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byyourside .
i'm your soul.


Christy, 19th June.

the miles.

Angela; girlfriend! :D
Chun Luan; Egg! 8)
Hwee Min
Hwee Sze
Jing Wen
Joan; AIR-CON~ ^^
Jorim; superjunior!
Kim Meng
Li Lian
LiJin; oneandonlyhope[:
Liyana; guitar senior!
Lynn; TWIN! <3
Mei Yen
Qi Shan
Shu Ting
Si Yuh
Wan Xin
Yi Ling
Yin Shuen
Yu Ying[:

my days, not yours.

April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
November 2009


thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

30 June 2006

today took 28 with lynn, xinmin and chunluan.. reached school and had science then geography boring sia.. followed by P.E! my favourite subject! haha one of the favourite subject haha.. but something bad happened and right up till now, i am still feeling a bit......... yah..

had recess then literature.. chinese then assembly... blah blah.. they had a briefing about the cross country.. let's hope i won't get lost alright? haha.. during lunch we saw the lunchtime concert performed by the choir.. it was like so refreshing to your ear and it is really nice singing.. but we were quite hungry so we went to the canteen to eat..(sorry lynn) when we about to eat.. then they were going like group 4 singing happy together.. all of us was like WTH?! then we rushed back to the atrium to watch lynn..(happy lynn?) went back to eat our lunch.. changed and went for NPCC..

did campcraft.. haha.. or should i say boring? went home after that..

P.S umm.. going for cross country plus syf so not sure if i blogging tomorrow.. excuse me.. hehe..


♥Friday, June 30, 2006

29 June 2006

today i took bus with lynn, chun luan and jing yong. so little people today right? sad lor.. so like usual, we had to go to the parade ground to assemble.. go class.. geography.. boringgggg.. english history.. recess.. make us run like siao lunatics.. sweat from head to toe alright? imagine me.. being so so wet.. followed by chemistry.. got a big big scolding from mrs lim.. then got practical.. yay!! music.. now all 5 classes in the same period of music!! so ridiculous.. watched chinese opera.. maths.. but the boys were helping miss yeo and got a punishment from mrs wee.. one hour of detention.. who ask they walk around the school then go back class.. huo gai.. after school, ate lunch followed by geography.. boring.. go class packed my table.. cause it was damn messy.. cleared up hilary's table as well.. i stayed back today mainly because of yuqi.. around like four then she came back to class.. she wanted to go home but ma and hilary did not want to.. so we dragged on.. go to bubble tea shop and drank bubble tea =p go home and here i am lor.. actually today damn boring day.. oh yes maybe not.. cause' i was asked by jun hong if i wanted to go for syf and i agreed.. yippee!!! everyone in 1C in NPCC can go!!! yay!!! well quite a nice day..

xiuwen and yuqi or anyone who may concern; i am still going for the cross country then the syf.. hehe.. today so happy haha.. great thanks to edwina.. and hilary who agreed to go cross country before the syf.. hehe.. thanks to all of you.. and thanks to lynn.. for trying to help me a ticket.. but now i am still going, alright lynn?


♥Thursday, June 29, 2006

28 June 2006

today i took bus with roslin.. was late again.. but i told my mum to wake me extra early tomorrow.. to take the first bus.. when i reached school, nearly everyone was there.. then.. like a lot of people crowd around lynn's table.. so did not went there.. saw yuqi and xiuwen studying.. so also never disturb.. decided to find danica and thank her for the present.. haha.. a lot of words hehe.. nearly time to like go down to the parade ground and assemble.. then lynn like call me.. she said:'' i know you are very sad''. i was like going huh?! why am i feeling sad for? then she said it was about the syf.. well, just a little disappointed.. everyone in NPCC in 1C gets to go except me.. so was feeling a bit devastated.. but lynn's says that she will try to get a ticket for me.. but i really don't know.. should i go for the cross country?

then had maths today.. which our sort of new trainee teacher came in, miss toh.. ok she looks very restless; no smiles; looks at us in a weird way. got maths homework(but finish liao!! yippee!!) followed by history which was practically boring daooooo...... my hands hurt.. then english.. (boring!) recess.. but had to accompany lynn to put the journals down to the staff room.. she's our responsible english rep!! yeah!!! lynn rawks!!! haha.. but counting the books we only counted 36.. two were absent so excused them.. the entire class was like 40.. ok someone did not hand up! we found out after counting the books one by one.. amelia and hilary did not hand up! we put it in the pigeon hole.. ok fine, it is bigger.. let me just name it the rabbit hole ok? which i realized that hilary's one was in one of the books.. let's hope mrs lim will see it.. we did not go for taf(as in running) but we took attendance haha.. lynn was talking to mr sim.. and talking about how she got the ticket. and she said that she will get for me a ticket by ''beg, steal and cry?'' uhh.. ok-.-ll but i said i didn't care.. really lynn, i did not care.

after recess was chinese.. we went to the computer lab.. did our compo there.. followed by homec.. quite boring through.. and the sewing was hard alright? it is not even yet finished!! well.. almost.. haha.. had extra chinese class where we continued our compo. quite short through.. really.. we then went home after that..taking this 28 bus.. there was this guy in...... he was like saying vulgar language.. nearly went nuts with that attitude of his..

OMG!!!!!!!! tomorrow, my grandma's coming to singapore from indonesia.. i have totally forgotten about it till my sister told me.. i haven't seen her for two years and she hasn't see me for two years.. i wonder how she is doing.. but her flight's quite late through.. around about 8.. 9 plus.. but arrive around 10 plus bah.. really can't wait to see her.. i missed her so much(even through she very fierce lah..) haha.. but the only problem now is that the moment she will see me, she is going to say that i have grown fat and even much more fatter than before!!! sigh* what can i do?

lynn i really dont care.. i really dont.. even if i care, i dont mind ok?


♥Wednesday, June 28, 2006

27 June 2006

today morning i missed the first bus as i woke up again.. took bus with roslin and lynn.. that's about it i think.. then had boring lessons then had recess.. go for taf again.. must run a lot.. until lynn say that i just got drenched by the rain.. haha.. then C & F. must do the plan and thingy like i so blur lor.. nothing to do later on so played er-ling-wu with yuqi and roslin.. poor roslin.. then i played scissors paper stone with yuqi i kept hitting her lol! but she hit me until my hand bo-pi leh!! haha.. had maths.. boring lessons through.. finished school.. stayed back to do my history assignment.. a bit like plain through.. now thinking of more deco to make it more nicer.. hope that lessons won't be as boring as today lor..

no poems today.. haven't write finish yet mah.. aiya i think i put when i finish.. haha.. see you people..

boring boring boring boring boring boring.. sigh*


♥Tuesday, June 27, 2006

26 June 2006

hey.. today is like the first day of school lor.. sian... took the bus with li lian, jing yong, pang wen, edwina, lynn, yuqi, xinmin, ei huan, faisyah.. should be noone else.. if i miss anyone out, i am so so sorry.

when i reached school, i gave the present, nisya.. yes, yesterday was her birthday.. haha.. belated birthday present, i call her 6 days younger and she calls me 6 days older, right? nisya.. i did not wrap it through no time.. but she say very cute and very nice.. that takes a burden off my shoulder. had a talk by the principal i think then prize-giving.. where they gave 1st 2nd and 3rd position in class.. hey! our class chairperson(you still are our chairperson, edwina=)) was 1st!! she set such a good example... keep up the good work!

our time table changed cause' there was some teachers leaving the school.. well, quite a change.. the pe change to friday instead of tomorrow! sad.. a lot of homework haven't do die die for sure lor.. haha.. for all the periods before recess, teacher-less!! haha.. of course the class sort of went mad and practically is mad!! well, i then started talking crap with my friends=) during recess, no more games for us anymore!!!=( instead, must run lor.. nearly died of unable to breathe!! then must jog 3 rounds.. lynn and i were like walking instead of jogging haha..

after recess, there was chinese.. forgot to bring my books.. opps!! got scolded lah.. i started writing poems.. haha.. all about this chinese class.. this is how it goes:

today i have chinese class
and i nearly miss a bus
why am i so unlucky today
to let my teacher have his way

he came to class and talk to us
now he's like a morning brush
everyday i will stay awake
if only there is a vanilla cake

now that he is talking crap
can you let me have some rest?
i burn the midnight oil last night
please just give me a torch of light

now that 15 minutes is already left
i am really feeling so stressed
time i beg you to hurry up
cause' my brain is about to shut down

haha.. that's about it lah.. i so sian.. followed by english OMG! never do compo.. haha.. but teacher say must hand in by tmr.. thank god. we had to do this resort thingy which we have to group into pairs.. i had noone.. but nadirah managed to choose me.. yay! at least got one partner better than noone right? and then i kept talking crap which i really apologize to her.. then got CME. quite nice the activities.. i like it when the teachers don't make us like write something and do some activities.. finished school then immmediately went home.. the bus was like crowded.. well then got home and eat my lunch and her i am!!!

going to the park later.. haha.. yippee!! going to do my homework.. at the same time.


♥Monday, June 26, 2006

25 June 2006

it's always such a sad thing when holidays has to come to an end.. can someone just tell me why? holidays are always so short but the school is so so long.. sigh* i may miss my friends but i do not want to go back to school..

it's just such a pity that school must always come back one day.. and education never ends.. my father kept saying ''huo dao lao xue dao lao'' even clara agrees so.. talking about it, makes me feel so like what lor.. study study study.. is it really what every child must do?

recently i dont know why but i started writing poems again.. ok let me just think of a poem.. umm.. here it goes:

i didn't expect it to end so soon
all the days i have been looking at the moon
the fun and joy and laughter i get
is the best thing i have ever met

homework comes when i am glad
its existance makes me feel so sad
it seems that i don't really care
but it happens to be there

there were times i stayed at home
there were times i am alone
but when i am really out
i always never make a sound

now that school is already near
i am starting to have some fear
my homework is not even half yet done
i so regretted that i had too much fun


uhh.. that's about it.. haha.. not that pro in writing.. any mistakes try to correct me alright? thanks a lot!

last day of holiday.. better spend it wisefully.


♥Sunday, June 25, 2006

24 June 2006

ok.. this is already the third post of today.. i am just too bored.. and then i dont know why but i started to think about life..

this is some of the questions that appeared in my brain:
-is life fair to me?
-does life has ups and downs?
-does life need to have some bad guys?
-why doesn't my life has peace?
-where has the peace in the world gone to?

it's like very ridiculous that i start thinking about this.. then i remembered quite a number of quotes that appeared these few years.
-always look on the bright side of life.
-let bygones be bygones.
-god help those who themselves.
-instead of hating your enemies, learn to love them.
-learn to love, love to learn.
-never give up.
-life is full of ups and downs.
-if you think you can, you can.
-always aim for the stars so even if you fall, you will fall on the clouds.

well, it is true that life is full of ups and downs so whenever we face diffculties, we must not give up! we must do everything the best we can do.. if you ever succeeded, dont be proud and continue to be yourself.. as one day someone might even be better than you.

i dont know why but i love to talk to some people about moral values.. well, that's just purely me alright? and some people think i am very fierce. am i very fierce? i dont know.. i have changed since last year.. isn't it? well, about this question have to ask my old friends about it.. haha..

it's just like two more days before i end my happy holidays..

why must school come so fast?


♥Saturday, June 24, 2006

ok i think i realy sian today to do two quiz.

1. Lose a lover / Love a loser?
Lose a lover. Who would want to love a loser?
2. Never speak again / Never see again?
NEVER SPEAK AGAIN. i talk too much. NEVER SEE? NOOO.. then cannot see my dearest friends liao!
3. Run 2 miles through / Walk 8 miles straight?
Run 2 miles~! i dont wanna walk so long a route.
4. Go to the beach / Have a milkshake?
Go to the beach! cause' i hate milkshakes.
5. Laugh when no one else is / Not laughing while everybody else is?
6. Drink 10 cans of soda at once / Never drink soda again?
SODA? can change to 100 plus or any other sports drink? then i drink 10 cans of it.
7. Have your pants rip / Get thrown in a trash can?
8. Work at Mcdonalds / Join the army?
9. Not take a bath for a week / Take a bath in a lake
Not take a bath for a week. I would rather stink.
10. Be an only child / Have 5 siblings?
Have 5 siblings! even through two is enough for me to go mad already.
11. Cry in front of your enemy / Cry in front of your whole school?
12. Win a million dollars / Get the love of your life?
Get the love of my life. X))
13. Be able to rewind time / See the future?
Rewind the time! I missed myself being young.
14. Be hated for who you are / Be loved for who your not?
Be hated for who i am. Why should people love for who your not?
15 Be absolutely gorgeous / Have a really great personality?
BOTH! haha.. i so greedy.
16 Go skydiving / Go scuba diving?
Scuba Diving.
17 Be loved by one person / Have 10 ppl who like you?
Have 10 people to like me! YES!
18 Love and lose / Never love at all?
Love and lose.
19. Befriend your enemy / Have friends who hate you?
Befriend with my enemy. I WANT MORE FRIENDS!

♥Saturday, June 24, 2006


I have to distribute ten of the most important confessions i have to make. Well here goes.

What were you doing in secondary school?
1. HAVING LESSONS LAH.. what more do you expect?

Five of your favourite singers / bands?
1. JJ Lin
5. JY?

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire

Five bad habits?
1. Daydreaming.
2. I sleep very very late.
3. Last minute study for my exams.
4. Repeating words i have said.(speaking twice)
5. Talk too fast.

Five things you like doing?
1. hanging out with my friends.

Five things you would never buy, wear , get or listen to?
5. Any CDs related to TECHNO..... MAKES ME DIZZY.

Five favourites?
1. Colour:black, white, baby blue.
3. Numbers:2, 7, 10, 14.
5. DOGS and ..........

Five people to do this?

♥Saturday, June 24, 2006

23 June 2006

ok fine maybe i very sian now lah.. ok? i will write what happened these few days alright?

21st june 2006
on that day i went for taf camp.. played games!=) floorball rawks!=p well, ok not that much. we then had a talk. we had chicken rice for lunch.. haha.. bought sports drinks for myself.. followed then that we played to sort of ''lazer gun'' thingy which was very very fun! played 4 missions in total.. then took our height and weight. we were allowed to go home then.. kamini and i went to the budget cafe and bought bubble tea.. i bought waffle as well.. that actually very fun.. but i made it sound so boring i am so so sorry..

22nd june 2006
which is yesterday.. was late.. and took one bus later i think.. lynn came as the teacher ask her to come.. a bit unbelievable lor.. she was very sleepy through as she just finished her camp yesterday and wanted to rest today.. but she has no choice but to come.. when we came to school, quite a number of people were there liao.. then another lynn was here! yippee!! two lynn(s)!! we played games today first, captains ball. when i shout ''lynn'' two heads turn haha.. very hard to call which lynn.. so we called lynn from our class lynn the first and 1b de lynn the 2nd.. haha.. we won.. as a result, the other group has to run one round. we then played floor ball then soccer then netball.. can see that everyone more ehthu than yesterday, i so happy sia.. we then had lunch. followed by a talk(part 2) [siao still got part 2 yesterday nearly want to sleep liao] followed by amazing race.. organised by the netballers.. we had to walk..no transportation. we had to walk the entire tampines estate.. without transportation. we started off first but ended up in fourth place.. hehe.. but very weird.. we are first to finish the questions, first to leave tampines mall, took shortcuts and ended up fourth WTH sia?! the first three teams sure took transportation back lor. cheaters! then we went home after that.

i went WWW. with xiuwen and yuqi. lynn too tired so dont want go. roslin cannot go. we went lah.. we played nearly everything! haha.. but my nose bled twice.. the first one not so serious but the second.. it could not stop bleeding.. maybe cause' i did not drank much water.. so we had to go back early just because of my nose.. i very guilty lor plus sad.. took the bus 21 back to pasir ris station. called cybelle thinking that i should take the bus back and go escape with her.. but in the end decided not to cause' waste time plus money.. so decided not to go.. took mrt all the way till bedok.. as i did not see the bus coming, i decided to walk home.. cause' wanted to exercise and save money.. i was quite tempted to take the bus when i past by one bus stop.. but i made myself not to.. i am very proud of myself even through i was very very tired but i managed to walk home from bedok interchange!!!

to that person who used my name to write such an insult to me; stop doing it!! it is annoying me and getting on my nerves! if i catch you, i make that you will get hell from me!!!!!!!!!

i am so not looking forward in going back to school.


♥Friday, June 23, 2006

20 June 2006

today i went to school early in the morning for road safety park, which was a bit boring lah.. we went late there so the briefing was like when we sit down, we haven't even sit for more than 5 minutes then the briefing finish.. -.-ll uhh.. dots? we then went around for the road safety park.. nothing to do.. then had a debriefing which was quite trilling, not boring..

after that, when we went back to school, i saw lynn!!! but that time she so wet~! haha.. so funny.. we then went to class to take our books.. when we were about to leave the choir people were like going, tracy.. bryan.. tracy.. bryan.. we also went along~! haha..

edwina wanted to go to bubble tea shop so we went along with her.. i thought today got taf camp so i told my mum that i will be going home at 6 plus.. it is to say no lunch for me? wahhh!! haha.. well, i ate instant noodles in the end.. then played computer.. after that, nothing to do so decided to sleep.. but my sister kept frustrating me and asked me whether i want to go to the park.. i slept until about 5.25pm? then my sister ask me to go to the park.. no choice go lah go lah.. but i very sleepy so when i went to the park, i was very sian and so not enthu.. played ice and water then cards..

before we went home, clara took cybelle's bottle and sprayed at cybelle and vice versa.. well, cybelle was more wetter than clara.. hahaha! we were planning to go to tampines mall to take neo-prints and play arcade.. well, tomorrow i am also going back to school for taf camp, from 8.30am to 5.30pm? so long!! so i hoped that there will be npcc training so that i can leave at about 12 noon? then can go take neo-print lor.. but i just got a sms that won't have training tomorrow.. what the?! my wish always never come true.. let's just hope that taf camp got at least one hour break for us to go for lunch instead of them of providing lunch..

why am i so fat? can just someone tell me? i guess it's my retribution.. XP

cybelle you owe me two lollipops(fine, make that two sweets) must be edible


♥Tuesday, June 20, 2006

18 June 2006

Your 10 favourites:
Favourite colour: Black, white and blue.
Favourite food: no particular food. i'm easy to please.=)
Favourite song: too much to type out =p
Favourite movie: Over The Hedge!! haha.=D
Favourite sport: bowling and nothing else.
Favourite season: season? dont know.
Favourite day of the week: saturday, i think.
Favourite ice-cream flavour: chocolate or vanilla! :)

9 current:
Current mood: feeling sick. XP
Current clothes: yellow tee and dark green shorts! =)
Current desktop: i dont know =d
Current toenail colour: normal colour! X))
Current time:9.21pm
Current annoyance: youngest sister! :)
Current thoughts: thinking about what to do later.

8 first:
First best friend: apribelle.
First crush: no crush yet.
First movie: forgot.
First piercing: around 6 years old.
First lie: 7 years old.
First music: huh?
First car: dots.. -.-ll

7 last:
Last cigarette: havent smoked. and NEVER will.
Last drink: cold water.
Last car ride: a few hours ago?
Last crush: -.-ll
Last movie seen: Over The Hedge
Last phone call: Lynn.
Last CD played: about 6 hours ago.

Have you ever:
Have you ever date one of your bestfriends: none cause' all are girls.
Have you ever broken the laws: i think so.
Have you ever been arrested: NO!!
Have you ever been skinny dipped: NOPE!
Have you ever been on tv: yeah! =p
Have you ever kiss someone you don't know: NEVER!

5 things you are wearing:
- ear rings.
- tee-shirt
- shorts
- watch
- necklace

4 things you have done today:
- sms!
- go out eat.
- listen to songs=P
- read some horoscope and stuffs.

3 things you can hear right now:
- my sister's voice.
- sound created by typing.
- my mother's voice.

2 things you can't live without:

Things you do when you are bored:
- SMS!
- play computer.
- listen to music.

And now, for the 5 people you tag:
- RARA ;)

♥Sunday, June 18, 2006

today is a special day for me so i damn happy ok? actually don't want to write cause' too lazy to write and now it is like 12 midnight already?! anyway that does not stop me from writing!!!

today i woke up very early receiving a lot of wishes from everyone(thanks!) had to cook and arrange everything.. okay must skip this part it's like so boring lor..

but something happened today which made me very happy. cause' one of my friends can come to my party she will be late through. dont tell you later you all will know what.

i had to fetch my sister to tuition(it is my first time alright?)and fetch roslin, yuqi and xiuwen.. and buy the camera battery.. so.. took bus 67(i purposely miss five buses before boarding 67 hahas.. then on the bus xiuwen sms me and said that yuqi is sick(again?!) then i feel like so diappointed lor.. met roslin at 12.20pm(actually suppose to be 12.15pm) then received a call from xiuwen saiding that she missed the bedok interchange stop. she kept saying''we we we'' hahas. she just blurted out the truth.. if you dont understand never mind. i then walked to the bus stop with roslin.ah wen call me again luh.. then we saw "her" and someone.. guess who it was? it is yuqi trying to hide behind her back don't think i dont know.. actually it is like so obvious that she is lying lor.. keep saying 'we we we' plus smsed yuqi phone then it says'' she ok already went to school'' i was like -.-ll then fetched my sister to tuition which i was really quite lost.. sorry for making you walk so much! roslin,yu qi and ah wen.

when i reached my house like quite a number of people come already. all the presents yippee!! i am nuts!! haha.. ate lunch then soon after went to the park and play! like so fun lor.. park friends mix with school friends.. so nice!!! we were perspring alright? i think my stamina has really gone down it's like argh! we went back as eihuan and company are here. talk and talk.. then my friend called but in the end she called roslin but i tell her i call her instead. was telling her where to like alight? well, they got really suspicious with my friend.. i ran to the bus-stop immediately which i saw the bus. she was like trying to call me when she saw me haha.. she came with her mother..

when we like reached the house, i ask people to keep quiet.. must give the wu jie meis a surprise! then when they saw lynn, they were like shouting LYNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok.. o.O i am like very very happy she was able to come. that's why i postpone the water game specially for her. =)

then we played water games.. hehe.. it's like everyone spalshed at each other.. then like when everybody like finish all the water bombs lynn and roslin then come out.. i was like NO FAIR!! how can we get wet and they do not?! so i like took the bucket of water and spalshed half of the bucket of water to lynn and then to roslin.(no offence) haha.. everyone was like quite wet which i am really happy about.

we got changed and played hide and seek, sardines then truth or dare.. i had actually to shout up and down the hill saying '' I AM A CHIO BU!" dots.-.-ll edwina and roslin so easy.. sian..

we cut cake then like everyone take photos lah.. but yuqi and xiuwen had to leave early as they were busy. before lynn roslin and edwina say want to go home. i lead the way.. but quite scary when go back.. so dark.

we ate dinner and opened some of the presents before playing devil in the dark. after aerin left, we were like chit chatting about holidays and stuff.. then yen yen and victor were twirling around like as if they were high on drugs. but they do wrongly liao. so we ask cybelle to demostrate for us.. i suggested it and clara dragged her out. she was not willing to do.. so clara was like'' those who want to carry cybelle say ''I'' '' I, everyone said. haha. so we carried cybelle three times in total. carried clara once. we then started taking photos(cybelle happy lah? enjoy life while all of us carry you) and talked about escape and their PSLE.

now at the computer actually can post earlier but all because of them i am late.

hahas had a fun day today gonna turn in 12.32 am of 18th of june 2006 liao.


♥Sunday, June 18, 2006

16 June 2006

hi people. here's how i spend my day today.

today i think about 10 plus my mum woke me up to go to the market with her. i was like what?! cause' i slept at 2 am today.. barely have enough sleep.. but no choice i must drag myself to go lah.. in the end my two sisters tagged along.. aiyo.. so troublesome with them along..

so... we had a long way from bedok interchange to bedok market.. when we reach there my mum bought these: chicken, eggs, noodles, and other stuff needed for the food for the party.. i haven't ate my breakfast yet! so i was like damn hungry plus sleepy.. then my mum went round saying it was my party tomorrow.. uhh.. -.-ll finally after that, my mum brought me to eat which i ate carrot cake.. quite delicious to fill my empty stomach.. i though after that we could go home because all the things that my mum bought is all in the sort of trolley and i am the one carrying.. heavy ok? but my mum had to go to the supermarket.. i then remembered oh yah hor, for got the soft drinks.. ok that made me wake up from my sleepy state.. thinking of how many litres do i have to carry home later on.. i took about 2 bottles of soft drink, 100 plus and root beer.. my mum then asked me to pick 6 bottle of soft drink.. AHH!! 6 bottles?! 1.5 liter of soft drinks x 6 = 9 litres of soft drinks!!!!! i wanted to faint alright? imagine carrying 9 litres of soft drinks and the other stuff won't you wanna faint? i dragged another four bottles of soft drinks.. i was thinking why wasn't there any ribena around.. as i was thinking about it.. i saw it!!! ribena!! asked my mother if i could buy it.. so that everyone would have their favourite drink hehe.. after that i went to this shop where my mother saw her sort of old friend lah.. then said i was secondary two(am i that old?) and clara's primary 5(is she that young?) it was raining heavily then argh!!! we went to the taxi stand which was quite far.. imagine your hand breaking now alright? my mum and sis went so front and left me behind.. hey!! i am the one carrying all these will they please be considerate enough to wait for me? when we reached the taxi stand rain even more heavy.. so when my mum and i put all the stuff at the back of the taxi, i got drenched!!!!!

now at home, showered.. just came back a few hours ago.. then my neighbour gives another present yippee!! but it's wrapped can't open it till tomorrow.. =( i can't wait so excited now.. but got to sleep early tonight.. tomorrow have to wake up extra early to help my mum.. then get ready everything before my party starts!!!! *EXCITED*

one more day!!!!


♥Friday, June 16, 2006

15 June 2006

today usually i will be staying at home, but a moment of fast decision has made me being able to go out!!! yippee!! today i think around 1, my mum received a call from my neighbour if she wanted to go shopping in chinatown.. my mum said ok lah and she decided to bring my youngest sister as well.. i was so reluctant to go as today i was supposed to go out to buy new clothes with my mum.. =x but later on, thinking again nothing to do at home so decided to go out with my mother.. clara also tagged just because i go, she go.. but seriously speaking, what can i do there? -.-ll
when we went there we realized that there was sort of a mall there but i don't know what it is called so don't ask me.. my mum told my neighbour's mother on the car that i was holding a birthday party on the 17th(a mini one actually) so.. when we were in the mall, she decided to give me a present. it is to either choose clothes or bag.. very bu hao yi si leh.. all so expensive in the end i chose clothes lah.. the bag does not really like make me like it and plus it is very expensive as well.. so as for clothes i had a hard time deciding.. luckily clara was able to help me.. i think? i bought a t-shirt that was actually suppose to be $29.90 but it had a discount of 20% .
then my mum bought a whatever 6 in 1 toliet cleaner, air-con cleaner(to make it stop dripping water), sofa cleaner,window cleaner, wheel cleaner(for any types of wheel) and last but not least, kitchen cleaner.. for like $108 it was suppose to be $138 why do they like to put it as discount of 20%?! oh fine, i heard from my sis that it is the great singapore sale.. i am not a shopaholic so i don't know ok? just as we were leaving the mall cause' it was like nearly 6? my neighbour's mother asked if i would like another t-shirt? i was like............................. huh?! never mind never mind.. but she insisted on me buying another one so i dragged clara along again to ask her to pick a t-shirt again.. well, this time i picked.. which only cost like $9.90? even through so, but the design quite nice, i like a lot ok? just that it's very feminine?

it's a pity i didn't bought a skirt, if not can match with the t-shirt i chose.. but never mind.. but seriously speaking my neighbour's mum is really generous, buying me two t-shirts in total of $30++ then we went to city plaza which she says that there is a place that their chicken is famous.. and she actually treated us 2 sets of chicken, two pack of fries and four buns? one more pepsi.. gosh!!!! so much!! and she actually paid about $20++ for our family and $20++ for her family so in total it is $40.70.. we had a great dinner today!!! yay!!

for my next outing maybe i consider buying skirt bah.. hehe.. see first.


♥Thursday, June 15, 2006

14 June 2006

today is a very very boring day..

when do i get to go out again? i am really really damn bored.. everyday nothing to do except face the walls of my house..

let me tell you some interesting things that happened today.

today morning at about 2 to 3am as i was awoken from my sleep i realized that my sister rolled from her bed to my bed.. diao -.-ll she has the tendency to do that.. i witnessed it ok? then i saw snatching my bolster away from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and so i snatched it back yay!! i thought back and remembered that i saw my bolster and her bolster on the ground.. i think that my sister has something to do with it.. and everyday last year i had to wake up everyday just to put the blanket on her as she kicked it to the ground everyday.. well, i do not want to fall sick.. luckily this year she did not do that so often if not i will really have extra panda eyes.. and plus i have to wake up very very early.. compared with last year this is damn early..

well it just makes me worried that she is nearly 12 and still kicking her bolster or blanket.. like this she acts like a small kid.. i remembered once too that she actually sleepwalked from her bed to in front of the bathroom door.. thank god that she did not bang straight into it.. but seriously speaking, she did not know she actually did all these except me.. she plans either to go either TKSS, Temasek or Cedar Girls.. sigh* all the good schools.. she has to study really hard for it as she is the same as me.. it's like 4 more months to her major exam and she is still not panicking..

ok.. when i wake up it was like 10 plus.. ok i admit i am a big fat pig ok? love to sleep a lot.. then like went down to eat breakfast, watch tv.. played computer until now.. see.. this is how a pig lives isn't it? i REALLY want to go out!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can someone save me?


♥Wednesday, June 14, 2006

13 June 2006

sorry people for not blogging for three straight days cause' i have nothing to say.

11th june 2006
went to church got my present! yay!! haha.. then went to TM ate, and then walk around lor.. nothing so interesting on that day.

12th june 2006
which is yesterday. i did nothing other than eat sleep and play haha.. did finish my maths(the questions i dont know) on that day.. went to the park finally and ran around a bit.. then we played cards.. my neighbour's mother came with her niece(from korea) and introduced her to me.. then she said:''christy, yuhui say that she saw you cleaning your house windows yesterday..'' i was speechless. do i really so sian until i go and clean my house windows?! no it wasn't me that clean the windows.. everybody laugh at me sia.. so embrassing.. but let me make myself clear one more time! i do not clean windows!

13th june 2006
today? of course still rot.. sometimes i have this feeling that i have grown even fatter. -.-ll then just now from 8pm, talked to yuqi on the phone!!! missed her so much! she went off for a holiday at malaysia and just came back today at 5am.. poor yuqi she must be dead beat..
well, that is nothing to be surprised of.. haha..

stop here for today.


♥Tuesday, June 13, 2006

this is for the good earth project.

The lands being sold are:
-two pieces of land.
(Owner:House Of Hwang)

The lands are no longer available.
All sold to Wang Lung.
Come back next time for those who are interested to buy lands.
For more information, please approach US!
For those who wants to sell their land, please approach US!!

xiuwen if not enough then tell me i edit again.
if missing something, then tell me.
i have a feeling that i missed something out.

♥Tuesday, June 13, 2006

10 June 2006

9th june 2006
yesterday i went to orchard for the first time with my friends, xiuwen, lynn and roslin..(serious.. usually it will be family..) yuqi did not come as she went for a vacation to malaysia from the 8th to the 12th of june 2006.. so only the four of us went.. but the weather was not so good..

woke at about 8.30am.. (quite early) as we were suppose to actually meet up at 12pm. during this period of time, was trying to pick my clothes to wear and eating.. and blah blah blah.. left the house at about.. 11.45? or was it 11.40? not sure.. but i reached there by 11.55am.. noone was there.. so i waited and waited finally xiuwen came at 12.05pm.. she thought she was the latest but she wasn't! haha.. in fact she was the second person to arrive.. then roslin came.. as she was on the escalator, we shouted ROSLIN!! she came at around 12.08pm? then soon after, lynn came.. so we repeated again and shouted, LYNN!! LYNN!! haha.. lynn came at 12.09pm.. but her handphone time shows 12.06pm..

we had lunch at somerset.. ate fishball noodles with lynn and xiuwen and roslin had japanese food.. all of us except xiuwen(she wanted to save money) bought milo which was very very small!! geezz.. then we went to a shop full of mickey mouse! xiuwen's favourite cartoon character!! i think..

then we headed off to orchard by using our legs! save money mah.. haha.. we went to the heerens or how do you even spell it? practically just see see see.. hehe.. then we made our way to taka.. even through we got extremely lost! well, then we somehow manage to find this shop called zara.. xiuwen and roslin bought the same striped t-shirt(but different colour) at $16.50 and lynn bought a grey t-shirt at $29.90.. i did not bought anything as my mother did not allow me to buy anything.. well, then using the directory, we found our way to the main part of taka.. where i am more familarised with.. there was like a lot of toys being promoted.. then there was this salesgirl promoted this machine which makes bubbles.. we started poking.. haha.. we are like small kids!! haha..

we then made our way back to somerset as we wanted to find xiuwen a swimming costume for her.. first john little followed by robinsons and lastly, og.. she finally found a black swimming costume at $29.90..(at least it is within her budget) 20% off.. so it became $23.90.. then we made our way to four leaves.. we ate.. quite nice food there.. then we made our way to the food court which we then realised that we wasted money on eating bread.. they bought a cake.. to celebrate my birthday!! that's like so nice of them! it was quite delicious!! but i did not pay a single cent for it and i felt a bit.. guilty? so i treated them to 100 plus.. haha.. sorry for finishing it so fast lynn.. hehe..

we then took the mrt and made our way to plaza singapura.. which we got quite lost.. luckily the security helped us the way to plaza singapura.. on the escalators lynn, roslin and i made a picture of a star using our fingers.. we kept asking xiuwen to take photos of it!! ok, we are lame..

the moment we reached plaza singapura, the first thing they wanted to find is the outfitter girl's shop.. but i was not.. i was more thinking if there was any neo-print shops there!!!!!!!! but we were quite blur people luh.. from basement 2, we made our way till about level 4 or 5? then lynn asked one of the shop owners and he said it was either basement 1 or 2.. we took a lift down to basement 1.. which when we arrived there, the first thing i saw was neo-print machines.. i was like yay!! and they were uh-oh.. haha.. when we walk past i saw someone that was in my primary school but she did not recognise me.. then not far from her, we stopped and were thinking.. thinking about what? i forgot.. then i saw someone which i do not want and should not even SEE.. that just ruined my day ok? we made one big round and finally we found the outfitter girl's shop.. meanwhile, i was more worried that i will meet HER which i hope not.. then we made our way to the neo-print machine.. which it turned out to be quite nice better than the one we took at bugis.. this looks very natural.. haha.. so funny.. next time we should come back to plaza singapura it is so so BIG!!

then we went back home which was already quite late when we got home..

10th june 2006
today both my sisters are going for their friend's birthday party.. yay!! all the computer to myself.. but my mum wants me to go shopping with her.. but never mind.. at least get to buy something yippee!


♥Saturday, June 10, 2006

08 June 2006

pardon me people for not blogging for like 3 days.. but i will write about what happened these three days ok? omg it is going to be such a long post.. and i have to post this cause' xiuwen ask me to blog blog blog..

6th june 2006..
ok on that day i practically rot rot rot.. so don't talk about it.. on that day it was a bad day.. had a hard time spending that day..

7th june 2006..
yes yes yes!!!!!!!! it was yesterday!!! yippee!!!yesterday we had to do the literature project.. at the bedok library.. i made a detour to fetch xiuwen from the mrt station.. i waited three mrts ok? but it can build up my patience!! hehe.. then we went off to meet lynn and roslin at the magazine stand.. but i seemed a bit blur.. if it was not for xiuwen i guess i would have not seen roslin and lynn at all.. we went off to roslin's house.. as we were going up in the lift.. xiuwen was practically covering her ears because of the pressure and the sound made by pressure.. roslin's house was very very high.. 20 floors.. it's like so so high.. make my house so short.. diao -.-ll we played monopoly and xiuwen was very very lucky.. got so much land.. roslin and i kept snatching her land hahaha..(right roslin?) lynn did not play.. sadly.. roslin's mum offered us beverages such as green tea.. thanks auntie! i looked down from roslin's window.. so so HIGH ok? you can see the whole bedok estate from here and the sea even! WOW! we went to KFC for lunch and we headed straight to the library.. we took pictures of each other.. we also got scolded by the stupid librarian.. said that our discussion was heard on the second floor even! the echoe-ing.. or should i say the buzzing? she's just exaggerating!!! then we decided to go back to roslin's house but we had to go to NTUC to meet her mother as roslin had no key.. roslin's mother treated us to ice cream.. i had the vanilla, xiuwen had the very very chocolatey flavour, lynn had the choc-vanilla and roslin had the orange pop.. it kept dripping on the ground.. poor ground.. xiuwen had chocolate all over her mouth! i am so glad i brought tissue along with me.. makes me reminded of my sister haha.. after going back to roslin's house, we did not really did the literature.. we played monopoly again.. i was winning this time!!! yay!! lynn was on the computer.. then we had another round of monopoly(with lynn, finally.) then a game of aeroplane chess!!! i could not start!! stupid dice! xiuwen kicked some of the aeroplanes(evil xiuwen! jk jk) later on i started finally!! i kicked lynn's aeroplanes mostly.. sorry lynn.. didn't did that on purpose.. so xiuwen was first!! indeed red brings a lot of luck! we had to go home then as it was like 6.30pm already?! then sent lynn home before going home.. so fun day!

8th june 2006
today is a boring day so don't talk about it.


♥Thursday, June 08, 2006

05 June 2006

hey people sorry for not writing for the past few days as i had NPCC camp.. 3D2N.. but now.....................i will not write about the camp haha.. too long+too lazy write hahaha.. and i will only tell some people about it.. hehe.. see ya' people..
sorry too lazy to blog today.

♥Monday, June 05, 2006