging..

11th august 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO XIUWEN! :) may all your wishes come true!
today's a long day.. so i am summarizing this:
bad things:
-stand up for an entire period
-literature test
-people making a din
-ting xie
-boring talks.
good things:
-had P.E!
-no need to run!
-computer lab!
-got my sim card replaced! :)
-changed phone!

i am happy and tired overall.. and also a very annoying day..

and i did not forget XIUWEN's BIRTHDAY! :)

12th august 2006
which is officially today.. wanted to sleep but couldn't.. had to go for guitar.. so i went..

when i reached school, today is the first SPDS training.. and blah blah.. so we started and play and play and.......... still play until 12.30pm.. then accompanied yuqi.. went home.. bathed and got ready for my sister's birthday party.. i wore a skirt and pink polo shirt as clara begged me to wear it.. -_-ll ok.. so i cooked, entertained and fetched people from the bus-stop. might die of heat stroke as it is the hottest period of the day! X_x so all the kids were there and.............................................................................................. blah blah blah.. all the crap..

but one thing i can tell you is 21 8 years old or below kids at your houses making noises, irritating you, crying for no reason, being angry for no reason and not listening to you.. how irritating is that! so i was quite pissed off with those kids. so playful! >:(

and now i am so tired.. i wanna drop into bed now.. see you!

D&T work not done everything not done! just let me die!


♥Saturday, August 12, 2006

10 August 2006

today is probably the bad-dest day of my entire life.

it all started off in the morning.. that i have to wear a skirt because of my mum..so i went off and so on and so forth..

went to yuki's house first and gave her back her pencil case.. ok.. then setted off to tampines mall.. reached there and met xiuwen.. well.. i know i look weird.. we bought the tickets first since roslin is still at the mrt station..then we met her at mcdonalds..

shopped around before setting into the cinema.. watched antbully which was damn cute and funny.. well, sort of.. then we went to take neo-prints which xiuwen keeps putting her hands around people's head.. -_- then when we finished, happy happy..

so put my neo-prints in the pencil case.. this is when the problem start.. i lost my sim card..!! AAHHHH~~!! so i panicked and wentup and down tampines mall.. so xiuwen and roslin think what did i lose.. and i called my mum but she shouted at me and didn't care about it.. so i was upset the entire day..

went to the basement, ate some stuff and went back up in a escalator.. looked at xiuwen and roslin's faces made me feel like crying so i looked in another direction..

then after about half an hour later, i took a bus with roslin.. after that asked her to go home.. while i walked around bedok.. then she came back with her mum.. i am shocked so i reached home around 8..

how i hope i could hug you and cry when i was upset.

♥Thursday, August 10, 2006

09 August 2006

just wanted to tell everyone in the world..



♥Wednesday, August 09, 2006

08 August 2006

7th august 2006
which was officially yesterday. went to school.. had lessons a chinese talk followed by guitar.. quite a tiring day for me

8th august 2006
today. went to school taking bus 28. reached school and we(yuqi, lynn and me) were wearing the same t-shirt so united! roslin dont have.. so we were waiting for xiuwen..

went down to parade ground.. as we were going down, xiuwen was running up and such a pity she was wearing uniform because i guess she woke up late and could not find her-red t-shirt.. had this ceremony and blah blah blah.. all like so sian.. it all ended at 9.30am! can you believe it?! so early.. so we went to the market and eat. then we head off to tampines mall.. which we saw hilary.. went there where xiuwen bid us farewell.. cause' we did not want her to come.. so went to NTUC bought what we needed.. and went to my house..

quite long as long as half an hour.. go my house.. started immediately which the attempts actually failed.. but we did not ive up after all.. well the rest is for you all to guess..

and we had fun at xiuwen's house.. and so on and so forth.. that's all..

keep you all in mystery.. lol..


♥Tuesday, August 08, 2006

06 August 2006

today is SUCH a boring day.. well sort of.. half day of joy and torture..

today morning woke up at around 9 plus.. mum was screaming to get me ut of bed.. but i refused until she really gave me the last warning which i did woke up.. if not i might get slaughtered from her.. went down to eat breakfast before bathing and getting ready to go for church..

my mum also said that after church we will be going to tm like usual.. then we will renew my two years long of contract.. boy, two years pass real fast.. when i was 11, i could not imagine renewing it two years later.. now i am reminded that i am two years older.. o.O but i did not got to church because of clara.. i was angry because i won't be able to get my new phone.. but my mum say that she will being me in the afternoon.. :p

so i played the computer went blog-hopping.. hoping that the time would pass faster.. cause' i can't wait for the afternoon to come.. ate lunch.. then like slack around before like waiting for my mum.. instead when i came up she say she's waitung for me.. ok.. so i left my house at around nearly 4 because of my youngest sister.. she wanted to tag along..

we took bus 67 to tm.. topped up my sister's card and went off to M1.. boy was i excited.. waiting for 2 years has finlly paid off i am getting a new phone! queued for about 1 hour.. in that mean time, i actually seeked help from this nokia company hoping that he would recommend some good phones for me to use.. so he said that i should either choose nokia 6125 if not 6131.. both are flip phones.. :) have camera X)) and mp3 players.. ;) happy alright? and lots more facilities compared with my old phone.. i considered and considered.. 6125:$198 and 6131:$298 so which should i pick? i had headaches and i knew that my mum would nag no matter which phone i chose.. not forgetting the other frustration at home.. sigh* so i chose the 6131.. cause'.. hahas.. not telling why. so now i have two numbers.. one is existing and one is new..

bought dinner and went home in a cab.. took some photos on the way home which i think it looked good.. especially the nature.. when i went home.. the moment of truth so i went in. looked for clara and said out everything that concerns about the new phone.. so it's a miracle she did not actually nagged.. and plus the phone is not for free.. i have to pay my mum by installments! :( never mind.. still, i am happy that i got a new phone! :)

do not worry friends the new number will be informed to you all by sms..


♥Sunday, August 06, 2006

05 August 2006

4th august 2006
lots of stuff happened.. too lazy describe so bye bye to yesterday..

today went to school for guitar.. learn how to tune.. :) then prepared for dnt presentation..so.. we had drawing lots.. very unique.. black and white lah.. :p nisya and cherie thinks that i am fantastic by choosing the no.2 .. so lynn's group presented first.. then my group's.. i was nervous can? even mr. lee can see.. i talk very fast and my entire body is like shaking.. so.. roslin asked me to smile whie yuqi was nice enough to offer me her bottle of water.. so i screwed up and went crazy.. next was xinmin's then roslin's group and finally ahwen's group :d so as we finished.. we went to book our product.. then there were quite a few agreements whether should we go to tm.. so we did and we(me and my four dearest best friends) went to watch click. :) did not take neo-prints.. and was quite.. sad when i went home..

dont know why now these days i get fed up easily.. lots of disappointment and so forth i am like so confused..

who can help me in this confusion?


♥Saturday, August 05, 2006

03 August 2006

today i take bus.. to school.. was very excited about the photo-taking today!! then.. it did not expect to be fun.. more of sad.. sigh* well just imagine being shouted at two to three times at the same time.. nearly cried.. luckily got nisya and ruzana cheered me up not to cry.. so first we took the formal photo which all of us must smile but look calm at the same time.. well.. my face was like chao hei can? i smile like very forceful..but it was quite nice after all.

geography, english, history.. nothing interesting.. recess went for T.A.F like usual.. and blah blah blah.. science, music and maths. lala.. today's school is long but i summarized it! LOL..

after school ate lunch before becoming a walking advertisement.. haha.. did song dedication.. which the second last dedication was from me.. ruzana said:''to all friends'' but i wrote:''to my 3 dearest best friends and 1 unknown.. LOL.. message is:wishing you all the best for the coming exams and friends forever! went home in single deck.. which 1 stop after, we got off.. why are we so lame? haha. -_-ll so i went home in a double deck and we sang songs and cheers on the bus home.. yippee!!

when i got home.. i think my sister is unlucky today. today.. as she was skipping across the classroom, all of a sudden her friend's leg went up and so she tripped and hit her lips on the chair. so her skin tore and she actually had to go for a sugery to stitch up the torn parts. $165! gosh! but it has got to hurt man. she can't go to school for 5 days.. sad.. seriously, i think i might cry if i had to go fora surgery. -_-ll hahas.. my mother thought that she fainted when the general office called her.. my mother's so ridiculous. haha..

that time when i was shouted at and was on the range of crying, how i hope you were there comforting and telling me that everything's gonna be ok..

♥Thursday, August 03, 2006

02 August 2006

today took bus to school, did journal writing, then had maths test, maths, history boring, english like even more boring.. then went for T.A.F with lynn.. that's how i spend half a day at school..

after was chinese, had ting xie followed by D&T.. it was quite nice decorating.. so nice!X)) then extra lesson which was damn damn sian..

ate lunch very quickly then bought bubble tea.. now the last one's free! yippee! can't wait!did cheers in class.. then went off to tm.. which was quite useless.. or maybe just a bit fruitful.. went to nisya's house which she described it as ''messy'' her mother was very friendly, so nice X)) can see that her mother really loves nisya! after all, nisya is her one and only daughter so no suprise at all.. we did some research work.. which after we printed out and cut the pictures out.. re-doing everything.. went home about maybe 7.30pm? so late..

still remember yesterday my sister was cooking scrambled egg.. then the bottle of oil was beside the hot wok.. and so as i was talking to clara the bottle cap went flying in the air and clara thought i threw it off.. but after we realized that it is scientific effect! there's science all aorund us ok? LOL.. yah.. so it was quite interesting yesterday.. haha..

tmr's phototaking day i can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yippee!!


♥Wednesday, August 02, 2006

01 August 2006

today took bus and so on..

reached school chiong-ed for D&T.. and studyed vocab which i did know at all.. just anyhow tikam tikam.. hehe.. then got 23/25 dots.. -_-ll so first three periods was english and literature.. boring.. science did worksheet.. recess went for T.A.F.. to jog and help mr. sim/mr. teo out.. hehe..

after recess was D&T which all groups were not ready for the group presentation so it is dragged to thursday.. afternoon.. so we did some worksheet and analysis.. tomorrow mr.lee won't be coming to class so we have to do some work on our own.. that's so sad..

maths.. nothing interesting except that time when mrs. wee wanted someone to clean the board.. noone did so i volunteered myself.. then fadzli went:''christy are you ok?'' like duh i am ok i am not crazy ok? luckily mrs. wee got back for me.. :) went back and everybody was laughing at me.. sigh*

after school, went for lunch.. which chun luan talked about NPCC and say that i will be the future PTI.. uhh.. -_-ll not that i can choose leh.. is sirs and mdms choose de.. but anyway our boys in our squad.. like way.. down! hehe.. came up to class and practically instead of doing work, we are like doing cheers and playing? LOL! went to the library to photocopy papers 17 papers you know! times 2 is 34! so everyone was like looking at me.. i am like paiseh.. go to class and was asked to go buy bubble tea for yuqi.. she say time limit of 15 mins.. so i choing-ed there and came back.. nearly being discovered.. then she tell me just play play why you take so seriously? hello.. i in NPCC leh.. what do you expect?

after that we did cheers.. played with yuqi's pencil case.. then this guy vice-chairperson of 1H.. i know him but i dont know his name.. so i call him ''EH'' for short.. talked to him then those three people(you know who you are) a bit misunderstand me and that guy is.. hope you get what i meant but i am NOT! i am just friends with him and some funny things happened and those three people went crazy and laugh and laugh and laugh..never mind then i went home..

i am staying back tomorrow for D&T at nisya's house so i may not blog tomorrow.. sorry :P

♥Tuesday, August 01, 2006